MCP Documentation Server

export class PythonAnalyzer { constructor() {} public analyze(code: string): any { return { syntax: this.analyzeSyntax(code), imports: this.analyzeImports(code), functions: this.analyzeFunctions(code), classes: this.analyzeClasses(code), async: this.analyzeAsyncCode(code), typing: this.analyzeTyping(code), bestPractices: this.analyzePythonBestPractices(code) }; } private analyzeSyntax(code: string): any { return { pythonVersion: this.detectPythonVersion(code), syntaxFeatures: this.detectSyntaxFeatures(code), formatting: this.checkPEP8Compliance(code) }; } private analyzeImports(code: string): any { return { standardLibrary: this.findStandardLibraryImports(code), thirdParty: this.findThirdPartyImports(code), localImports: this.findLocalImports(code), importStyle: this.analyzeImportStyle(code) }; } private analyzeFunctions(code: string): any { return { definitions: this.findFunctionDefinitions(code), decorators: this.findDecorators(code), parameters: this.analyzeParameters(code), returns: this.analyzeReturnTypes(code) }; } private analyzeClasses(code: string): any { return { definitions: this.findClassDefinitions(code), inheritance: this.analyzeInheritance(code), methods: this.analyzeMethods(code), properties: this.analyzeProperties(code) }; } private analyzeAsyncCode(code: string): any { return { asyncFunctions: this.findAsyncFunctions(code), awaitUsage: this.findAwaitUsage(code), coroutines: this.findCoroutines(code) }; } private analyzeTyping(code: string): any { return { typeHints: this.findTypeHints(code), typeAliases: this.findTypeAliases(code), generics: this.findGenerics(code) }; } private analyzePythonBestPractices(code: string): any { return { pep8Compliance: this.checkPEP8Compliance(code), docstrings: this.analyzeDocstrings(code), errorHandling: this.analyzeErrorHandling(code), codeOrganization: this.analyzeCodeOrganization(code) }; } // Implementation methods private detectPythonVersion(code: string): string { // Detect Python version based on syntax features return '3.x'; } private detectSyntaxFeatures(code: string): any[] { // Detect various Python syntax features return []; } private findStandardLibraryImports(code: string): any[] { // Find standard library imports return []; } private findThirdPartyImports(code: string): any[] { // Find third-party library imports return []; } private findLocalImports(code: string): any[] { // Find local module imports return []; } private analyzeImportStyle(code: string): any { // Analyze import statement style return {}; } private findFunctionDefinitions(code: string): any[] { // Find function definitions return []; } private findDecorators(code: string): any[] { // Find decorator usage return []; } private analyzeParameters(code: string): any[] { // Analyze function parameters return []; } private analyzeReturnTypes(code: string): any[] { // Analyze function return types return []; } private findClassDefinitions(code: string): any[] { // Find class definitions return []; } private analyzeInheritance(code: string): any[] { // Analyze class inheritance return []; } private analyzeMethods(code: string): any[] { // Analyze class methods return []; } private analyzeProperties(code: string): any[] { // Analyze class properties return []; } private findAsyncFunctions(code: string): any[] { // Find async functions return []; } private findAwaitUsage(code: string): any[] { // Find await usage return []; } private findCoroutines(code: string): any[] { // Find coroutine definitions return []; } private findTypeHints(code: string): any[] { // Find type hints return []; } private findTypeAliases(code: string): any[] { // Find type aliases return []; } private findGenerics(code: string): any[] { // Find generic type usage return []; } private checkPEP8Compliance(code: string): any { // Check PEP 8 style guide compliance return {}; } private analyzeDocstrings(code: string): any[] { // Analyze docstring usage and quality return []; } private analyzeErrorHandling(code: string): any[] { // Analyze error handling patterns return []; } private analyzeCodeOrganization(code: string): any { // Analyze code organization and structure return {}; } }