Gatherings MCP Server
by abutbul
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Test script for the Gatherings application.
This script demonstrates the functionality of the Gatherings application
by running through the example scenario from the requirements.
import os
import sys
from models import DatabaseManager
from services import GatheringService
def main():
# Remove the test database if it exists
if os.path.exists("test_gatherings.db"):
# Initialize the database and service
db_manager = DatabaseManager("test_gatherings.db")
service = GatheringService(db_manager)
print("=== Gatherings Application Test ===")
# Step 1: Create a gathering with 5 members
print("\n1. Creating gathering with 5 members...")
gathering_id = "2025-03-01-friendsbeer"
gathering = service.create_gathering(gathering_id, 5)
print(f"Created gathering: {}")
print(f"Total members: {gathering.total_members}")
print(f"Status: {gathering.status.value}")
# Debug: Print all member names to see what's available
members_names = [ for m in gathering.members]
print(f"Members: {', '.join(members_names)}")
# Step 2: Add expenses for members
print("\n2. Adding expenses...")
# First expense will rename an unnamed member to "Roy"
gathering, member = service.add_expense(gathering_id, "Roy", 50)
print(f"Added expense of $50.00 for {}")
# Second expense will rename another unnamed member to "David"
gathering, member = service.add_expense(gathering_id, "David", 100)
print(f"Added expense of $100.00 for {}")
# Third expense will rename another unnamed member to "Felix"
gathering, member = service.add_expense(gathering_id, "Felix", 50)
print(f"Added expense of $50.00 for {}")
print(f"Total expenses: ${gathering.total_expenses:.2f}")
# Get updated member list to see renamed members
members_names = [ for m in gathering.members]
print(f"Updated members: {', '.join(members_names)}")
# Step 3: Calculate reimbursements
print("\n3. Calculating reimbursements...")
reimbursements = service.calculate_reimbursements(gathering_id)
# Get fresh data after status change
gathering = service.get_gathering(gathering_id)
print(f"Expense per member: ${gathering.expense_per_member:.2f}")
for name, amount in reimbursements.items():
if amount < 0:
print(f" {name} gets reimbursed ${abs(amount):.2f}")
print(f" {name} needs to pay ${amount:.2f}")
# Step 4: Record payments from unnamed members
print("\n4. Recording payments from unnamed members...")
# Use the actual member names from the database
unnamed_members = [ for m in gathering.members if"member")]
if len(unnamed_members) >= 2:
# Record payment for first unnamed member
gathering, member = service.record_payment(gathering_id, unnamed_members[0], 40)
print(f"Recorded payment of $40.00 from {}")
# Record payment for second unnamed member
gathering, member = service.record_payment(gathering_id, unnamed_members[1], 40)
print(f"Recorded payment of $40.00 from {}")
print("Warning: Not enough unnamed members available.")
# Step 5: Record reimbursements to named members
print("\n5. Recording reimbursements to named members...")
# Roy needs to receive 10, so he pays -10
gathering, member = service.record_payment(gathering_id, "Roy", -10)
print(f"Recorded reimbursement of $10.00 to {}")
# David needs to receive 60, so he pays -60
gathering, member = service.record_payment(gathering_id, "David", -60)
print(f"Recorded reimbursement of $60.00 to {}")
# Felix needs to receive 10, so he pays -10
gathering, member = service.record_payment(gathering_id, "Felix", -10)
print(f"Recorded reimbursement of $10.00 to {}")
# Step 6: Close the gathering
print("\n6. Closing the gathering...")
gathering = service.close_gathering(gathering_id)
print(f"Gathering status: {gathering.status.value}")
# Step 7: Testing member addition and removal
print("\n7. Testing member addition and removal...")
