privateGPT MCP Server
by Fujitsu-AI
- clients
- Java
# MCP Client Examples (Java)
This repository contains examples for interacting with the MCP server using **Java**. Each console application demonstrates a specific operation and its corresponding server interaction.
## Main Menu
Choose an operation from the list below. Each example demonstrates a specific server interaction.
### 1. Authentication
[1.1 Login User](#10-mcploginclient)
[1.2 Logout User](#12-mcplogoutclient)
### 2. Chat Operations
[2.1 Start a New Chat](#20-mcpchatclient)
[2.2 Continue a Chat Session](#21-mcpcontinuechatclient)
[2.3 Retrieve Chat Info](#22-mcpgetchatinfoclient)
### 3. Source Management
[3.1 Create a New Source](#30-mcpcreatesourceclient)
[3.2 Retrieve Source Details](#31-mcpgetsourceclient)
[3.3 List All Sources in a Group](#32-mcplistsourcesclient)
[3.4 Edit an Existing Source](#33-mcpeditsourceclient)
[3.5 Delete a Source](#34-mcpdeletesourceclient)
### 4. Group Management
[4.1 List All Groups](#40-mcplistgroupsclient)
[4.2 Create/Update a Group](#41-mcpstoregroupclient)
[4.3 Delete a Group](#42-mcpdeletegroupclient)
### 5. User Management
[5.1 Create/Update a User](#50-mcpstoreuserclient)
[5.2 Edit User Details](#51-mcpedituserclient)
[5.3 Delete a User](#52-mcpdeleteuserclient)
### 1.0 MCPLoginClient
- **Purpose**: Handles user authentication by sending login requests to the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `login` command to the server with user credentials.
- Handles JSON-based requests and parses the server's response.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--email`: User email for authentication.
- `--password`: User password for authentication.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--email ^
--password secret
### 1.2 MCPLogoutClient
- **Purpose**: Logs out an authenticated user by invalidating their session token.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `logout` command to the server.
- Invalidates the token provided in the request.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token to be invalidated.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken
### 2.0 MCPChatClient
- **Purpose**: Initiates a new chat session with the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `chat` command to the server with a question.
- Supports optional parameters for public chats, groups, and language.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token.
- `--question`: Initial question for the chat session.
- `--use-public`: Optional flag for public chat.
- `--groups`: Optional group list.
- `--language`: Optional language parameter.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--question "Hello World" ^
--use-public ^
--groups "devops,hr" ^
--language en
### 2.1 MCPContinueChatClient
- **Purpose**: Continues an existing chat session by sending follow-up messages.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `continue_chat` command to the server.
- Provides the conversation ID and follow-up message.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token.
- `--conversation-id`: ID of the conversation to continue.
- `--message`: Follow-up message.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--conversation-id 12345 ^
--message "Can you provide an update?"
### 2.2 MCPGetChatInfoClient
- **Purpose**: Retrieves metadata and status information about an existing chat session.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `get_chat_info` command to the server.
- Extracts and displays information about the chat session.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token.
- `--chat-id`: ID of the chat session to retrieve information for.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--chat-id 6789
### 3.0 MCPCreateSourceClient
- **Purpose**: Creates a new source on the MCP server and associates it with specified groups.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `create_source` command with details such as name, content, and associated groups.
- Provides robust error handling for missing arguments and server communication issues.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the session.
- `--name`: Name of the source to create.
- `--content`: Content of the source in plain text or markdown.
- `--groups`: (Optional) List of groups to associate with the source.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--name "Sample Source" ^
--content "This is a test content" ^
--groups devops hr
### 3.1 MCPGetSourceClient
- **Purpose**: Fetches detailed information about a specific source from the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `get_source` command to the server with the source ID as a parameter.
- Retrieves and displays the source's metadata and contents.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the server.
- `--source-id`: Unique ID of the source to retrieve.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--source-id 12345
### 3.2 MCPListSourcesClient
- **Purpose**: Lists all sources belonging to a specified group on the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `list_sources` command with the group name as a parameter.
- Displays a list of sources available in the specified group.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the server.
- `--group-name`: Name of the group for which to list sources.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--group-name devops
### 3.3 MCPEditSourceClient
- **Purpose**: Edits the details of an existing source on the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends an `edit_source` command with optional updates for the source title, content, and group associations.
- Supports adding or updating multiple groups for the source.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the server.
- `--source-id`: ID of the source to edit.
- `--title`: (Optional) New title for the source.
- `--content`: (Optional) New content for the source.
- `--groups`: (Optional) List of groups to associate with the source.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--source-id 12345 ^
--title "Updated Title" ^
--content "Updated content for the source." ^
--groups devops finance
### 3.4 MCPDeleteSourceClient
- **Purpose**: Deletes a specific source from the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `delete_source` command to remove the source identified by its ID.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the server.
