
  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { z } from "zod"; import { Ajv } from "ajv"; import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { CallToolResult } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { downloadImageAsBase64, getClient, logWithTimestamp } from "./utils.js"; const ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: true, useDefaults: true, }); // Create server instance const server = new McpServer({ name: "hyperbrowser", version: "1.0.7", }); const sessionOptionsSchema = z .object({ useProxy: z .boolean() .default(false) .describe("Whether to use a proxy. Recommended true."), useStealth: z .boolean() .default(false) .describe("Whether to use stealth mode. Recommended false."), solveCaptchas: z .boolean() .default(false) .describe("Whether to solve captchas. Recommended false."), acceptCookies: z .boolean() .default(false) .describe( "Whether to automatically close the accept cookies popup. Recommended false." ), }) .optional() .describe( "Options for the browser session. Avoid setting these if not mentioned explicitly" ); const apiKeySchema = z .string() .optional() .describe("The API key to use for the scrape"); // Register hyperbrowser tools server.tool( "scrape_webpage", "Scrape a webpage and extract its content in various formats. This tool allows fetching content from a single URL with configurable browser behavior options. Use this for extracting text content, HTML structure, collecting links, or capturing screenshots of webpages.", { url: z.string().url().describe("The URL of the webpage to scrape"), apiKey: apiKeySchema, sessionOptions: sessionOptionsSchema, outputFormat: z .array(z.enum(["markdown", "html", "links", "screenshot"])) .min(1) .describe("The format of the output"), }, async ({ url, apiKey, sessionOptions, outputFormat, }): Promise<CallToolResult> => { const currentApiKey = apiKey ?? process.env.HB_API_KEY ?? process.env.HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY; if (!currentApiKey) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "No API key provided or found in environment variables", }, ], isError: true, }; } const client = await getClient(currentApiKey); const result = await client.scrape.startAndWait({ url, sessionOptions, scrapeOptions: { formats: outputFormat, }, }); if (result.error) { return { isError: true, content: [ { type: "text", text: result.error, }, ], }; } const response: CallToolResult = { content: [], isError: false, }; if (result.data?.markdown) { response.content.push({ type: "text", text: result.data.markdown, }); } if (result.data?.html) { response.content.push({ type: "text", text: result.data.html, }); } if (result.data?.links) { result.data.links.forEach((link) => { response.content.push({ type: "resource", resource: { uri: link, text: link, }, }); }); } if (result.data?.screenshot) { const imageData = await downloadImageAsBase64(result.data.screenshot); if (!imageData) { response.content.push({ type: "text", text: "Failed to get screenshot", }); response.isError = true; } else { response.content.push({ type: "image", data: imageData.data, mimeType: imageData.mimeType, }); } } return response; } ); server.tool( "extract_structured_data", "Extract structured data from one or more webpages according to a specified schema. This tool parses webpage content and returns JSON-formatted data based on your prompt instructions. Ideal for extracting product information, article metadata, contact details, or any structured content from websites.", { urls: z .array(z.string().url()) .describe( "The list of URLs of the webpages to extract structured information from. Can include wildcards (e.g. https://example.com/*)" ), apiKey: apiKeySchema, prompt: z.string().describe("The prompt to use for the extraction"), schema: z .any({}) .transform((schema) => { if (!schema) { return false; } else { try { if (typeof schema === "string") { try { const parsedSchema = JSON.parse(schema); const validate = ajv.compile(parsedSchema); if (typeof validate === "function") { return parsedSchema; } else { return undefined; } } catch (err) { return undefined; } } else { const validate = ajv.compile(schema); if (typeof validate === "function") { return schema; } else { return undefined; } } } catch (err) { return false; } } }) .describe( "The json schema to use for the extraction. Must provide an object describing a spec compliant json schema, any other types are invalid." ), sessionOptions: sessionOptionsSchema, }, async ({ urls, apiKey, sessionOptions, prompt, schema, }): Promise<CallToolResult> => { const