Safe MCP Server
by 5ajaki
- docs
Here's the core documentation for the Safe Transaction API endpoints needed for MCP server implementation:
1. Get All Transactions
GET /api/v1/safes/{address}/all-transactions/
Query params:
- limit: int (default 100)
- offset: int
- ordering: string ('-timestamp' or 'timestamp')
Response 200:
"count": int,
"next": string (url),
"previous": string (url),
"results": [
"executionDate": datetime,
"submissionDate": datetime,
"nonce": int,
"safeTxHash": string,
"value": string (decimal),
"to": string (address),
"data": string (hex),
"operation": int (0=CALL, 1=DELEGATE_CALL, 2=CREATE),
"dataDecoded": {
"method": string,
"parameters": array
"confirmations": [
"owner": string (address),
"submissionDate": datetime,
"signature": string,
"signatureType": string
"trusted": boolean,
"signatures": string
2. Get Multisig Transaction Details
GET /api/v1/multisig-transactions/{safe_tx_hash}/
Response 200:
"safe": string (address),
"to": string (address),
"value": string (decimal),
"data": string (hex),
"operation": int,
"safeTxGas": int,
"baseGas": int,
"gasPrice": string,
"nonce": int,
"executionDate": datetime,
"submissionDate": datetime,
"modified": datetime,
"blockNumber": int,
"transactionHash": string,
"safeTxHash": string,
"executor": string (address),
"isExecuted": boolean,
"isSuccessful": boolean,
"dataDecoded": {
"method": string,
"parameters": array
"confirmationsRequired": int,
"confirmations": array,
"signatures": string
3. Decode Transaction Data
POST /api/v1/data-decoder/
"data": string (hex),
"to": string (address) // optional
Response 200:
"method": string,
"parameters": [
"name": string,
"type": string,
"value": any
Error 404: Cannot find function selector
Error 422: Invalid data
Key features to implement:
- Pagination handling
- Transaction type differentiation
- Signature verification
- ABI-based data decoding
- Confirmation tracking
- Chronological ordering
- Safe address validation