MCP XMind Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Supports distribution and installation through npm, allowing users to easily install and run the MCP server using npx commands.

  • Utilizes TypeScript for type safety in development, with specific support for type checking when building or modifying the MCP server.

  • Incorporates Zod for schema validation, ensuring proper data structure when processing XMind files and handling user queries.

MCP XMind Server

A Model Context Protocol server for analyzing and querying XMind mind maps. This tool provides powerful capabilities for searching, extracting, and analyzing content from XMind files.


  • πŸ” Smart fuzzy search across mind maps
  • πŸ“ Task management and tracking
  • 🌲 Hierarchical content navigation
  • πŸ”— Link and reference extraction
  • πŸ“Š Multi-file analysis
  • 🏷️ Label and tag support
  • πŸ“‚ Directory scanning
  • πŸ”’ Secure directory access


Installing via Smithery

To install XMind Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @41px/mcp-xmind --client claude

Manual Installation

npm install @modelcontextprotocol/sdk adm-zip zod npm install --save-dev typescript @types/node


Starting the Server

node dist/index.js <allowed-directory> [additional-directories...]

Available Tools

  1. read_xmind
    • Parse and analyze XMind files
    • Extract complete mind map structure
  2. get_todo_tasks
    • Extract and analyze TODO tasks
    • Include task context and hierarchy
  3. list_xmind_directory
    • Recursively scan for XMind files
    • Filter and organize results
  4. read_multiple_xmind_files
    • Process multiple files simultaneously
    • Compare and analyze across files
  5. search_xmind_files
    • Search files by name patterns
    • Recursive directory scanning
  6. extract_node
    • Smart fuzzy path matching
    • Ranked search results
    • Complete subtree extraction
  7. extract_node_by_id
    • Direct node access by ID
    • Fast and precise retrieval
  8. search_nodes
    • Multi-criteria content search
    • Configurable search fields


Search for Nodes

{ "name": "search_nodes", "arguments": { "path": "/path/to/file.xmind", "query": "project", "searchIn": ["title", "notes"], "caseSensitive": false } }

Extract Node

{ "name": "extract_node", "arguments": { "path": "/path/to/file.xmind", "searchQuery": "Feature > API" } }

List Tasks

{ "name": "get_todo_tasks", "arguments": { "path": "/path/to/file.xmind" } }


Development Configuration

Example claude_desktop_config.json for development:

{ "xmind": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/Users/alex/Src/mcp-xmind/dist/index.js", "/Users/alex/XMind" ] } }

Production Configuration

Example claude_desktop_config.json for production using npmjs:

{ "xmind": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@41px/mcp-xmind", "/Users/alex/XMind" ] } }


  • Only allows access to specified directories
  • Path normalization and validation
  • Error handling for invalid access attempts



npm run build

Type Checking

npm run type-check

MCP Inspector

npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector node dist/index.js /Users/alex/XMind
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that allows intelligent analysis and querying of XMind mind maps, providing capabilities for searching, extracting, and analyzing content across XMind files.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Installing via Smithery
        1. Manual Installation
        2. Usage
          1. Starting the Server
            1. Available Tools
            2. Examples
              1. Search for Nodes
                1. Extract Node
                  1. List Tasks
                  2. Configuration
                    1. Development Configuration
                      1. Production Configuration
                      2. Security
                        1. Development
                          1. Building
                            1. Type Checking
                              1. MCP Inspector