Email Checker MCP Server

import { TwitterApi, ApiResponseError, ApiRequestError, TwitterApiReadOnly, ListV2, UserV2, UserOwnedListsV2Paginator, UserListMembershipsV2Paginator, UserListMembersV2Paginator, ListTimelineV2Result, UserV2TimelineResult, TweetV2, TweetV2UserTimelineParams, TTweetv2Expansion, TTweetv2UserField } from 'twitter-api-v2'; export interface TwitterCredentials { appKey: string; appSecret: string; accessToken: string; accessSecret: string; } export interface PaginationOptions { maxResults?: number; pageLimit?: number; } export interface PaginatedResponse<T> { data: T[]; meta: { result_count: number; total_retrieved: number; next_token?: string; }; } const RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 minutes in milliseconds const MAX_RETRIES = 3; const DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT = 10; const MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 100; export class TwitterClient extends TwitterApi { private rateLimitRetryCount: Map<string, number>; private rateLimitResetTime: Map<string, number>; constructor(credentials: TwitterCredentials) { super(credentials); this.rateLimitRetryCount = new Map(); this.rateLimitResetTime = new Map(); } private async handleRateLimit(endpoint: string, error: ApiResponseError | ApiRequestError): Promise<void> { if (error instanceof ApiResponseError && error.rateLimitError && error.rateLimit) { const { remaining, reset } = error.rateLimit; if (remaining === 0) { const retryCount = this.rateLimitRetryCount.get(endpoint) || 0; if (retryCount >= MAX_RETRIES) { throw new Error(`Rate limit exceeded for ${endpoint}. Max retries reached.`); } const resetTime = reset * 1000; // Convert to milliseconds this.rateLimitResetTime.set(endpoint, resetTime); this.rateLimitRetryCount.set(endpoint, retryCount + 1); const waitTime = resetTime -; if (waitTime > 0) { console.log(`Rate limit hit for ${endpoint}. Waiting ${Math.ceil(waitTime / 1000)} seconds...`); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime)); } } } } private async withRateLimitRetry<T>(endpoint: string, operation: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { try { const result = await operation(); // Reset retry count on successful operation this.rateLimitRetryCount.delete(endpoint); this.rateLimitResetTime.delete(endpoint); return result; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ApiResponseError || error instanceof ApiRequestError) { await this.handleRateLimit(endpoint, error); // Retry the operation return this.withRateLimitRetry(endpoint, operation); } throw error; } } private async *paginateResults<T, P extends { data: { data: T[] }; meta: { next_token?: string }; next(): Promise<P> }>( endpoint: string, initialFetch: () => Promise<P>, options: PaginationOptions = {} ): AsyncGenerator<T[], void, unknown> { const { maxResults, pageLimit = DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT } = options; let currentPage = 0; let totalResults = 0; try { let paginator = await this.withRateLimitRetry(endpoint, initialFetch); while ( > 0 && currentPage < pageLimit && (!maxResults || totalResults < maxResults) ) { const results =; totalResults += results.length; yield results; if (!paginator.meta.next_token) { break; } currentPage++; paginator = await this.withRateLimitRetry(endpoint, () =>; } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error during pagination for ${endpoint}:`, error); throw error; } } async getUserByUsername(username: string) { return this.withRateLimitRetry('getUserByUsername', () => this.v2.userByUsername(username) ); } async getOwnedLists(userId: string, options: any): Promise<PaginatedResponse<ListV2>> { const paginationOptions: PaginationOptions = { maxResults: options.max_results, pageLimit: options.pageLimit }; const allLists: ListV2[] = []; const iterator = this.paginateResults<ListV2, UserOwnedListsV2Paginator>( 'getOwnedLists', () => this.v2.listsOwned(userId, { ...options, max_results: Math.min(options.max_results || MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) }), paginationOptions ); for await (const lists of iterator) { allLists.push(...lists); if (paginationOptions.maxResults && allLists.length >= paginationOptions.maxResults) { allLists.length = paginationOptions.maxResults; break; } } return { data: allLists, meta: { result_count: allLists.length, total_retrieved: allLists.length } }; } async getListMemberships(userId: string, options: any): Promise<PaginatedResponse<ListV2>> { const paginationOptions: PaginationOptions = { maxResults: options.max_results, pageLimit: options.pageLimit }; const allMemberships: ListV2[] = []; const iterator = this.paginateResults<ListV2, UserListMembershipsV2Paginator>( 'getListMemberships', () => this.v2.listMemberships(userId, { ...options, max_results: Math.min(options.max_results || MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) }), paginationOptions ); for await (const memberships of iterator) { allMemberships.push(...memberships); if (paginationOptions.maxResults && allMemberships.length >= paginationOptions.maxResults) { allMemberships.length = paginationOptions.maxResults; break; } } return { data: allMemberships, meta: { result_count: allMemberships.length, total_retrieved: allMemberships.length } }; } async getListMembers(listId: string, options: any): Promise<PaginatedResponse<UserV2>> { const paginationOptions: PaginationOptions = { maxResults: options.max_results, pageLimit: options.pageLimit }; const allMembers: UserV2[] = []; const iterator = this.paginateResults<UserV2, UserListMembersV2Paginator>( 'getListMembers', () => this.v2.listMembers(listId, { ...options, max_results: Math.min(options.max_results || MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) }), paginationOptions ); for await (const members of iterator) { allMembers.push(...members); if (paginationOptions.maxResults && allMembers.length >= paginationOptions.maxResults) { allMembers.length = paginationOptions.maxResults; break; } } return { data: allMembers, meta: { result_count: allMembers.length, total_retrieved: allMembers.length } }; } async createList(name: string, description: string = '', isPrivate: boolean = false) { return this.withRateLimitRetry('createList', () => this.v2.createList({ name, description, private: isPrivate }) ); } async addListMember(listId: string, userId: string) { // Add a small delay before the operation to help prevent rate limits await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); return this.withRateLimitRetry('addListMember', () => this.v2.addListMember(listId, userId) ); } async removeListMember(listId: string, userId: string) { return this.withRateLimitRetry('removeListMember', () => this.v2.removeListMember(listId, userId) ); } async getUserById(userId: string) { return this.withRateLimitRetry('getUserById', () => this.v2.user(userId, { 'user.fields': ['username', 'name', 'verified'] }) ); } async getList(listId: string) { return this.withRateLimitRetry('getList', () => this.v2.list(listId, { 'list.fields': ['created_at', 'follower_count', 'member_count', 'private', 'description'] }) ); } async getUserTimeline(userId: string, options: { max_results?: number; 'tweet.fields'?: string; expansions?: TTweetv2Expansion[]; 'user.fields'?: TTweetv2UserField[]; }): Promise<PaginatedResponse<TweetV2>> { const paginationOptions: PaginationOptions = { maxResults: options.max_results, pageLimit: 10 // Default to 10 pages max }; const allTweets: TweetV2[] = []; const paginator = await this.v2.userTimeline(userId, { ...options, max_results: Math.min(options.max_results || MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) }); for await (const tweet of paginator) { allTweets.push(tweet); if (paginationOptions.maxResults && allTweets.length >= paginationOptions.maxResults) { allTweets.length = paginationOptions.maxResults; break; } } return { data: allTweets, meta: { result_count: allTweets.length, total_retrieved: allTweets.length } }; } }