• matlab_scripts
function heat_diffusion_1d() % Parameters L = 1; % Length of domain T = 0.5; % Total time nx = 50; % Number of spatial points nt = 1000; % Number of time steps alpha = 0.1; % Thermal diffusivity % Grid setup dx = L/(nx-1); dt = T/(nt-1); x = linspace(0, L, nx); t = linspace(0, T, nt); % Check stability condition r = alpha*dt/(dx^2); if r > 0.5 error('Stability condition not met. Reduce dt or increase dx.'); end % Initialize temperature field with initial conditions u = zeros(nx, nt); % Initial condition: Gaussian pulse u(:,1) = exp(-(x-L/2).^2/0.1); % Boundary conditions (fixed at zero) u(1,:) = 0; u(end,:) = 0; % Solve using FTCS scheme for n = 1:nt-1 for i = 2:nx-1 u(i,n+1) = u(i,n) + r*(u(i+1,n) - 2*u(i,n) + u(i-1,n)); end end % Create animation figure('Position', [100 100 800 400]); for n = 1:50:nt plot(x, u(:,n), 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2); title(sprintf('Heat Diffusion at t = %.3f', t(n))); xlabel('Position (x)'); ylabel('Temperature (u)'); grid on; axis([0 L 0 1]); drawnow; pause(0.1); end % Create surface plot figure('Position', [100 100 800 600]); [X, T] = meshgrid(x, t); surf(X, T, u'); colormap('jet'); colorbar; xlabel('Position (x)'); ylabel('Time (t)'); zlabel('Temperature (u)'); title('Heat Diffusion Solution'); view(45, 45); end