Blender MCP Server

  • examples
import bpy import os # Print information about the current scene print(f"Current Blender version: {}") print(f"Current file: {}") # List all objects in the scene print("\nObjects in the scene:") for obj in print(f" - {} ({obj.type})") # List all materials print("\nMaterials in the scene:") for mat in print(f" - {}") # List all scenes print("\nScenes in the file:") for scene in print(f" - {}") # Make a small change to demonstrate saving if # Move the first object up by 1 unit obj =[0] original_loc = obj.location.copy() obj.location.z += 1 print(f"\nMoved {} up by 1 unit (from {original_loc.z} to {obj.location.z})") # Note about saving print("\nNote: To save changes to the blend file, uncomment the save line below.") # bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile()