ClickUp MCP Server
by v4lheru
- src
- types
* Type for task priority levels
export type TaskPriority = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | null;
* Type for custom field configuration
export interface CustomFieldConfig {
default?: any;
options?: Array<{
id: string;
name: string;
color?: string;
orderindex: number;
* Type for custom field value
export interface CustomField {
id: string;
name: string;
type: 'text' | 'dropdown' | 'date' | 'checkbox' | 'number' | 'currency' | 'email' | 'url' | 'location';
type_config: CustomFieldConfig;
date_created: string;
hide_from_guests: boolean;
value: any;
required: boolean;
* Interface for task filter options
export interface TaskFilters {
archived?: boolean;
page?: number;
order_by?: string;
reverse?: boolean;
subtasks?: boolean;
statuses?: string[];
include_closed?: boolean;
assignees?: string[];
due_date_gt?: number;
due_date_lt?: number;
date_created_gt?: number;
date_created_lt?: number;
date_updated_gt?: number;
date_updated_lt?: number;
custom_fields?: Record<string, any>;
* Represents a task in ClickUp with all its properties.
export interface ClickUpTask {
id: string;
name: string;
description?: string;
markdown_description?: string;
status?: {
status: string;
color: string;
type: string;
orderindex: number;
orderindex: string;
date_created: string;
date_updated: string;
date_closed: string | null;
creator: {
id: number;
username: string;
color: string;
email: string;
profilePicture: string | null;
assignees: Array<{
id: number;
username: string;
color: string;
initials: string;
email: string;
profilePicture: string | null;
checklists: Array<{
id: string;
name: string;
orderindex: number;
items: Array<{
id: string;
name: string;
orderindex: number;
assignee: string | null;
resolved: boolean;
parent: string | null;
date_created: string;
children: any[];
tags: Array<{
name: string;
tag_bg: string;
tag_fg: string;
parent: string | null;
priority: {
id: string;
priority: TaskPriority;
color: string;
orderindex: string;
} | null;
due_date: string | null;
start_date: string | null;
points: number | null;
time_estimate: number | null;
custom_fields: CustomField[];
dependencies: Array<{
task_id: string;
depends_on: string;
type: number;
linked_tasks: Array<{
task_id: string;
link_id: string;
date_created: string;
userid: string;
team_id: string;
url: string;
permission_level: string;
list: {
id: string;
name: string;
access: boolean;
project: {
id: string;
name: string;
hidden: boolean;
access: boolean;
folder: {
id: string;
name: string;
hidden: boolean;
access: boolean;
} | null;
space: {
id: string;
name: string;
access: boolean;
attachments: Array<{
id: string;
version: number;
date: string;
title: string;
extension: string;
thumbnail_small: string;
thumbnail_large: string;
url: string;
* Represents a list in ClickUp that can contain tasks.
* Lists can exist directly in a space or within a folder.
export interface ClickUpList {
/** Unique identifier for the list */
id: string;
/** Display name of the list */
name: string;
/** Description or content of the list */
content: string;
/** Parent space information */
space: {
id: string;
name: string;
/** Current status configuration */
status: {
status: string;
color: string;
* Represents a space in ClickUp that can contain lists and folders.
* Spaces are the top-level organizational units within a workspace.
export interface ClickUpSpace {
/** Unique identifier for the space */
id: string;
/** Display name of the space */
name: string;
/** Whether the space is private */
private: boolean;
/** Available status options for tasks in this space */
statuses: Array<{
id: string;
status: string;
color: string;
* Data structure for creating a new task.
export interface CreateTaskData {
name: string;
* Plain text description. If the text contains markdown characters (#, *, `, -, [], >),
* it will automatically be treated as markdown and moved to markdown_description.
description?: string;
* Markdown formatted description. If not provided but description contains markdown characters,
* it will be automatically populated from description.
markdown_description?: string;
priority?: TaskPriority;
due_date?: number;
start_date?: number;
assignees?: number[];
status?: string;
custom_fields?: Record<string, any>;
* Data structure for bulk creating multiple tasks.
* Handles rate limiting automatically.
export interface BulkCreateTasksData {
/** Array of tasks to create */
tasks: Array<CreateTaskData>;
* Data structure for creating a new list.
* Lists can be created either directly in a space or within a folder.
export interface CreateListData {
/** Name of the new list */
name: string;
/** Description or content for the list */
content?: string;
/** Due date for the entire list (Unix timestamp) */
due_date?: number;
/** Priority level for the list (1-4) */
priority?: TaskPriority;
/** User ID to assign the list to */
assignee?: number;
/** Initial status for the list */
status?: string;
* Data structure for updating an existing task.
* Allows partial updates of any task properties.
* Only specified fields will be updated.
export interface UpdateTaskData {
name?: string;
description?: string;
markdown_description?: string;
priority?: TaskPriority | null;
due_date?: number;
start_date?: number;
assignees?: number[];
status?: string;
custom_fields?: Record<string, any>;
* Represents a folder in ClickUp that can contain lists.
export interface ClickUpFolder {
id: string;
name: string;
orderindex: number;
override_statuses: boolean;
hidden: boolean;
space: {
id: string;
name: string;
lists: ClickUpList[];
* Data structure for creating a new folder.
export interface CreateFolderData {
name: string;
override_statuses?: boolean;
* Represents a node in the workspace hierarchy tree.
* Each node has common properties and can contain children.
* The tree structure follows these rules:
* 1. Spaces can contain lists and folders
* 2. Folders can only contain lists
* 3. Lists are always leaf nodes (no children)
* Parent references allow traversal up the tree, while children
* allow traversal down. The type field identifies the node's role
* in the hierarchy.
export interface WorkspaceNode {
/** Unique identifier from ClickUp */
id: string;
/** Display name of the node */
name: string;
/** Type of the node, determines its role and valid children */
type: 'space' | 'folder' | 'list';
/** Reference to parent node, undefined for top-level spaces */
parent?: WorkspaceNode;
/** Array of child nodes, empty for lists */
children: WorkspaceNode[];
/** Original ClickUp object data based on type */
data: ClickUpSpace | ClickUpFolder | ClickUpList;
* Represents the complete workspace hierarchy as a tree.
* The root node represents the workspace itself and contains
* all spaces as its children.
* Example structure:
* ```
* Workspace (root)
* ├── Space A
* │ ├── List 1
* │ └── Folder 1
* │ ├── List 2
* │ └── List 3
* └── Space B
* └── List 4
* ```
export interface WorkspaceTree {
root: {
/** Workspace/Team ID from ClickUp */
id: string;
/** Workspace name */
name: string;
/** Always 'workspace' to identify the root */
type: 'workspace';
/** Array of all spaces in the workspace */
children: WorkspaceNode[];
* Data structure for moving a task to a different list.
* Preserves task data while changing its location.
export interface MoveTaskData {
/** Name of the task (preserved from original) */
name: string;
/** Plain text description */
description?: string;
/** Markdown formatted description */
markdown_description?: string;
/** Status (if available in target list) */
status?: string;
/** Priority level (1-4) */
priority?: TaskPriority;
/** Due date (Unix timestamp) */
due_date?: number;
/** Start date (Unix timestamp) */
start_date?: number;
/** Array of user IDs to keep assigned */
assignees?: number[];