MCP Tools for Obsidian

import { makeRequest, type ToolRegistry } from "$/shared"; import type { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { type } from "arktype"; import { LocalRestAPI } from "shared"; export function registerLocalRestApiTools(tools: ToolRegistry, server: Server) { // GET Status tools.register( type({ name: '"get_server_info"', arguments: "Record<string, unknown>", }).describe( "Returns basic details about the Obsidian Local REST API and authentication status. This is the only API request that does not require authentication.", ), async () => { const data = await makeRequest(LocalRestAPI.ApiStatusResponse, "/"); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }], }; }, ); // GET Active File tools.register( type({ name: '"get_active_file"', arguments: { format: type('"markdown" | "json"').optional(), }, }).describe( "Returns the content of the currently active file in Obsidian. Can return either markdown content or a JSON representation including parsed tags and frontmatter.", ), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const format = args?.format === "json" ? "application/vnd.olrapi.note+json" : "text/markdown"; const data = await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiNoteJson.or("string"), "/active/", { headers: { Accept: format }, }, ); const content = typeof data === "string" ? data : JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: content }] }; }, ); // PUT Active File tools.register( type({ name: '"update_active_file"', arguments: { content: "string", }, }).describe("Update the content of the active file open in Obsidian."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { await makeRequest(LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, "/active/", { method: "PUT", body: args.content, }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "File updated successfully" }], }; }, ); // POST Active File tools.register( type({ name: '"append_to_active_file"', arguments: { content: "string", }, }).describe("Append content to the end of the currently-open note."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { await makeRequest(LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, "/active/", { method: "POST", body: args.content, }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "Content appended successfully" }], }; }, ); // PATCH Active File tools.register( type({ name: '"patch_active_file"', arguments: LocalRestAPI.ApiPatchParameters, }).describe( "Insert or modify content in the currently-open note relative to a heading, block reference, or frontmatter field.", ), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const headers: Record<string, string> = { Operation: args.operation, "Target-Type": args.targetType, Target:, "Create-Target-If-Missing": "true", }; if (args.targetDelimiter) { headers["Target-Delimiter"] = args.targetDelimiter; } if (args.trimTargetWhitespace !== undefined) { headers["Trim-Target-Whitespace"] = String(args.trimTargetWhitespace); } if (args.contentType) { headers["Content-Type"] = args.contentType; } const response = await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiContentResponse, "/active/", { method: "PATCH", headers, body: args.content, }, ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "File patched successfully" }, { type: "text", text: response }, ], }; }, ); // DELETE Active File tools.register( type({ name: '"delete_active_file"', arguments: "Record<string, unknown>", }).describe("Delete the currently-active file in Obsidian."), async () => { await makeRequest(LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, "/active/", { method: "DELETE", }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "File deleted successfully" }], }; }, ); // POST Open File in Obsidian UI tools.register( type({ name: '"show_file_in_obsidian"', arguments: { filename: "string", "newLeaf?": "boolean", }, }).describe( "Open a document in the Obsidian UI. Creates a new document if it doesn't exist. Returns a confirmation if the file was opened successfully.", ), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const query = args.newLeaf ? "?newLeaf=true" : ""; await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, `/open/${encodeURIComponent(args.filename)}${query}`, { method: "POST", }, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "File opened successfully" }], }; }, ); // POST Search via Dataview or JsonLogic tools.register( type({ name: '"search_vault"', arguments: { queryType: '"dataview" | "jsonlogic"', query: "string", }, }).describe( "Search for documents matching a specified query using either Dataview DQL or JsonLogic.", ), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const contentType = args.queryType === "dataview" ? "application/vnd.olrapi.dataview.dql+txt" : "application/vnd.olrapi.jsonlogic+json"; const data = await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiSearchResponse, "/search/", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": contentType }, body: args.query, }, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }], }; }, ); // POST Simple Search tools.register( type({ name: '"search_vault_simple"', arguments: { query: "string", "contextLength?": "number", }, }).describe("Search for documents matching a text query."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const query = new URLSearchParams({ query: args.query, ...(args.contextLength ? { contextLength: String(args.contextLength), } : {}), }); const data = await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiSimpleSearchResponse, `/search/simple/?${query}`, { method: "POST", }, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }], }; }, ); // GET Vault Files or Directories List tools.register( type({ name: '"list_vault_files"', arguments: { "directory?": "string", }, }).describe( "List files in the root directory or a specified subdirectory of your vault.", ), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const path = ? `${}/` : ""; const data = await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiVaultFileResponse.or( LocalRestAPI.ApiVaultDirectoryResponse, ), `/vault/${path}`, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }], }; }, ); // GET Vault File Content tools.register( type({ name: '"get_vault_file"', arguments: { filename: "string", "format?": '"markdown" | "json"', }, }).describe("Get the content of a file from your vault."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const isJson = args.format === "json"; const format = isJson ? "application/vnd.olrapi.note+json" : "text/markdown"; const data = await makeRequest( isJson ? LocalRestAPI.ApiNoteJson : LocalRestAPI.ApiContentResponse, `/vault/${encodeURIComponent(args.filename)}`, { headers: { Accept: format }, }, ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: typeof data === "string" ? data : JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), }, ], }; }, ); // PUT Vault File Content tools.register( type({ name: '"create_vault_file"', arguments: { filename: "string", content: "string", }, }).describe("Create a new file in your vault or update an existing one."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, `/vault/${encodeURIComponent(args.filename)}`, { method: "PUT", body: args.content, }, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "File created successfully" }], }; }, ); // POST Vault File Content tools.register( type({ name: '"append_to_vault_file"', arguments: { filename: "string", content: "string", }, }).describe("Append content to a new or existing file."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, `/vault/${encodeURIComponent(args.filename)}`, { method: "POST", body: args.content, }, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "Content appended successfully" }], }; }, ); // PATCH Vault File Content tools.register( type({ name: '"patch_vault_file"', arguments: type({ filename: "string", }).and(LocalRestAPI.ApiPatchParameters), }).describe( "Insert or modify content in a file relative to a heading, block reference, or frontmatter field.", ), async ({ arguments: args }) => { const headers: HeadersInit = { Operation: args.operation, "Target-Type": args.targetType, Target:, "Create-Target-If-Missing": "true", }; if (args.targetDelimiter) { headers["Target-Delimiter"] = args.targetDelimiter; } if (args.trimTargetWhitespace !== undefined) { headers["Trim-Target-Whitespace"] = String(args.trimTargetWhitespace); } if (args.contentType) { headers["Content-Type"] = args.contentType; } const response = await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiContentResponse, `/vault/${encodeURIComponent(args.filename)}`, { method: "PATCH", headers, body: args.content, }, ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "File patched successfully" }, { type: "text", text: response }, ], }; }, ); // DELETE Vault File Content tools.register( type({ name: '"delete_vault_file"', arguments: { filename: "string", }, }).describe("Delete a file from your vault."), async ({ arguments: args }) => { await makeRequest( LocalRestAPI.ApiNoContentResponse, `/vault/${encodeURIComponent(args.filename)}`, { method: "DELETE", }, ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "File deleted successfully" }], }; }, ); }