- `--source-id`: ID of the source to delete.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--source-id 12345
### 4.0 MCPListGroupsClient
- **Purpose**:
Lists all the groups available on the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `list_groups` command to retrieve the available groups.
- Outputs the groups in JSON format.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the session.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken
### 4.1 MCPStoreGroupClient
- **Purpose**:
- Creates or updates a group on the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `store_group` command with the group's name and description.
- Allows creation of new groups or modification of existing ones.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the session.
- `--group-name`: Name of the group to create or update.
- `--description`: (Optional) Description of the group.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--group-name "Team DevOps" ^
--description "Group for development and operations"
### 4.2 MCPDeleteGroupClient
- **Purpose**:
- Deletes a specified group from the MCP server.
- **Main Features**:
- Sends a `delete_group` command with the group name.
- Ensures the group is removed from the server.
- **Key Arguments**:
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token for the session.
- `--group-name`: Name of the group to delete.
- **Usage Example**:
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--group-name "Team DevOps"
### 5.0 MCPStoreUserClient
- **Purpose:** Creates or updates user details on the MCP server.
- **Main Features:**
- Sends a `store_user` command with comprehensive user details.
- Allows specification of default values for language and timezone if not provided.
- **Key Arguments:**
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token.
- `--name`: Name of the user.
- `--email`: Email address of the user.
- `--password`: Password for the user account.
- `--language` (Optional): User's preferred language (default: "en").
- `--timezone` (Optional): User's timezone (default: "Europe/Berlin").
- `--roles` (Optional): Roles assigned to the user.
- `--groups` (Optional): Groups the user belongs to.
- `--usePublic` (Optional): Flag to set the user as public.
- `--activateFtp` (Optional): Flag to activate FTP access.
- `--ftpPassword` (Optional): Password for FTP access.
**Usage Example:**
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--name John ^
--email ^
--password secret ^
--language en ^
--roles admin manager ^
--groups devops finance ^
--usePublic ^
--activateFtp ^
--ftpPassword ftpPass123
### 5.1 MCPEditUserClient
- **Purpose:** Modifies the details of an existing user on the MCP server.
- **Main Features:**
- Sends an `edit_user` command with the specified user details.
- Supports conditional sending of fields to avoid unnecessary data transmission.
- **Key Arguments:**
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--token`: Authentication token.
- `--user-id`: ID of the user to modify.
- `--name` (Optional): New name of the user.
- `--email` (Optional): New email for the user.
- `--password` (Optional): New password for the user.
- `--language` (Optional): New language for the user.
- `--timezone` (Optional): New timezone for the user.
- `--roles` (Optional): New roles for the user.
- `--groups` (Optional): New groups for the user.
- `--usePublic` (Optional): Flag to set the user as public.
- `--activateFtp` (Optional): Flag to activate FTP for the user.
- `--ftpPassword` (Optional): New password for FTP access.
- **Usage Example:**
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
--user-id 12345 ^
--name Jane ^
--roles manager devops ^
--groups hr devops
### 5.2 MCPDeleteUserClient
- **Purpose:** Deletes a user from the MCP server.
- **Main Features:**
- Sends a `delete_user` command using the user's email as an identifier.
- **Key Arguments:**
- `--server-ip`: IP address of the MCP server.
- `--server-port`: Port number of the MCP server.
- `--email`: Email address of the user to delete.
- `--token`: Authentication token.
- **Usage Example:**
java -cp json-20241224.jar ^
--server-ip ^
--server-port 1234 ^
--token MyToken ^
## General Notes
**JSON Communication:**
- Each file constructs and sends JSON payloads specific to its functionality.
- Responses from the server are parsed and displayed in JSON format.
**Socket Communication:**
- The files use Java's Socket class for establishing TCP connections with the MCP server.
**Error Handling:**
- The scripts handle missing or invalid arguments gracefully, printing clear usage instructions where necessary.
- Replace placeholders (e.g., `<SERVER_IP>`, `<TOKEN>`) with actual values relevant to your environment.
## Prerequisites
Java Development Kit (JDK): Ensure you have JDK installed. The code is compatible with Java 8 and above.
## Dependencies:
- org.json library for handling JSON data.
## Build and Run
Compile: Use the `javac` command to compile the Java files.
javac -cp json-20241224.jar
Run: Execute the compiled classes with the appropriate parameters as described above:
Compile: Use the `java` command to run the Java files.
java -cp json-20241224.jar
## Error Handling
Both clients include error handling for:
- Missing or invalid parameters.
- Server connection issues.
- Unexpected server responses.
## Future Enhancements
- Add support for SSL/TLS encryption for secure communication.
- Implement a configuration file to simplify the command-line parameters.
- Enhance error reporting with detailed server-side error codes.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This repository and/or code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, and use is at your own risk.