Neo4j MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides integration with Neo4j for storing and managing knowledge graph memory, allowing operations like creating entities, creating relations, adding observations, deleting entities, deleting observations, deleting relations, reading the graph, searching nodes, and opening specific nodes.

Neo4j MCP Server

Fork of the Neo4j Model Context Protocol (MCP) server with environment variable support and improved configuration options.


  • Environment variable configuration for Neo4j connection
  • Support for custom ports and remote Neo4j instances
  • Improved error handling and logging
  • Compatible with the Model Context Protocol


The server can be configured using the following environment variables:

  • NEO4J_URL - Neo4j connection URL (default: "bolt://localhost:7687")
  • NEO4J_USER - Neo4j username (default: "neo4j")
  • NEO4J_PASSWORD - Neo4j password (default: "neo4j")


NEO4J_URL="bolt://" \ NEO4J_USER="neo4j" \ NEO4J_PASSWORD="your-password" \ node dist/servers/mcp-neo4j-memory/main.js

Available Tools


Knowledge graph memory stored in Neo4j with the following capabilities:

  • create_entities - Create multiple new entities in the knowledge graph
  • create_relations - Create relations between entities (in active voice)
  • add_observations - Add new observations to existing entities
  • delete_entities - Delete entities and their relations
  • delete_observations - Delete specific observations from entities
  • delete_relations - Delete specific relations
  • read_graph - Read the entire knowledge graph
  • search_nodes - Search for nodes based on a query
  • open_nodes - Open specific nodes by their names


# Install dependencies npm install # Build npm run build # Start the server npm start

Changes from Upstream

  • Added environment variable support for Neo4j connection details
  • Improved error handling and connection management
  • Added detailed logging for debugging
  • Updated configuration to support remote Neo4j instances



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A fork of the Neo4j Model Context Protocol server that enables interaction with Neo4j knowledge graphs through environment variable configuration and improved options for remote connections.

  1. Features
    1. Configuration
      1. Available Tools
        1. mcp-neo4j-memory
        2. Development
          1. Changes from Upstream
            1. License