
#!/usr/bin/env node import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { print } from "graphql/language/index.mjs"; import { buildSchema } from "graphql/utilities/index.mjs"; import { Console } from "node:console"; import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises"; import { resolve } from "node:path"; import { z } from "zod"; globalThis.console = new Console(process.stderr); const args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.includes("--help") || args.includes("-h")) { console.log(` GraphQL Schema Model Context Protocol Server Usage: node index.mjs [path/to/schema.graphqls] Arguments: path/to/schema.graphqls Path to the GraphQL schema file (optional) If not provided, defaults to schema.graphqls Examples: node index.mjs # Uses default schema.graphqls node index.mjs ../schema.shopify.2025-01.graphqls # Uses Shopify schema node index.mjs /absolute/path/to/custom-schema.graphqls `); process.exit(0); } const schemaArg = args[0]; const loadSchema = async () => { // Default to schema.graphqls if no argument provided const schemaPath = resolve(schemaArg ?? "schema.graphqls"); let schemaContent; try { schemaContent = await readFile(schemaPath, { encoding: "utf-8" }); } catch (_error) { console.error(`Error: Schema file not found at ${schemaPath}`); console.error("Usage: node index.mjs [path/to/schema.graphqls]"); process.exit(1); } try { return buildSchema(schemaContent); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error loading schema: ${error.message}`); process.exit(1); } }; const schema = await loadSchema(); // Extract schema name from file path for server identification const schemaName = schemaArg ? schemaArg.split("/").pop().replace(".graphqls", "") : "schema"; const server = new McpServer({ name: `GraphQL Schema: ${schemaName}`, version: "1.0.0", description: `Provides GraphQL schema information for ${schemaName}`, }); const queryFields = schema.getQueryType()?.getFields(); if (queryFields) { server.tool( "list-query-fields", "Lists all of the available root-level fields for a GraphQL query.", () => ({ content: [ { type: "text", text: Object.keys(queryFields).join(", "), }, ], }), ); server.tool( "get-query-field", "Gets a single GraphQL query field definition in GraphQL Schema Definition Language.", { fieldName: z.string() }, ({ fieldName }) => ({ content: [ { type: "text", text: queryFields[fieldName]?.astNode ? print(queryFields[fieldName].astNode) : "Field not found or has no definition", }, ], }), ); } const mutationFields = schema.getMutationType()?.getFields(); if (mutationFields) { server.tool( "list-mutation-fields", "Lists all of the available root-level fields for a GraphQL mutation.", () => { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: Object.keys(mutationFields).join(", "), }, ], }; }, ); server.tool( "get-mutation-field", "Gets a single GraphQL mutation field definition in GraphQL Schema Definition Language.", { fieldName: z.string() }, ({ fieldName }) => ({ content: [ { type: "text", text: mutationFields[fieldName]?.astNode ? print(mutationFields[fieldName].astNode) : "Field not found or has no definition", }, ], }), ); } const subscriptionFields = schema.getSubscriptionType()?.getFields(); if (subscriptionFields) { server.tool( "list-subscription-fields", "Lists all of the available root-level fields for a GraphQL subscription.", () => { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: Object.keys(subscriptionFields).join(", "), }, ], }; }, ); server.tool( "get-subscription-field", "Gets a single GraphQL subscription field definition in GraphQL Schema Definition Language.", { fieldName: z.string() }, ({ fieldName }) => ({ content: [ { type: "text", text: subscriptionFields[fieldName]?.astNode ? print(subscriptionFields[fieldName].astNode) : "Field not found or has no definition", }, ], }), ); } server.tool("list-types", "Lists all of the types defined in the GraphQL schema.", () => ({ content: [ { type: "text", // Filter out internal GraphQL types text: Object.keys(schema.getTypeMap()) .filter((type) => !type.startsWith("__")) .join(", "), }, ], })); server.tool( "get-type", "Gets a single GraphQL type from the schema in the GraphQL Schema Definition Language", { typeName: z.string() }, ({ typeName }) => { let text; const type = schema.getTypeMap()[typeName]; if (!type) { text = `Type "${typeName}" not found`; } else if (!type.astNode) { // Handle introspection types and other types without astNodes text = `Type: ${typeName}\nDescription: ${type.description ?? "No description"}\nKind: ${}`; } else { text = print(type.astNode); } return { content: [{ type: "text", text }] }; }, ); server.tool( "get-type-fields", "Gets a simplified list of fields for a specific GraphQL type", { typeName: z.string() }, ({ typeName }) => { let text; const type = schema.getTypeMap()?.[typeName]; if (!type) { text = `Type "${typeName}" not found`; } else if (!("getFields" in type)) { text = `Type "${typeName}" is not an object type with fields`; } else { text = Object.entries(type.getFields()) .map(([fieldName, field]) => `${fieldName}: ${field.type.toString()}`) .join("\n"); } return { content: [{ type: "text", text }] }; }, ); // Add tool to search for types or fields by name pattern server.tool( "search-schema", "Search for types or fields in the schema by name pattern", { pattern: z.string() }, ({ pattern }) => { let text = ""; const searchRegex = new RegExp(pattern, "i"); // Search types const matchingTypes = Object.keys(schema.getTypeMap()).filter( (type) => !type.startsWith("__") && searchRegex.test(type), ); text += `Matching types: ${matchingTypes.join(", ") || "None"}`; // Search fields in object types const matchingFields = Object.entries(schema.getTypeMap()) .filter(([typeName]) => !typeName.startsWith("__")) .flatMap(([typeName, type]) => "getFields" in type ? Object.keys(type.getFields()) .filter((fieldName) => searchRegex.test(fieldName)) .map((fieldName) => `${typeName}.${fieldName}`) : [], ); text += `\nMatching fields: ${matchingFields.join(", ") || "None"}`; return { content: [{ type: "text", text }] }; }, ); const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport);