Blender MCP Server

  • blender
import os import json from pathlib import Path import tempfile class UVTools: """Tools for UV mapping operations in Blender""" def __init__(self, executor): """ Initialize UV tools with a BlenderExecutor Args: executor: BlenderExecutor instance for running scripts """ self.executor = executor self.temp_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "blender_mcp_uv" self._setup() def _setup(self): """Setup the UV tools, create necessary directories""" os.makedirs(self.temp_dir, exist_ok=True) def unwrap_object(self, object_name, method="ANGLE_BASED", blend_file=None): """ Unwrap a specific object in a blend file Args: object_name (str): Name of the object to unwrap method (str): Unwrapping method (ANGLE_BASED, CONFORMAL, or SMART_PROJECT) blend_file (str): Path to the blend file Returns: dict: Result of the operation """ if blend_file is None or not os.path.exists(blend_file): return {"error": f"Blend file not found: {blend_file}"} script = f""" import bpy import json result = {{"success": False, "message": ""}} # Check if the object exists if "{object_name}" not in result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' not found in the blend file" else: obj =["{object_name}"] # Check if it's a mesh if obj.type != 'MESH': result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' is not a mesh (type: {{obj.type}})" else: # Select only this object and make it active bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(True) = obj # Go to edit mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Select all faces bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') # Perform the unwrap operation try: method = "{method}" if method == "SMART_PROJECT": bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(angle_limit=66, island_margin=0.02) else: # ANGLE_BASED or CONFORMAL bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method=method, margin=0.02) result["success"] = True result["message"] = f"Successfully unwrapped {{}} using {{method}} method" # Get UV stats me = if me.uv_layers: result["uv_layers"] = [ for layer in me.uv_layers] result["active_uv"] = if else None result["uv_count"] = len(me.uv_layers) else: result["message"] += "\\nNo UV layers found after unwrapping. This may indicate an error." except Exception as e: result["message"] = f"Error during unwrapping: {{str(e)}}" # Return to object mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Save the file bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile() # Print the result as JSON for parsing print(json.dumps(result)) """ # Execute the script output = self.executor.execute("unwrap_object", script, blend_file) # Try to parse the JSON result try: # Extract JSON from the output (it may contain other print statements) lines = output.strip().split('\n') for line in lines: try: result = json.loads(line) if isinstance(result, dict) and "success" in result: return result except json.JSONDecodeError: pass # If no valid JSON found, return the raw output return {"error": "Could not parse result", "output": output} except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Error parsing result: {str(e)}", "output": output} def mark_seams(self, object_name, blend_file=None, seam_angle=80): """ Mark seams on an object based on angle Args: object_name (str): Name of the object to mark seams on blend_file (str): Path to the blend file seam_angle (float): Angle in degrees to use for marking seams Returns: dict: Result of the operation """ if blend_file is None or not os.path.exists(blend_file): return {"error": f"Blend file not found: {blend_file}"} script = f""" import bpy import json import math import bmesh result = {{"success": False, "message": ""}} # Check if the object exists if "{object_name}" not in result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' not found in the blend file" else: obj =["{object_name}"] # Check if it's a mesh if obj.type != 'MESH': result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' is not a mesh (type: {{obj.type}})" else: # Select only this object and make it active bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(True) = obj # Go to edit mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Get the bmesh me = bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) # Ensure we have custom data layers for seams if not bm.edges.layers.seam: seam_layer = # Mark seams by angle seam_angle_rad = {seam_angle} * (math.pi / 180.0) seam_count = 0 for edge in bm.edges: if edge.is_boundary: # Mark boundary edges as seams edge[seam_layer] = True seam_count += 1 continue # Get connected faces if len(edge.link_faces) == 2: f1, f2 = edge.link_faces angle = f1.normal.angle(f2.normal) # If angle between faces exceeds threshold, mark as seam if angle > seam_angle_rad: edge[seam_layer] = True seam_count += 1 # Update the mesh and unwrap bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me) # Select all faces bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') # Unwrap using the seams bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='ANGLE_BASED', margin=0.02) result["success"] = True result["message"] = f"Marked {{seam_count}} seams on {{}} using angle threshold of {seam_angle}° and unwrapped" result["seam_count"] = seam_count # Return to object mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Save the file bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile() # Print the result as JSON for parsing print(json.dumps(result)) """ # Execute the script output = self.executor.execute("mark_seams", script, blend_file) # Try to parse the JSON result try: # Extract JSON from the output lines = output.strip().split('\n') for line in lines: try: result = json.loads(line) if isinstance(result, dict) and "success" in result: return result except json.JSONDecodeError: pass # If no valid JSON found, return the raw output return {"error": "Could not parse result", "output": output} except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Error parsing result: {str(e)}", "output": output} def texture_object(self, object_name, blend_file=None, texture_type="checker", color1=None, color2=None): """ Apply a textured material to an object using its UV maps Args: object_name (str): Name of the object to texture blend_file (str): Path to the blend file texture_type (str): Type of texture (checker, gradient, grid) color1 (list): First color as [r, g, b] (0.0-1.0 range) color2 (list): Second color as [r, g, b] (0.0-1.0 range) Returns: dict: Result of the operation """ if blend_file is None or not os.path.exists(blend_file): return {"error": f"Blend file not found: {blend_file}"} # Set default colors if none provided if color1 is None: color1 = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] # Red if color2 is None: color2 = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8] # Blue script = f""" import bpy import json result = {{"success": False, "message": ""}} # Check if the object exists if "{object_name}" not in result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' not found in the blend file" else: obj =["{object_name}"] # Check if it's a mesh if obj.type != 'MESH': result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' is not a mesh (type: {{obj.type}})" else: # Check if the object has UVs if not result["message"] = f"Object '{object_name}' has no UV layers. Unwrap it first." else: # Create a new material mat_name = f"{{}}_{{'{texture_type}'}}_Material" mat = mat.use_nodes = True # Clear default nodes node_tree = mat.node_tree for node in node_tree.nodes: node_tree.nodes.remove(node) # Create texture coordinate node tex_coord ='ShaderNodeTexCoord') tex_coord.location = (-600, 0) # Create BSDF node bsdf ='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled') bsdf.location = (0, 0) # Create output node output ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') output.location = (200, 0) # Different texture setup based on type texture_type = "{texture_type}".lower() if texture_type == "checker": # Create checker texture node checker ='ShaderNodeTexChecker') checker.location = (-400, 0) checker.inputs['Scale'].default_value = 4.0 checker.inputs['Color1'].default_value = {color1 + [1.0]} checker.inputs['Color2'].default_value = {color2 + [1.0]} # Link nodes['UV'], checker.inputs['Vector'])['Color'], bsdf.inputs['Base Color']) elif texture_type == "gradient": # Create gradient texture node gradient ='ShaderNodeTexGradient') gradient.location = (-400, 0) # Create color ramp for the gradient color_ramp ='ShaderNodeValToRGB') color_ramp.location = (-200, 0) # Customize the color ramp color_ramp