MCP Tools for Obsidian

import fsp from "fs/promises"; import { Plugin } from "obsidian"; import os from "os"; import path from "path"; import { logger } from "$/shared/logger"; import { CLAUDE_CONFIG_PATH } from "../constants"; interface ClaudeConfig { mcpServers: { [key: string]: { command: string; args?: string[]; env?: { OBSIDIAN_API_KEY?: string; [key: string]: string | undefined; }; }; }; } /** * Gets the absolute path to the Claude Desktop config file */ function getConfigPath(): string { const platform = os.platform(); let configPath: string; switch (platform) { case "darwin": configPath = CLAUDE_CONFIG_PATH.macos; break; case "win32": configPath =; break; default: configPath = CLAUDE_CONFIG_PATH.linux; } // Expand ~ to home directory if needed if (configPath.startsWith("~")) { configPath = path.join(os.homedir(), configPath.slice(1)); } // Expand environment variables on Windows if (platform === "win32") { configPath = configPath.replace(/%([^%]+)%/g, (_, n) => process.env[n] || ""); } return configPath; } /** * Updates the Claude Desktop config file with MCP server settings */ export async function updateClaudeConfig( plugin: Plugin, serverPath: string, apiKey?: string ): Promise<void> { try { const configPath = getConfigPath(); const configDir = path.dirname(configPath); // Ensure config directory exists await fsp.mkdir(configDir, { recursive: true }); // Read existing config or create new one let config: ClaudeConfig = { mcpServers: {} }; try { const content = await fsp.readFile(configPath, "utf8"); config = JSON.parse(content); config.mcpServers = config.mcpServers || {}; } catch (error) { if ((error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code !== "ENOENT") { throw error; } // File doesn't exist, use default empty config } // Update config with our server entry config.mcpServers["obsidian-mcp-tools"] = { command: serverPath, env: { OBSIDIAN_API_KEY: apiKey, }, }; // Write updated config await fsp.writeFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));"Updated Claude config", { configPath }); } catch (error) { logger.error("Failed to update Claude config:", { error }); throw new Error( `Failed to update Claude config: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }` ); } } /** * Removes the MCP server entry from the Claude Desktop config file */ export async function removeFromClaudeConfig(): Promise<void> { try { const configPath = getConfigPath(); // Read existing config let config: ClaudeConfig; try { const content = await fsp.readFile(configPath, "utf8"); config = JSON.parse(content); } catch (error) { if ((error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code === "ENOENT") { // File doesn't exist, nothing to remove return; } throw error; } // Remove our server entry if it exists if (config.mcpServers && "obsidian-mcp-tools" in config.mcpServers) { delete config.mcpServers["obsidian-mcp-tools"]; await fsp.writeFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));"Removed server from Claude config", { configPath }); } } catch (error) { logger.error("Failed to remove from Claude config:", { error }); throw new Error( `Failed to remove from Claude config: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }` ); } }