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# Supported Actions by `@sharplygroup/xtb-api-js` library ## AccountOperations ### getCurrentUserData - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<IAccountDataResponse>` - **Description**: Returns information about account currency and account leverage. ### getMarginLevel - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<IMarginLevelResponse>` - **Description**: Returns various account indicators. ## CalculationOperations ### getCommissionDef - **Arguments**: - `symbol: string` - `volume: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ICommissionResponse>` - **Description**: Returns calculation of commission and rate of exchange. ### getMarginTrade - **Arguments**: - `symbol: string` - `volume: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<IMarginTradeResponse>` - **Description**: Returns expected margin for given instrument and volume. ### getProfitCalculation - **Arguments**: - `closePrice: number` - `cmd: number` - `openPrice: number` - `symbol: string` - `volume: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<IProfitCalculationResponse>` - **Description**: Calculates estimated profit for given deal data. ## DmaOperations ### getStepRules - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns a list of step rules for DMAs. ## MarketDataOperations ### getCalendar - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns calendar with market events. ### getChartLastRequest - **Arguments**: - `info: any` - **Return Type**: `Promise<IChartResponse>` - **Description**: Returns chart info, from start date to the current time. ### getChartRangeRequest - **Arguments**: - `info: any` - **Return Type**: `Promise<IChartResponse>` - **Description**: Returns chart info with data between given start and end dates. ### getTickPrices - **Arguments**: - `level: number` - `symbols: string[]` - `timestamp: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ITickPricesResponse>` - **Description**: Returns array of current quotations for given symbols, only quotations that changed from given timestamp are returned. ### getTradingHours - **Arguments**: - `symbols: string[]` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ITradingHoursResponse>` - **Description**: Returns quotes and trading times. ## NewsOperations ### getNews - **Arguments**: - `end: number` - `start: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns news from trading server which were sent within specified period of time. ## ServerOperations ### getServerTime - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns current time on trading server. ### getVersion - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns the current API version. ### ping - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<void>` - **Description**: Regularly calling this function is enough to refresh the internal state of all the components in the system. ## SymbolOperations ### getAllSymbols - **Arguments**: None - **Return Type**: `Promise<ISymbolsResponse>` - **Description**: Returns an array of all symbols available for the user. ### getSymbol - **Arguments**: - `symbol: string` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ISymbolResponse>` - **Description**: Returns information about the symbol available for the user. ## TradeOperations ### getTrades - **Arguments**: - `openedOnly: boolean` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ITradesResponse>` - **Description**: Returns an array of user's trades. ### getTradeRecords - **Arguments**: - `orders: number[]` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ITradesResponse>` - **Description**: Returns an array of trades listed in the `orders` argument. ### getTradesHistory - **Arguments**: - `end: number` - `start: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ITradesResponse>` - **Description**: Returns an array of user's trades which were closed within specified period of time. ### getTradeStatus - **Arguments**: - `order: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns current transaction status. ## TradingOperations ### tradeTransaction - **Arguments**: - `tradeTransInfo: any` - **Return Type**: `Promise<ITradeTransactionResponse>` - **Description**: Starts a trade transaction. ### tradeTransactionStatus - **Arguments**: - `order: number` - **Return Type**: `Promise<any>` - **Description**: Returns current transaction status.