Markdownify MCP Server - UTF-8 Enhanced

  • src
import { exec } from "child_process"; import { promisify } from "util"; const execAsync = promisify(exec); export default class UVX { uvxPath: string; constructor(uvxPath: string) { this.uvxPath = uvxPath; } get path() { return this.uvxPath; } static async setup() { // const { stdout: uvxPath, stderr } = await execAsync("which uvx", { // env: { // ...process.env, // }, // }); // if (stderr) { // throw new Error( // "uvx not found in path, you must install uvx before running this server", // ); // } // HACK ALERT! return new UVX("/Users/zachcaceres/.local/bin/uvx"); } async installDeps() { // This is a hack to make sure that markitdown is installed before it's called in the OCRProcessor try { await execAsync(`${this.uvxPath} markitdown example.pdf`); } catch { console.log("UVX markitdown should be ready now"); } } }