Babashka MCP Server

export const LATEST_REPORTS_QUERY = ` query LatestReport($first: Int) { reports( first: $first, orderBy: created, orderMode: desc ) { edges { node { # Basic fields id standard_id entity_type parent_types # Report specific fields name description content content_mapping report_types published confidence createdBy { id name entity_type } objectMarking { id definition x_opencti_order x_opencti_color } objectLabel { id value color } externalReferences { edges { node { id source_name description url hash external_id } } } # Relationships and objects objects(first: 500) { edges { node { ... on StixDomainObject { id entity_type parent_types created updated_at standard_id created revoked confidence lang status { id template { name color } } } ... on StixCyberObservable { id entity_type parent_types observable_value x_opencti_description x_opencti_score } ... on StixCoreRelationship { id entity_type parent_types relationship_type description start_time stop_time from { ... on StixDomainObject { id entity_type parent_types created_at standard_id } } to { ... on StixDomainObject { id entity_type parent_types created_at standard_id } } } } } } # Additional metadata created modified created_at updated_at x_opencti_stix_ids status { id template { name color } } workflowEnabled # Container specific fields containersNumber { total count } containers { edges { node { id entity_type parent_types created_at standard_id } } } } } } } `; export const SEARCH_MALWARE_QUERY = ` query Malware($search: String, $first: Int) { stixCoreObjects( search: $search, first: $first, types: ["Malware"] ) { edges { node { ... on Malware { id name description created modified malware_types is_family first_seen last_seen } } } } } `; export const SEARCH_INDICATORS_QUERY = ` query Indicators($search: String, $first: Int) { stixCoreObjects( search: $search, first: $first, types: ["Indicator"] ) { edges { node { ... on Indicator { id name description created_at pattern valid_from valid_until x_opencti_score } } } } } `; export const SEARCH_THREAT_ACTORS_QUERY = ` query ThreatActors($search: String, $first: Int) { stixCoreObjects( search: $search, first: $first, types: ["ThreatActorGroup"] ) { edges { node { ... on ThreatActorGroup { id name description created modified threat_actor_types first_seen last_seen sophistication resource_level roles goals } } } } } `;