MCP Tools for Obsidian
by jacksteamdev
import { type } from "arktype";
import { existsSync, mkdirSync } from "fs";
import { appendFile } from "fs/promises";
import { homedir, platform } from "os";
import { dirname, resolve } from "path";
* Determines the appropriate log directory path based on the current operating system.
* @param appName - The name of the application to use in the log directory path.
* @returns The full path to the log directory for the current operating system.
* @throws {Error} If the current operating system is not supported.
export function getLogFilePath(appName: string, fileName: string) {
switch (platform()) {
case "darwin": // macOS
return resolve(homedir(), "Library", "Logs", appName, fileName);
case "win32": // Windows
return resolve(homedir(), "AppData", "Local", "Logs", appName, fileName);
case "linux": // Linux
return resolve(homedir(), ".local", "share", "logs", appName, fileName);
throw new Error("Unsupported operating system");
const ensureDirSync = (dirPath: string) => {
if (!existsSync(dirPath)) {
mkdirSync(dirPath, { recursive: true });
const logLevels = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL"] as const;
export const logLevelSchema = type.enumerated(...logLevels);
export type LogLevel = typeof logLevelSchema.infer;
const formatMessage = (
level: LogLevel,
message: unknown,
meta: Record<string, unknown>,
) => {
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const metaStr = Object.keys(meta).length
? `\n${JSON.stringify(meta, null, 2)}`
: "";
return `${timestamp} [${level.padEnd(5)}] ${JSON.stringify(
const loggerConfigSchema = type({
appName: "string",
filename: "string",
level: logLevelSchema,
export const loggerConfigMorph = loggerConfigSchema.pipe((config) => {
const filename = getLogFilePath(config.appName, config.filename);
const levels = logLevels.slice(logLevels.indexOf(config.level));
return { ...config, levels, filename };
export type InputLoggerConfig = typeof loggerConfigSchema.infer;
export type FullLoggerConfig = typeof loggerConfigMorph.infer;
* Creates a logger instance with configurable options for logging to a file.
* The logger provides methods for logging messages at different log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL).
* @param config - An object with configuration options for the logger.
* @param config.filepath - The file path to use for logging to a file.
* @param config.level - The minimum log level to log messages.
* @returns An object with logging methods (debug, info, warn, error, fatal).
export function createLogger(inputConfig: InputLoggerConfig) {
let config: FullLoggerConfig = loggerConfigMorph.assert(inputConfig);
let logMeta: Record<string, unknown> = {};
const queue: Promise<void>[] = [];
const log = (level: LogLevel, message: unknown, meta?: typeof logMeta) => {
if (!config.levels.includes(level)) return;
ensureDirSync(dirname(getLogFilePath(config.appName, config.filename)));
formatMessage(level, message, { ...logMeta, ...(meta ?? {}) }),
const debug = (message: unknown, meta?: typeof logMeta) =>
log("DEBUG", message, meta);
const info = (message: unknown, meta?: typeof logMeta) =>
log("INFO", message, meta);
const warn = (message: unknown, meta?: typeof logMeta) =>
log("WARN", message, meta);
const error = (message: unknown, meta?: typeof logMeta) =>
log("ERROR", message, meta);
const fatal = (message: unknown, meta?: typeof logMeta) =>
log("FATAL", message, meta);
const logger = {
flush() {
return Promise.all(queue);
get config(): FullLoggerConfig {
return { ...config };
* Updates the configuration of the logger instance.
* @param newConfig - A partial configuration object to merge with the existing configuration.
* This method updates the log levels based on the new configuration level, and then merges the new configuration with the existing configuration.
set config(newConfig: Partial<InputLoggerConfig>) {
config = loggerConfigMorph.assert({ ...config, ...newConfig });
logger.debug("Updated logger configuration", { config });
set meta(newMeta: Record<string, unknown>) {
logMeta = newMeta;
return logger;