Blender MCP Server

  • utils
import os import subprocess import sys import json from pathlib import Path import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UVIntegration: """Integration with UV Python for package management""" def __init__(self): """Initialize UV integration utils""" self.uv_path = self._find_uv_executable() self.has_uv = self.uv_path is not None def _find_uv_executable(self): """Find the UV executable in the system""" # Try common locations common_names = ["uv", "uv.exe"] for name in common_names: try: # Just check if we can run it with --version[name, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=5) return name except (subprocess.SubprocessError, FileNotFoundError): continue return None def is_available(self): """Check if UV is available on the system""" return self.has_uv def install_dependencies(self, dependencies, venv_path=None): """ Install dependencies using UV Args: dependencies (list): List of dependencies to install venv_path (str, optional): Path to virtual environment Returns: dict: Result of the operation """ if not self.has_uv: return { "success": False, "message": "UV Python is not available. Please install it first." } cmd = [self.uv_path, "pip", "install"] cmd.extend(dependencies) env = os.environ.copy() if venv_path: # Set virtual environment path if sys.platform == "win32": env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_path env["PATH"] = os.path.join(venv_path, "Scripts") + os.pathsep + env["PATH"] else: env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_path env["PATH"] = os.path.join(venv_path, "bin") + os.pathsep + env["PATH"] try: result = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, text=True ) if result.returncode == 0: return { "success": True, "message": f"Successfully installed dependencies: {', '.join(dependencies)}", "output": result.stdout } else: return { "success": False, "message": "Failed to install dependencies", "error": result.stderr, "output": result.stdout } except Exception as e: return { "success": False, "message": f"Error during installation: {str(e)}" } def create_venv(self, path): """ Create a virtual environment using UV Args: path (str): Path for the virtual environment Returns: dict: Result of the operation """ if not self.has_uv: return { "success": False, "message": "UV Python is not available. Please install it first." } path = os.path.abspath(path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) cmd = [self.uv_path, "venv", path] try: result = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) if result.returncode == 0: return { "success": True, "message": f"Successfully created virtual environment at {path}", "path": path, "output": result.stdout } else: return { "success": False, "message": "Failed to create virtual environment", "error": result.stderr, "output": result.stdout } except Exception as e: return { "success": False, "message": f"Error creating virtual environment: {str(e)}" } def get_installed_packages(self, venv_path=None): """ Get list of installed packages Args: venv_path (str, optional): Path to virtual environment Returns: dict: Result of the operation with list of packages """ if not self.has_uv: return { "success": False, "message": "UV Python is not available. Please install it first." } cmd = [self.uv_path, "pip", "list", "--format=json"] env = os.environ.copy() if venv_path: # Set virtual environment path if sys.platform == "win32": env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_path env["PATH"] = os.path.join(venv_path, "Scripts") + os.pathsep + env["PATH"] else: env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_path env["PATH"] = os.path.join(venv_path, "bin") + os.pathsep + env["PATH"] try: result = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, text=True ) if result.returncode == 0: try: packages = json.loads(result.stdout) return { "success": True, "packages": packages, "count": len(packages) } except json.JSONDecodeError: return { "success": False, "message": "Failed to parse package list", "output": result.stdout } else: return { "success": False, "message": "Failed to get list of packages", "error": result.stderr, "output": result.stdout } except Exception as e: return { "success": False, "message": f"Error getting packages: {str(e)}" } def run_script_in_venv(self, script_path, venv_path): """ Run a Python script in a virtual environment Args: script_path (str): Path to the script venv_path (str): Path to virtual environment Returns: dict: Result of the operation """ if not os.path.exists(script_path): return { "success": False, "message": f"Script not found: {script_path}" } if not os.path.exists(venv_path): return { "success": False, "message": f"Virtual environment not found: {venv_path}" } # Get path to Python in the virtual environment if sys.platform == "win32": python_path = os.path.join(venv_path, "Scripts", "python.exe") else: python_path = os.path.join(venv_path, "bin", "python") if not os.path.exists(python_path): return { "success": False, "message": f"Python not found in virtual environment: {python_path}" } try: result = [python_path, script_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) return { "success": result.returncode == 0, "exit_code": result.returncode, "stdout": result.stdout, "stderr": result.stderr } except Exception as e: return { "success": False, "message": f"Error running script: {str(e)}" }