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[![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") API Reference ash\_rbac v0.6.1 ## [](api-reference.html#modules)Modules [AshRbac](AshRbac.html) [AshRbac.Actions](AshRbac.Actions.html) Adds the policies for actions to the dsl\_state [AshRbac.Fields](AshRbac.Fields.html) Adds the policies for fields to the dsl\_state [AshRbac.HasRole](AshRbac.HasRole.html) Check to determine if the actor has a specific role or if the actor has any of the roles in a list [AshRbac.Info](AshRbac.Info.html) Introspection functions for the Rbac Extension [AshRbac.Policies](AshRbac.Policies.html) Adds the configured policies to the resource [AshRbac.Role](AshRbac.Role.html) The Role entity for the DSL of the rbac extension [Next Page → Getting Started](getting_started.html) [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac.Actions (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) Adds the policies for actions to the dsl\_state # [](AshRbac.Actions.html#summary)Summary ## [Functions](AshRbac.Actions.html#functions) [after?(\_)](AshRbac.Actions.html#after?/1) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after?/1). [after\_compile?()](AshRbac.Actions.html#after_compile?/0) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after_compile?/0`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after_compile?/0). [before?(\_)](AshRbac.Actions.html#before?/1) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.before?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:before?/1). # [](AshRbac.Actions.html#functions)Functions [Link to this function](AshRbac.Actions.html#after?/1 "Link to this function") # after?(\_) [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after?/1). [Link to this function](AshRbac.Actions.html#after_compile?/0 "Link to this function") # after\_compile?() [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after_compile?/0`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after_compile?/0). [Link to this function](AshRbac.Actions.html#before?/1 "Link to this function") # before?(\_) [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.before?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:before?/1). [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac.Fields (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) Adds the policies for fields to the dsl\_state # [](AshRbac.Fields.html#summary)Summary ## [Functions](AshRbac.Fields.html#functions) [after?(\_)](AshRbac.Fields.html#after?/1) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after?/1). [after\_compile?()](AshRbac.Fields.html#after_compile?/0) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after_compile?/0`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after_compile?/0). [before?(\_)](AshRbac.Fields.html#before?/1) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.before?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:before?/1). # [](AshRbac.Fields.html#functions)Functions [Link to this function](AshRbac.Fields.html#after?/1 "Link to this function") # after?(\_) [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after?/1). [Link to this function](AshRbac.Fields.html#after_compile?/0 "Link to this function") # after\_compile?() [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after_compile?/0`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after_compile?/0). [Link to this function](AshRbac.Fields.html#before?/1 "Link to this function") # before?(\_) [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.before?/1`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:before?/1). [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac.HasRole (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) Check to determine if the actor has a specific role or if the actor has any of the roles in a list # [](AshRbac.HasRole.html#summary)Summary ## [Functions](AshRbac.HasRole.html#functions) [prefer\_expanded\_description?()](AshRbac.HasRole.html#prefer_expanded_description?/0) Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.prefer_expanded_description?/0`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:prefer_expanded_description?/0). [requires\_original\_data?(\_, \_)](AshRbac.HasRole.html#requires_original_data?/2) Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.requires_original_data?/2`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:requires_original_data?/2). [strict\_check(actor, context, opts)](AshRbac.HasRole.html#strict_check/3) Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.strict_check/3`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:strict_check/3). [type()](AshRbac.HasRole.html#type/0) Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.type/0`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:type/0). # [](AshRbac.HasRole.html#functions)Functions [Link to this function](AshRbac.HasRole.html#prefer_expanded_description?/0 "Link to this function") # prefer\_expanded\_description?() [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.prefer_expanded_description?/0`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:prefer_expanded_description?/0). [Link to this function](AshRbac.HasRole.html#requires_original_data?/2 "Link to this function") # requires\_original\_data?(\_, \_) [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.requires_original_data?/2`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:requires_original_data?