currentApiKey = apiKey ?? process.env.HB_API_KEY ?? process.env.HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY; if (!currentApiKey) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "No API key provided or found in environment variables", }, ], isError: true, }; } const client = await getClient(currentApiKey); const params = { urls, sessionOptions, prompt, schema, }; const result = await client.extract.startAndWait(params); if (result.error) { return { isError: true, content: [ { type: "text", text: result.error, }, ], }; } const response: CallToolResult = { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(result.data, null, 2), }, ], isError: false, }; return response; } ); server.tool( "crawl_webpages", "Crawl a website starting from a URL and explore linked pages. This tool allows systematic collection of content from multiple pages within a domain. Use this for larger data collection tasks, content indexing, or site mapping.", { url: z.string().url().describe("The URL of the webpage to crawl."), apiKey: apiKeySchema, sessionOptions: sessionOptionsSchema, outputFormat: z .array(z.enum(["markdown", "html", "links", "screenshot"])) .min(1) .describe("The format of the output"), followLinks: z .boolean() .describe("Whether to follow links on the crawled webpages"), maxPages: z .number() .int() .positive() .finite() .safe() .min(1) .max(1000) .default(10), ignoreSitemap: z.boolean().default(false), }, async ({ url, apiKey, sessionOptions, outputFormat, ignoreSitemap, followLinks, maxPages, }): Promise<CallToolResult> => { const currentApiKey = apiKey ?? process.env.HB_API_KEY ?? process.env.HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY; if (!currentApiKey) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "No API key provided or found in environment variables", }, ], isError: true, }; } const client = await getClient(currentApiKey); const result = await client.crawl.startAndWait({ url, sessionOptions, scrapeOptions: { formats: outputFormat, }, maxPages, ignoreSitemap, followLinks, }); if (result.error) { return { isError: true, content: [ { type: "text", text: result.error, }, ], }; } const response: CallToolResult = { content: [], isError: false, }; result.data?.forEach((page) => { if (page?.markdown) { response.content.push({ type: "text", text: page.markdown, }); } if (page?.html) { response.content.push({ type: "text", text: page.html, }); } if (page?.links) { page.links.forEach((link) => { response.content.push({ type: "resource", resource: { uri: link, text: link, }, }); }); } if (page?.screenshot) { response.content.push({ type: "image", data: page.screenshot, mimeType: "image/webp", }); } }); return response; } ); server.tool( "browser_use", "Perform a certain task inside a browser session. Will perform the entirety of the task inside the browser, and return the results.", { task: z.string().describe("The task to perform inside the browser"), apiKey: apiKeySchema, sessionOptions: sessionOptionsSchema, returnStepInfo: z .boolean() .default(false) .describe( "Whether to return step-by-step information about the task.Should be false by default. May contain excessive information." ), maxSteps: z .number() .int() .positive() .finite() .safe() .min(1) .max(1000) .default(10), }, async ({ task, apiKey, sessionOptions, returnStepInfo, maxSteps, }): Promise<CallToolResult> => { const currentApiKey = apiKey ?? process.env.HB_API_KEY ?? process.env.HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY; if (!currentApiKey) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "No API key provided or found in environment variables", }, ], isError: true, }; } const client = await getClient(currentApiKey); const result = await client.beta.agents.browserUse.startAndWait({ task, sessionOptions, maxSteps, }); if (result.error) { return { isError: true, content: [ { type: "text", text: result.error, }, ], }; } const response: CallToolResult = { content: [], isError: false, }; if (result.data) { let taskData = result.data; if (!returnStepInfo) { taskData.steps = []; } response.content.push({ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(taskData), }); } else { response.content.push({ type: "text", text: "Task result data is empty/missing", isError: true, }); } return response; } ); // Start the server async function main() { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); logWithTimestamp({ data: "hyperbrowser MCP Server running on stdio" }); } main().catch((error) => { logWithTimestamp({ level: "error", data: ["Fatal error in main():", error], }); process.exit(1); });