Coin MCP Server


the latest market quote for 1 or more cryptocurrencies. Use the "convert" option to return market values in multiple fiat and cryptocurrency conversions in the same call.

Input Schema

auxNo"num_market_pairs,cmc_rank,date_added,tags,platform,max_supply,circulating_supply,total_supply,is_active,is_fiat"Optionally specify a comma-separated list of supplemental data fields to return.
convertNoOptionally calculate market quotes in up to 120 currencies at once by passing a comma-separated list of cryptocurrency or fiat currency symbols.
convert_idNoOptionally calculate market quotes by CoinMarketCap ID instead of symbol. This option is identical to convert outside of ID format.
idNoOne or more comma-separated cryptocurrency CoinMarketCap IDs. Example: 1,2
skip_invalidNoPass true to relax request validation rules.
slugNoAlternatively pass a comma-separated list of cryptocurrency slugs. Example: "bitcoin,ethereum"
symbolNoAlternatively pass one or more comma-separated cryptocurrency symbols. Example: "BTC,ETH"

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "aux": { "description": "\"num_market_pairs,cmc_rank,date_added,tags,platform,max_supply,circulating_supply,total_supply,is_active,is_fiat\"Optionally specify a comma-separated list of supplemental data fields to return.", "type": "string" }, "convert": { "description": "Optionally calculate market quotes in up to 120 currencies at once by passing a comma-separated list of cryptocurrency or fiat currency symbols.", "type": "string" }, "convert_id": { "description": "Optionally calculate market quotes by CoinMarketCap ID instead of symbol. This option is identical to convert outside of ID format.", "type": "string" }, "id": { "description": "One or more comma-separated cryptocurrency CoinMarketCap IDs. Example: 1,2", "type": "string" }, "skip_invalid": { "default": false, "description": "Pass true to relax request validation rules.", "type": "boolean" }, "slug": { "description": "Alternatively pass a comma-separated list of cryptocurrency slugs. Example: \"bitcoin,ethereum\"", "type": "string" }, "symbol": { "description": "Alternatively pass one or more comma-separated cryptocurrency symbols. Example: \"BTC,ETH\"", "type": "string" } }, "required": [], "type": "object" }

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