import { zip } from "radash";
* Formats a template string with the provided values, while preserving the original indentation.
* This function is used to format error messages or other string templates that need to preserve
* the original formatting.
* @param strings - An array of template strings.
* @param values - The values to be interpolated into the template strings.
* @returns The formatted string with the values interpolated.
* @example
* const f``
export const f = (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: any[]) => {
const stack = { stack: "" };
Error.captureStackTrace(stack, f);
// Get the first caller's line from the stack trace
const stackLine = stack.stack.split("\n")[1];
// Extract column number using regex
// This matches the column number at the end of the line like: "at filename:line:column"
const columnMatch = stackLine.match(/:(\d+)$/);
const columnNumber = columnMatch ? parseInt(columnMatch[1]) - 1 : 0;
return zip( => s.replace(new RegExp(`\n\s{${columnNumber}}`), "\n")),