/2). [Link to this function](AshRbac.HasRole.html#strict_check/3 "Link to this function") # strict\_check(actor, context, opts) [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.strict_check/3`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:strict_check/3). [Link to this function](AshRbac.HasRole.html#type/0 "Link to this function") # type() [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Ash.Policy.Check.type/0`](../ash/3.4.21/Ash.Policy.Check.html#c:type/0). [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) # [](AshRbac.html#summary)Summary ## [Functions](AshRbac.html#functions) [rbac(body)](AshRbac.html#rbac/1) # [](AshRbac.html#functions)Functions [Link to this macro](AshRbac.html#rbac/1 "Link to this macro") # rbac(body) [View Source]( "View Source") (macro) [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac.Info (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) Introspection functions for the Rbac Extension # [](AshRbac.Info.html#summary)Summary ## [Functions](AshRbac.Info.html#functions) [bypass(resource)](AshRbac.Info.html#bypass/1) [bypass\_roles\_field(resource)](AshRbac.Info.html#bypass_roles_field/1) [public?(resource)](AshRbac.Info.html#public?/1) [roles(resource)](AshRbac.Info.html#roles/1) # [](AshRbac.Info.html#functions)Functions [Link to this function](AshRbac.Info.html#bypass/1 "Link to this function") # bypass(resource) [View Source]( "View Source") [Link to this function](AshRbac.Info.html#bypass_roles_field/1 "Link to this function") # bypass\_roles\_field(resource) [View Source]( "View Source") [Link to this function](AshRbac.Info.html#public?/1 "Link to this function") # public?(resource) [View Source]( "View Source") [Link to this function](AshRbac.Info.html#roles/1 "Link to this function") # roles(resource) [View Source]( "View Source") [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac.Policies (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) Adds the configured policies to the resource # [](AshRbac.Policies.html#summary)Summary ## [Functions](AshRbac.Policies.html#functions) [after\_compile?()](AshRbac.Policies.html#after_compile?/0) Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after_compile?/0`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after_compile?/0). # [](AshRbac.Policies.html#functions)Functions [Link to this function](AshRbac.Policies.html#after_compile?/0 "Link to this function") # after\_compile?() [View Source]( "View Source") Callback implementation for [`Spark.Dsl.Transformer.after_compile?/0`](../spark/2.2.31/Spark.Dsl.Transformer.html#c:after_compile?/0). [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac.Role (ash\_rbac v0.6.1) The Role entity for the DSL of the rbac extension [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") Getting Started ## [](getting_started.html#installation)Installation Add the ash\_rbac dependency to your mix.exs ``` defp deps do [ {:ash_rbac, "~> 0.6.1"} ] end ``` ## [](getting_started.html#adding-ashrbac-to-your-resource)Adding AshRbac to your resource First, the authorizer and the extension need to be added. ``` defmodule RootResource do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer], # Add the authorizer extensions: [AshRbac] # Add the extension ... end ``` Afterwards, you can add a rbac block to your resource. ``` rbac do role :user do fields [:name, :email] actions [:read] end end ``` The options defined in the rbac block are transformed into policies during compile time. The previous example will generate the following policies: ``` field_policies do field_policy [:name, :email], [{AshRbac.HasRole, [role: [:user]]}] do authorize_if always() end # it also adds a policy for all other fields like this field_policy [:other_fields, ...] do forbid_if always() end end policies do policy [action(:read), {AshRbac.HasRole, [role: [:user]]}] do authorize_if always() end end ``` It is possible to add extra conditions to fields and actions: ``` rbac do role :user do fields [:name, {:email, actor_attribute_equals(:field, "value")}] actions [{:read, accessing_from(RelatedResource, :path)}] end end ``` The conditions are added to the generated policies as well. ``` field_policies do field_policy [:name], [{AshRbac.HasRole, [role: [:user]]}] do authorize_if always() end field_policy [:email], [{AshRbac.HasRole, [role: [:user], actor_attribute_equals(:field, "value")]}] do authorize_if always() end # it also adds a policy for all other fields like this field_policy [:other_fields, ...] do forbid_if always() end end policies do policy [action(:read), {hAshRbac.HasRole, [role: [:user]]}, accessing_from(RelatedResource, :path)] do authorize_if always() end end ``` [← Previous Page API Reference](api-reference.html) [Next Page → Relationships](relationships.html) [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( ([current file]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") AshRbac A small extension that allows for easier application of policies ``` rbac do role :user do fields [:fields, :user, :can, :see] actions [:actions, :user, :can :use] end end ``` ## [](readme.html#installation)Installation The package can be installed by adding `ash_rbac` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`: ``` def deps do [ {:ash_rbac, "~> 0.6.1"}, ] end ``` Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc]( and published on [HexDocs](../index.html). Once published, the docs can be found at [\_rbac](../ash_rbac.html). [← Previous Page Relationships](relationships.html) [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( ([current file]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir") [![ash_rbac](assets/logo.png)]( [ash\_rbac]( v0.6.1 - Pages - Modules <!--THE END--> <!--THE END--> Search documentation of ash\_rbac Settings # [View Source]( "View Source") Relationships As relationships are not part of field policies it is necessary to protect them with an action policy. This can be done by passing a custom condition to the action. ``` # only allow read access if accessed from a parent rbac do role :user do actions [ {:read, accessing_from(Parent, :child)} ] end end # result policies do policy [action(:read), accessing_from(Parent, :child)] do authorize_if {AshRbac.HasRole, [role: :user]} end end ``` [← Previous Page Getting Started](getting_started.html) [Next Page → Readme](readme.html) [Hex Package]( [Hex Preview]( ([current file]( Search HexDocs [Download ePub version](ash_rbac.epub "ePub version") Built using [ExDoc]( "ExDoc") (v0.34.2) for the [Elixir programming language]( "Elixir")