# Create a new gathering specifically for testing member operations
member_ops_id = "2025-03-05-membertest"
member_gathering = service.create_gathering(member_ops_id, 3)
print(f"Created test gathering: {member_ops_id}")
print(f"Initial members: {[ for m in member_gathering.members]}")
# Add a new member
gathering, new_member = service.add_member(member_ops_id, "Charlie")
print(f"Added member: {}")
print(f"Total members: {gathering.total_members}")
print(f"Updated members: {[ for m in gathering.members]}")
# Try adding a member with a duplicate name
service.add_member(member_ops_id, "Charlie")
print("ERROR: Should not be able to add duplicate member!")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Successfully prevented adding duplicate member: {e}")
# Try removing a member who doesn't exist
service.remove_member(member_ops_id, "NonExistentMember")
print("ERROR: Should not be able to remove non-existent member!")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Successfully prevented removing non-existent member: {e}")
# Try removing a member with expenses
# Add an expense for a member first
service.add_expense(member_ops_id, "Charlie", 25)
print("Added expense for Charlie")
# Try to remove the member
service.remove_member(member_ops_id, "Charlie")
print("ERROR: Should not be able to remove member with expenses!")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Successfully prevented removing member with expenses: {e}")
# Remove an unused member
# First find an unused member
all_members = [ for m in gathering.members]
unused_members = [m for m in all_members if m.startswith("member")]
if unused_members:
unused_member = unused_members[0]
gathering = service.remove_member(member_ops_id, unused_member)
print(f"Successfully removed unused member: {unused_member}")
print(f"Total members: {gathering.total_members}")
print(f"Remaining members: {[ for m in gathering.members]}")
print("No unused members to remove")
# Try closing and then adding/removing members
print(f"Closed gathering: {member_ops_id}")
service.add_member(member_ops_id, "TooLate")
print("ERROR: Should not be able to add member to closed gathering!")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Successfully prevented adding member to closed gathering: {e}")
service.remove_member(member_ops_id, "Charlie")
print("ERROR: Should not be able to remove member from closed gathering!")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Successfully prevented removing member from closed gathering: {e}")
# Step 8: Testing gathering deletion
print("\n8. Testing gathering deletion...")
# Try to delete a closed gathering (should fail)
print("ERROR: Should not be able to delete a closed gathering!")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Successfully prevented deletion of closed gathering: {e}")
# Test force deletion of a closed gathering
service.delete_gathering(gathering_id, force=True)
# Verify force deletion
deleted_gathering = service.get_gathering(gathering_id)
if deleted_gathering is None:
print("Successfully force-deleted a closed gathering")
print("ERROR: Force deletion of closed gathering failed!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"ERROR: Force deletion should have worked: {e}")
# Create a new gathering with expenses for deletion test
test_gathering_id = "2025-03-02-deletetest"
test_gathering = service.create_gathering(test_gathering_id, 3)
print(f"Created test gathering: {test_gathering_id}")
# Add some expenses to the test gathering
service.add_expense(test_gathering_id, "Alice", 30)
service.add_expense(test_gathering_id, "Bob", 45)
print("Added expenses to test gathering")
# Delete the test gathering
# Verify deletion
deleted_gathering = service.get_gathering(test_gathering_id)
if deleted_gathering is None:
print("Successfully deleted test gathering with expenses")
print("ERROR: Gathering with expenses was not deleted!")
# Create another gathering for deletion test
another_gathering_id = "2025-03-03-deletetest"
another_gathering = service.create_gathering(another_gathering_id, 2)
print(f"Created another test gathering: {another_gathering_id}")
# Delete the gathering
# Verify deletion
deleted_gathering = service.get_gathering(another_gathering_id)
if deleted_gathering is None:
print("Successfully deleted empty gathering")
print("ERROR: Empty gathering was not deleted!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during deletion test: {e}")
# Print final summary
print("\n=== Final Summary ===")
# Create a new gathering that mirrors our original test scenario
final_gathering_id = "2025-03-04-finaltest"
final_gathering = service.create_gathering(final_gathering_id, 5)
# Add the same expenses as in the original test
service.add_expense(final_gathering_id, "Roy", 50)
service.add_expense(final_gathering_id, "David", 100)
service.add_expense(final_gathering_id, "Felix", 50)
# Record the same payments as in the original test
# Get the unnamed members
final_gathering = service.get_gathering(final_gathering_id)
# Print all member names to verify what members exist in the database
print(f"All members in new gathering: {[ for m in final_gathering.members]}")
# Add some expenses and payments to demonstrate the summary
service.add_expense(final_gathering_id, "Alice", 60)
service.add_expense(final_gathering_id, "Bob", 30)
# Get fresh data after adding expenses
final_gathering = service.get_gathering(final_gathering_id)
# Get the remaining unnamed member - check if any exist
unnamed = [ for m in final_gathering.members if"member")]
print(f"Unnamed members after expenses: {unnamed}")
# Only try to record a payment if there's an unnamed member
if unnamed:
service.record_payment(final_gathering_id, unnamed[0], 30)
print(f"Recorded payment of $30.00 from {unnamed[0]}")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error recording payment: {e}")
print("No unnamed members available for payment recording.")
# Get the summary
summary = service.get_payment_summary(final_gathering_id)
print(f"Total expenses: ${summary['total_expenses']:.2f}")
print(f"Expense per member: ${summary['expense_per_member']:.2f}")
print("\nMember details:")
for name, data in summary["members"].items():
print(f" {name}:")
print(f" Expenses: ${data['expenses']:.2f}")
print(f" Paid: ${data['paid']:.2f}")
print(f" Balance: ${data['balance']:.2f}")
print(f" Status: {data['status']}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error getting payment summary: {e}")
print("\nTest completed successfully!")
if __name__ == "__main__":