* The primary nodes in the knowledge graph
export type Entity = {
name: string;
entityType: string;
observations: string[];
* Relations define directed connections between entities.
* They are always stored in active voice and describe how entities interact or relate to each other
export type Relation = {
from: string;
to: string;
relationType: string;
* Observations are discrete pieces of information about an entity
export type Observation = {
entityName: string;
contents: string[];
* The knowledge graph is the primary data structure for storing information in the system
export type KnowledgeGraph = {
entities: Entity[];
relations: Relation[];
* The KnowledgeGraphManagerInterface is the primary interface for interacting with the knowledge graph
export type KnowledgeGraphManagerInterface = {
createEntities(entities: Entity[]): Promise<Entity[]>;
createRelations(relations: Relation[]): Promise<Relation[]>;
addObservations(observations: Array<Observation>): Promise<Observation[]>;
deleteEntities(entityNames: string[]): Promise<void>;
deleteObservations(deletions: Array<Observation>): Promise<void>;
deleteRelations(relations: Relation[]): Promise<void>;
searchNodes(query: string): Promise<KnowledgeGraph>;
openNodes(names: string[]): Promise<KnowledgeGraph>;