MCP Tools for Obsidian

import { type } from "arktype"; import type { Request, Response } from "express"; import { Notice, Plugin, TFile } from "obsidian"; import { shake } from "radash"; import { lastValueFrom } from "rxjs"; import { jsonSearchRequest, LocalRestAPI, searchParameters, Templater, type PromptArgAccessor, type SearchResponse, } from "shared"; import { setup as setupCore } from "./features/core"; import { setup as setupMcpServerInstall } from "./features/mcp-server-install"; import { loadLocalRestAPI, loadSmartSearchAPI, loadTemplaterAPI, type Dependencies, } from "./shared"; import { logger } from "./shared/logger"; export default class McpToolsPlugin extends Plugin { private localRestApi: Dependencies["obsidian-local-rest-api"] = { id: "obsidian-local-rest-api", name: "Local REST API", required: true, installed: false, }; async getLocalRestApiKey(): Promise<string | undefined> { // The API key is stored in the plugin's settings return this.localRestApi.plugin?.settings?.apiKey; } async onload() { // Initialize features in order await setupCore(this); await setupMcpServerInstall(this); // Check for required dependencies lastValueFrom(loadLocalRestAPI(this)).then((localRestApi) => { this.localRestApi = localRestApi; if (!this.localRestApi.api) { new Notice( `${}: Local REST API plugin is required but not found. Please install it from the community plugins and restart Obsidian.`, 0, ); return; } // Register endpoints this.localRestApi.api .addRoute("/search/smart") .post(this.handleSearchRequest.bind(this)); this.localRestApi.api .addRoute("/templates/execute") .post(this.handleTemplateExecution.bind(this));"MCP Tools Plugin loaded"); }); } private async handleTemplateExecution(req: Request, res: Response) { try { const { api: templater } = await lastValueFrom(loadTemplaterAPI(this)); if (!templater) { new Notice( `${}: Templater plugin is not available. Please install it from the community plugins.`, 0, ); logger.error("Templater plugin is not available"); res.status(503).json({ error: "Templater plugin is not available", }); return; } // Validate request body const params = LocalRestAPI.ApiTemplateExecutionParams(req.body); if (params instanceof type.errors) { const response = { error: "Invalid request body", body: req.body, summary: params.summary, }; logger.debug("Invalid request body", response); res.status(400).json(response); return; } // Get prompt content from vault const templateFile =; if (!(templateFile instanceof TFile)) { logger.debug("Template file not found", { params, templateFile, }); res.status(404).json({ error: `File not found: ${}`, }); return; } const config = templater.create_running_config( templateFile, templateFile, Templater.RunMode.CreateNewFromTemplate, ); const prompt: PromptArgAccessor = (argName: string) => { return params.arguments[argName] ?? ""; }; const oldGenerateObject = templater.functions_generator.generate_object.bind( templater.functions_generator, ); // Override generate_object to inject arg into user functions templater.functions_generator.generate_object = async function ( config, functions_mode, ) { const functions = await oldGenerateObject(config, functions_mode); Object.assign(functions, { mcpTools: { prompt } }); return functions; }; // Process template with variables const processedContent = await templater.read_and_parse_template(config); // Restore original functions generator templater.functions_generator.generate_object = oldGenerateObject; // Create new file if requested if (params.createFile && params.targetPath) { await, processedContent); res.json({ message: "Prompt executed and file created successfully", content: processedContent, }); return; } res.json({ message: "Prompt executed without creating a file", content: processedContent, }); } catch (error) { logger.error("Prompt execution error:", { error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : error, body: req.body, }); res.status(503).json({ error: "An error occurred while processing the prompt", }); return; } } private async handleSearchRequest(req: Request, res: Response) { try { const dep = await lastValueFrom(loadSmartSearchAPI(this)); const smartSearch = dep.api; if (!smartSearch) { new Notice( "Smart Search REST API Plugin: smart-connections plugin is required but not found. Please install it from the community plugins.", 0, ); res.status(503).json({ error: "Smart Connections plugin is not available", }); return; } // Validate request body const requestBody = jsonSearchRequest .pipe(({ query, filter = {} }) => ({ query, filter: shake({ key_starts_with_any: filter.folders, exclude_key_starts_with_any: filter.excludeFolders, limit: filter.limit, }), })) .to(searchParameters)(req.body); if (requestBody instanceof type.errors) { res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid request body", summary: requestBody.summary, }); return; } // Perform search const results = await requestBody.query, requestBody.filter, ); // Format response const response: SearchResponse = { results: await Promise.all( (result) => ({ path: result.item.path, text: await, score: result.score, breadcrumbs: result.item.breadcrumbs, })), ), }; res.json(response); return; } catch (error) { logger.error("Smart Search API error:", { error, body: req.body }); res.status(503).json({ error: "An error occurred while processing the search request", }); return; } } onunload() { this.localRestApi.api?.unregister(); } }