ClickUp MCP Server

by v4lheru


Create a single task in a ClickUp list. Use this tool for individual task creation only. For multiple tasks, use create_bulk_tasks instead. Before calling this tool, check if you already have the necessary list ID from previous responses in the conversation history, as this avoids redundant lookups. When creating a task, you must provide either a listId or listName.

Input Schema

descriptionNoPlain text description for the task
dueDateNoDue date of the task (Unix timestamp in milliseconds). Convert dates to this format before submitting.
listIdNoID of the list to create the task in (optional if using listName instead). If you have this ID from a previous response, use it directly rather than looking up by name.
listNameNoName of the list to create the task in - will automatically find the list by name (optional if using listId instead). Only use this if you don't already have the list ID from previous responses.
markdown_descriptionNoMarkdown formatted description for the task. If provided, this takes precedence over description
nameYesName of the task. Put a relevant emoji followed by a blank space before the name.
priorityNoPriority of the task (1-4), where 1 is urgent/highest priority and 4 is lowest priority. Only set this when the user explicitly requests a priority level.
statusNoOPTIONAL: Override the default ClickUp status. In most cases, you should omit this to use ClickUp defaults

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "oneOf": [ { "required": [ "listId" ] }, { "required": [ "listName" ] } ], "properties": { "description": { "description": "Plain text description for the task", "type": "string" }, "dueDate": { "description": "Due date of the task (Unix timestamp in milliseconds). Convert dates to this format before submitting.", "type": "string" }, "listId": { "description": "ID of the list to create the task in (optional if using listName instead). If you have this ID from a previous response, use it directly rather than looking up by name.", "type": "string" }, "listName": { "description": "Name of the list to create the task in - will automatically find the list by name (optional if using listId instead). Only use this if you don't already have the list ID from previous responses.", "type": "string" }, "markdown_description": { "description": "Markdown formatted description for the task. If provided, this takes precedence over description", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "Name of the task. Put a relevant emoji followed by a blank space before the name.", "type": "string" }, "priority": { "description": "Priority of the task (1-4), where 1 is urgent/highest priority and 4 is lowest priority. Only set this when the user explicitly requests a priority level.", "type": "number" }, "status": { "description": "OPTIONAL: Override the default ClickUp status. In most cases, you should omit this to use ClickUp defaults", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "name" ], "type": "object" }