Email Checker MCP Server

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export interface PostTweetArgs { text: string; } export interface PostTweetWithMediaArgs { text: string; mediaPath: string; mediaType: 'image/jpeg' | 'image/png' | 'image/gif' | 'video/mp4'; altText?: string; } export interface SearchTweetsArgs { query: string; since?: string; until?: string; tweetFields?: string[]; } export interface ReplyToTweetArgs { tweetId: string; text: string; } export interface GetUserTimelineArgs { username: string; } export interface GetTweetByIdArgs { tweetId: string; } export interface GetUserInfoArgs { username: string; } export interface GetTweetsByIdsArgs { tweetIds: string[]; tweetFields?: string[]; } export interface LikeTweetArgs { tweetId: string; } export interface UnlikeTweetArgs { tweetId: string; } export interface GetLikedTweetsArgs { userId: string; maxResults?: number; tweetFields?: string[]; } export interface RetweetArgs { tweetId: string; } export interface UndoRetweetArgs { tweetId: string; } export interface GetRetweetsArgs { tweetId: string; maxResults?: number; userFields?: string[]; } export interface FollowUserArgs { username: string; } export interface UnfollowUserArgs { username: string; } export interface GetFollowersArgs { username: string; maxResults?: number; userFields?: string[]; } export interface GetFollowingArgs { username: string; maxResults?: number; userFields?: string[]; } export interface CreateListArgs { name: string; description?: string; private?: boolean; } export interface AddUserToListArgs { listId: string; username: string; } export interface RemoveUserFromListArgs { listId: string; username: string; } export interface GetListMembersArgs { listId: string; maxResults?: number; userFields?: string[]; } export interface GetUserListsArgs { username: string; maxResults?: number; listFields?: string[]; } export interface GetHashtagAnalyticsArgs { hashtag: string; maxResults?: number; tweetFields?: string[]; } export function assertPostTweetArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is PostTweetArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('text' in args) || typeof (args as any).text !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected text string'); } } export function assertPostTweetWithMediaArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is PostTweetWithMediaArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('text' in args) || typeof (args as any).text !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected text string'); } if (!('mediaPath' in args) || typeof (args as any).mediaPath !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected mediaPath string'); } if (!('mediaType' in args) || typeof (args as any).mediaType !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected mediaType string'); } const validMediaTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'video/mp4']; if (!validMediaTypes.includes((args as any).mediaType)) { throw new Error(`Invalid arguments: mediaType must be one of: ${validMediaTypes.join(', ')}`); } if ('altText' in args && typeof (args as any).altText !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected altText to be a string'); } } export function assertSearchTweetsArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is SearchTweetsArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('query' in args) || typeof (args as any).query !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected query string'); } if ('since' in args && typeof (args as any).since !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected since to be an ISO 8601 date string'); } if ('until' in args && typeof (args as any).until !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected until to be an ISO 8601 date string'); } if ('tweetFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).tweetFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).tweetFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertReplyToTweetArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is ReplyToTweetArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } if (!('text' in args) || typeof (args as any).text !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected text string'); } } export function assertGetUserTimelineArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetUserTimelineArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } } export function assertGetTweetByIdArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetTweetByIdArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } } export function assertGetUserInfoArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetUserInfoArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } } export function assertGetTweetsByIdsArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetTweetsByIdsArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetIds' in args) || !Array.isArray((args as any).tweetIds)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetIds array'); } if ((args as any).tweetIds.length === 0) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: tweetIds array cannot be empty'); } if ((args as any).tweetIds.length > 100) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: cannot fetch more than 100 tweets at once'); } for (const id of (args as any).tweetIds) { if (typeof id !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetIds to be an array of strings'); } } if ('tweetFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).tweetFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).tweetFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertLikeTweetArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is LikeTweetArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } } export function assertUnlikeTweetArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is UnlikeTweetArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } } export function assertGetLikedTweetsArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetLikedTweetsArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('userId' in args) || typeof (args as any).userId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userId string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 1 || maxResults > 100) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 1 and 100'); } } if ('tweetFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).tweetFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).tweetFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertRetweetArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is RetweetArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } } export function assertUndoRetweetArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is UndoRetweetArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } } export function assertGetRetweetsArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetRetweetsArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('tweetId' in args) || typeof (args as any).tweetId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetId string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 1 || maxResults > 100) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 1 and 100'); } } if ('userFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).userFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).userFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertFollowUserArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is FollowUserArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } } export function assertUnfollowUserArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is UnfollowUserArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } } export function assertGetFollowersArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetFollowersArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 1 || maxResults > 1000) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 1 and 1000'); } } if ('userFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).userFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).userFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertGetFollowingArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetFollowingArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 1 || maxResults > 1000) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 1 and 1000'); } } if ('userFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).userFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).userFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertCreateListArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is CreateListArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('name' in args) || typeof (args as any).name !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected name string'); } if ('description' in args && typeof (args as any).description !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected description string'); } if ('private' in args && typeof (args as any).private !== 'boolean') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected private boolean'); } } export function assertAddUserToListArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is AddUserToListArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('listId' in args) || typeof (args as any).listId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected listId string'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } } export function assertRemoveUserFromListArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is RemoveUserFromListArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('listId' in args) || typeof (args as any).listId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected listId string'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } } export function assertGetListMembersArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetListMembersArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('listId' in args) || typeof (args as any).listId !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected listId string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 1 || maxResults > 100) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 1 and 100'); } } if ('userFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).userFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).userFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected userFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertGetUserListsArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetUserListsArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('username' in args) || typeof (args as any).username !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected username string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 1 || maxResults > 100) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 1 and 100'); } } if ('listFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).listFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected listFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).listFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected listFields to be an array of strings'); } } } } export function assertGetHashtagAnalyticsArgs(args: unknown): asserts args is GetHashtagAnalyticsArgs { if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected object'); } if (!('hashtag' in args) || typeof (args as any).hashtag !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected hashtag string'); } if ('maxResults' in args) { const maxResults = (args as any).maxResults; if (typeof maxResults !== 'number' || maxResults < 10 || maxResults > 100) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: maxResults must be a number between 10 and 100'); } } if ('tweetFields' in args) { if (!Array.isArray((args as any).tweetFields)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array'); } for (const field of (args as any).tweetFields) { if (typeof field !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments: expected tweetFields to be an array of strings'); } } } }