Blender MCP Server

# Blender MCP Server A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for managing and executing Blender scripts. ## Features - Add, edit, execute, and remove Blender Python scripts - Execute scripts in a headless Blender environment - View execution results and errors - Track script metadata (creation date, last modified, execution count) ## Requirements - Python 3.7+ - Blender installed and accessible - MCP library (`pip install mcp`) ## Usage 1. Start the server: ``` python ``` 2. Connect to the server using an MCP client (like Claude Desktop) 3. Use the provided tools to manage scripts: - `add_script(name, content)` - Add a new script - `edit_script(name, content)` - Edit an existing script - `execute_script(name, blend_file=None)` - Execute a script in Blender, optionally specifying a .blend file - `remove_script(name)` - Remove a script 4. Access resources to get information: - `scripts://list` - Get list of available scripts - `script://{name}` - Get content of a specific script - `result://{name}` - Get execution result of a script ## Examples ### Basic Example ```python # Add a simple script add_script("hello_cube", ''' import bpy # Clear existing objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.delete() # Create a cube bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=2, location=(0, 0, 0)) print("Cube created!") ''') # Execute the script execute_script("hello_cube") # Get the result # Access using: result://hello_cube ``` ### Working with Blend Files ```python # Add a script that works with a blend file add_script("analyze_scene", ''' import bpy # Print information about the current scene print(f"Current Blender version: {}") print(f"Current file: {}") # List all objects in the scene print("\\nObjects in the scene:") for obj in print(f" - {} ({obj.type})") ''') # Execute with a specific blend file execute_script("analyze_scene", blend_file="/path/to/your/project.blend") # Get the result # Access using: result://analyze_scene ``` ## How It Works 1. When a script is added, it's stored in the `script_files/scripts` directory 2. When executed, the script is run in a headless Blender instance - If a blend file is specified, Blender will open that file before running the script - Otherwise, a default empty Blender scene is used 3. Output and errors are captured and stored in the `script_files/results` directory 4. Metadata about scripts is tracked in `script_files/metadata.json` ## Installation 1. Clone this repository 2. Install the MCP library: `pip install mcp` 3. Ensure Blender is installed and accessible from your PATH ## License MIT