Gmail MCP Server

# Gmail API Authentication Setup Guide 1. **Create Google Cloud Project**: - Visit [Google Cloud Console]( - Click the "Select Project" dropdown at the top of the page - Click "New Project" - Enter a project name (e.g., `mail-processor`) - Click "Create" 2. **Enable Gmail API**: - Select "APIs & Services" → "Enabled APIs & Services" from the left menu - Click "+ Enable APIs & Services" at the top - Type "Gmail" in the search bar - Select "Gmail API" - Click "Enable" 3. **Configure OAuth Consent Screen**: - Select "APIs & Services" → "OAuth consent screen" from the left menu - Choose "External" user type (for personal projects) - Click "Create" - Fill in required information: - Application name - User support email - Developer contact information - In the "Scopes" section, add the following scopes: - `` (Read emails) - `` (Send emails) - In the "Test users" section, add your Gmail account - Complete configuration and click "Save and Continue" 4. **Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials**: - Select "APIs & Services" → "Credentials" from the left menu - Click "+ Create Credentials" → "OAuth client ID" - Select "Desktop application" as the application type - Enter a name (e.g., `Mail Processor Client`) - Add the following Authorized redirect URIs: `http://localhost:3000/auth/callback`, `` - Click "Create" - The system will display your `Client ID` and `Client Secret`. Record these values or download the JSON directly 5. **Get Refresh Token**: - Visit [Google OAuth 2.0 Playground]( - Click the gear icon in the top right (Settings) - Check "Use your own OAuth credentials" - Enter your previously obtained Client ID and Client Secret - Find "Gmail API v1" in the left list - Select the required scope: - `` - Click "Authorize APIs" - Sign in to your Google account and authorize - Click "Exchange authorization code for tokens" - In the response, you will see the `refresh_token`, record this value 6. **Configure Environment Variables**: Add the obtained credentials to your `.env` file: ``` GMAIL_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret GMAIL_REFRESH_TOKEN=your_refresh_token ```