Email Checker MCP Server
by ravinahp
* The Standard Schema interface.
export type StandardSchemaV1<Input = unknown, Output = Input> = {
* The Standard Schema properties.
readonly "~standard": StandardSchemaV1.Props<Input, Output>;
export declare namespace StandardSchemaV1 {
* The Standard Schema properties interface.
export interface Props<Input = unknown, Output = Input> {
* The version number of the standard.
readonly version: 1;
* The vendor name of the schema library.
readonly vendor: string;
* Validates unknown input values.
readonly validate: (value: unknown) => Result<Output> | Promise<Result<Output>>;
* Inferred types associated with the schema.
readonly types?: Types<Input, Output> | undefined;
* The result interface of the validate function.
export type Result<Output> = SuccessResult<Output> | FailureResult;
* The result interface if validation succeeds.
export interface SuccessResult<Output> {
* The typed output value.
readonly value: Output;
* The non-existent issues.
readonly issues?: undefined;
* The result interface if validation fails.
export interface FailureResult {
* The issues of failed validation.
readonly issues: ReadonlyArray<Issue>;
* The issue interface of the failure output.
export interface Issue {
* The error message of the issue.
readonly message: string;
* The path of the issue, if any.
readonly path?: ReadonlyArray<PropertyKey | PathSegment> | undefined;
* The path segment interface of the issue.
export interface PathSegment {
* The key representing a path segment.
readonly key: PropertyKey;
* The Standard Schema types interface.
export interface Types<Input = unknown, Output = Input> {
* The input type of the schema.
readonly input: Input;
* The output type of the schema.
readonly output: Output;
* Infers the input type of a Standard Schema.
export type InferInput<Schema extends StandardSchemaV1> = NonNullable<Schema["~standard"]["types"]>["input"];
* Infers the output type of a Standard Schema.
export type InferOutput<Schema extends StandardSchemaV1> = NonNullable<Schema["~standard"]["types"]>["output"];
export {};