Upstash MCP Server

import { z } from "zod"; import { json, tool } from ".."; import { http } from "../../http"; import type { RedisDatabase, RedisUsageResponse, UsageData } from "./types"; import { pruneFalsy } from "../../utils"; const readRegionSchema = z.union([ z.literal("us-east-1"), z.literal("us-west-1"), z.literal("us-west-2"), z.literal("eu-west-1"), z.literal("eu-central-1"), z.literal("ap-southeast-1"), z.literal("ap-southeast-2"), z.literal("sa-east-1"), ]); const GENERIC_DATABASE_NOTES = "\nNOTE: Don't show the database ID from the response to the user unless explicitly asked or needed.\n"; export const redisDbOpsTools = { redis_database_create_new: tool({ description: `Create a new Upstash redis database. NOTE: Ask user for the region and name of the database.${GENERIC_DATABASE_NOTES}`, inputSchema: z.object({ name: z.string().describe("Name of the database."), primary_region: readRegionSchema.describe(`Primary Region of the Global Database.`), read_regions: z .array(readRegionSchema) .optional() .describe(`Array of read regions of the db`), }), handler: async ({ name, primary_region, read_regions }) => { const newDb = await<RedisDatabase>("v2/redis/database", { name, region: "global", primary_region, read_regions, }); return [ json(newDb), `Upstash console url:${newDb.database_id}`, ]; }, }), redis_database_delete: tool({ description: `Delete an Upstash redis database.`, inputSchema: z.object({ database_id: z.string().describe("The ID of the database to delete."), }), handler: async ({ database_id }) => { await http.delete(["v2/redis/database", database_id]); return "Database deleted successfully."; }, }), redis_database_list_databases: tool({ description: `List all Upstash redis databases. Only their names and ids.${GENERIC_DATABASE_NOTES}`, handler: async () => { const dbs = await http.get<RedisDatabase[]>("v2/redis/databases"); const messages = [ json( => { const result = { database_id: db.database_id, database_name: db.database_name, state: db.state === "active" ? undefined : db.state, }; return pruneFalsy(result); }) ), ]; if (dbs.length > 2) messages.push( `NOTE: If the user did not specify a database name for the next command, ask them to choose a database from the list.` ); messages.push( "NOTE: If the user wants to see dbs in another team, mention that they need to create a new management api key for that team and initialize MCP server with the newly created key." ); return messages; }, }), redis_database_get_details: tool({ description: `Get further details of a specific Upstash redis database. Includes all details of the database including usage statistics. db_disk_threshold: Total disk usage limit. db_memory_threshold: Maximum memory usage. db_daily_bandwidth_limit: Maximum daily network bandwidth usage. db_request_limit: Total number of commands allowed. All sizes are in bytes ${GENERIC_DATABASE_NOTES} `, inputSchema: z.object({ database_id: z.string().describe("The ID of the database to get details for."), }), handler: async ({ database_id }) => { const db = await http.get<RedisDatabase>(["v2/redis/database", database_id]); return json(db); }, }), redis_database_update_regions: tool({ description: `Update the read regions of an Upstash redis database.`, inputSchema: z.object({ id: z.string().describe("The ID of your database."), read_regions: z .array(readRegionSchema) .describe( "Array of the new read regions of the database. This will replace the old regions array. Available regions: us-east-1, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, sa-east-1" ), }), handler: async ({ id, read_regions }) => { const updatedDb = await<RedisDatabase>(["v2/redis/update-regions", id], { read_regions, }); return json(updatedDb); }, }), redis_database_reset_password: tool({ description: `Reset the password of an Upstash redis database.`, inputSchema: z.object({ id: z.string().describe("The ID of your database."), }), handler: async ({ id }) => { const updatedDb = await<RedisDatabase>(["v2/redis/reset-password", id], {}); return json(updatedDb); }, }), redis_database_get_usage_last_5_days: tool({ description: `Get PRECISE command count and bandwidth usage statistics of an Upstash redis database over the last 5 days. This is a precise stat, not an average. NOTE: Ask user first if they want to see stats for each database seperately or just for one.`, inputSchema: z.object({ id: z.string().describe("The ID of your database."), }), handler: async ({ id }) => { const stats = await http.get<RedisUsageResponse>(["v2/redis/stats", `${id}?period=3h`]); return [ json({ days: stats.days, command_usage: stats.dailyrequests, bandwidth_usage: stats.bandwidths, }), `NOTE: Times are calculated according to UTC+0`, ]; }, }), redis_database_get_stats: tool({ description: `Get SAMPLED usage statistics of an Upstash redis database over a period of time (1h, 3h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 7d). Use this to check for peak usages and latency problems. Includes: read_latency_mean, write_latency_mean, keyspace, throughput (cmds/sec), diskusage NOTE: If the user does not specify which stat to get, use throughput as default.`, inputSchema: z.object({ id: z.string().describe("The ID of your database."), period: z .union([ z.literal("1h"), z.literal("3h"), z.literal("12h"), z.literal("1d"), z.literal("3d"), z.literal("7d"), ]) .describe("The period of the stats."), type: z .union([ z.literal("read_latency_mean"), z.literal("write_latency_mean"), z.literal("keyspace").describe("Number of keys in db"), z .literal("throughput") .describe("commands per second (sampled), calculate area for estimated count"), z.literal("diskusage").describe("Current disk usage in bytes"), ]) .describe("The type of stat to get"), }), handler: async ({ id, period, type }) => { const stats = await http.get<RedisUsageResponse>([ "v2/redis/stats", `${id}?period=${period}`, ]); const stat = stats[type]; if (!Array.isArray(stat)) throw new Error( `Invalid key provided: ${type}. Valid keys are: ${Object.keys(stats).join(", ")}` ); return [ JSON.stringify(parseUsageData(stat)), `NOTE: Use the timestamps_to_date tool to parse timestamps if needed`, `NOTE: Don't try to plot multiple stats in the same chart`, ]; }, }), }; const parseUsageData = (data: UsageData) => { if (!data) return "NO DATA"; if (!Array.isArray(data)) return "INVALID DATA"; if (data.length === 0 || data.length === 1) return "NO DATA"; const filteredData = data.filter((d) => d.x && d.y); return { start: filteredData[0].x, // last one can be null, so use the second last // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-at end: filteredData[filteredData.length - 1]?.x, data: => [new Date(d.x).getTime(), d.y]), }; };