Specif-ai MCP Server
by vj-presidio
- src
- services
import { Server } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js'
import { StdioServerTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js'
import { CallToolRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'
import { object, z } from 'zod'
import { join } from 'path'
import { readFile, access, constants } from 'fs/promises'
import type { Solution } from '../types'
import { DocumentService } from './document.service'
import { FileService } from './file.service'
import { logger } from '../utils/logger'
* Schema for get-user-stories request
const GetUserStoriesRequestSchema = object({
prdId: z.string(),
cwd: z.string(),
* Schema for get-tasks request
const GetTasksRequestSchema = object({
prdId: z.string(),
userStoryId: z.string(),
cwd: z.string(),
* Schema for get-task request
const GetTaskRequestSchema = object({
prdId: z.string(),
userStoryId: z.string(),
taskId: z.string(),
cwd: z.string(),
* Schema for tools that only need an optional project path
const OptionalProjectPathSchema = object({
cwd: z.string(),
* Service for handling MCP server operations
export class ServerService {
private server: Server
private documentService: DocumentService
private fileService: FileService
private solution: Solution | null
private projectPath: string | null
constructor(projectPath?: string) {
this.solution = null
this.projectPath = projectPath || null
this.documentService = new DocumentService()
this.fileService = new FileService()
this.server = new Server(
name: 'specif-ai',
version: `${process.env.SP_VERSION || '0.0.0'}`,
capabilities: {
tools: {},
logger.info('Initializing MCP server...')
logger.info('MCP server initialized')
* Format document array into text output
private formatDocuments(docs: Array<{ id: string; title: string; description: string }>): string {
return docs
.map((doc) =>
`ID: ${doc.id}`,
`Title: ${doc.title}`,
`Description: ${doc.description}`,
* Auto-infer project path and load solution
* @param projectPath - The project path to load the solution from
* */
private async loadSolutionByAutoInference(projectPath: string): Promise<void> {
const inferredPath = await this.inferProjectPath(projectPath)
if (inferredPath) {
this.projectPath = inferredPath
this.solution = await this.documentService.loadSolution(inferredPath)
logger.info({ inferredPath }, 'Project path auto-inferred')
* Infer project path from a given directory path
* @param directoryPath - The directory path to check for .specif-ai-path file
* @returns The inferred project path or null if not found
private async inferProjectPath(directoryPath: string): Promise<string | null> {
if (!directoryPath) {
logger.debug('No directory path provided for inference')
return null
try {
// Check if the directory exists
if (!(await this.fileService.isDirectory(directoryPath))) {
logger.debug({ directoryPath }, 'Directory does not exist')
return null
// Check if .specif-ai-path file exists
const specFilePath = join(directoryPath, '.specif-ai-path')
try {
await access(specFilePath, constants.R_OK)
} catch {
logger.debug({ specFilePath }, '.specif-ai-path file not found')
return null
// Read the file content
const content = await readFile(specFilePath, 'utf-8')
const projectPath = content.trim()
// Validate the project path
if (!(await this.fileService.isDirectory(projectPath))) {
logger.warn({ projectPath }, 'Project path from .specif-ai-path is not a valid directory')
return null
logger.info({ directoryPath, projectPath }, 'Successfully inferred project path')
return projectPath
} catch (error) {
logger.error({ error, directoryPath }, 'Error inferring project path')
return null
* Setup all request handlers for the server
private setupRequestHandlers(): void {
* Setup handler for listing available tools
private setupListToolsHandler(): void {
this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => {
logger.info('Handling list tools request')
return {
tools: [
name: 'set-project-path',
'Set the project path and reload the solution, use this tool only when we not automatically able to infer the project path or asked by the user or us., we will try to auto infer it from the environment first.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
required: ['path'],
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
'The absolute path to the project directory containing specification files',
name: 'get-brds',
description: 'Get Business Requirement Documents for this project',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
required: ['cwd'],
name: 'get-prds',
description: 'Get Product Requirement Documents for this project',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
required: ['cwd'],
name: 'get-nfrs',
description: 'Get Non-Functional Requirement Documents for this project',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
required: ['cwd'],
name: 'get-uirs',
description: 'Get User Interface Requirement Documents for this project',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
required: ['cwd'],
name: 'get-bps',
description: 'Get Business Process Documents for this project',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
required: ['cwd'],
name: 'get-user-stories',
description: 'Get User Stories for a particular PRD',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
required: ['prdId', 'cwd'],
properties: {
prdId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The ID of the PRD to get user stories for',
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
name: 'get-tasks',
description: 'Get Tasks for a particular User Story',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
required: ['prdId', 'userStoryId', 'cwd'],
properties: {
prdId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The ID of the PRD to get user stories for',
userStoryId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The ID of the User Story to get tasks for',
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
name: 'get-task',
description: 'Get a Task for a particular User Story in a particular PRD',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
required: ['prdId', 'userStoryId', 'taskId', 'cwd'],
properties: {
prdId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The ID of the PRD to get user stories for',
userStoryId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The ID of the User Story to get tasks for',
taskId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The ID of the Task to get',
cwd: {
type: 'string',
'Absolute path where the tool is called from to auto-infer the project path. This path will be current working directory (cwd) from where the tool is called.',
* Setup handler for tool calls
private setupCallToolHandler(): void {
if (this.projectPath) {
logger.info({ projectPath: this.projectPath }, 'Project path is found from process.env.PWD')
this.inferProjectPath(this.projectPath).then((inferredPath) => {
if (inferredPath) {
logger.info({ inferredPath }, 'Project path auto-inferred')
this.projectPath = inferredPath
this.documentService.loadSolution(inferredPath).then((solution) => {
this.solution = solution
logger.info({ solution }, 'Solution loaded from auto-inferred project path')
this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
const { name, arguments: args } = request.params
logger.info({ tool: name, args }, 'Handling tool call')
try {
switch (name) {
case 'set-project-path': {
const { path } = object({ path: z.string() }).parse(args)
this.projectPath = path
this.solution = await this.documentService.loadSolution(path)
return this.createTextResponse(`Project path set to: ${path}`)
case 'get-brds': {
const { cwd } = OptionalProjectPathSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(this.solution.BRD))
case 'get-prds': {
const { cwd } = OptionalProjectPathSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(this.solution.PRD))
case 'get-nfrs': {
const { cwd } = OptionalProjectPathSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(this.solution.NFR))
case 'get-uirs': {
const { cwd } = OptionalProjectPathSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(this.solution.UIR))
case 'get-bps': {
const { cwd } = OptionalProjectPathSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(this.solution.BP))
case 'get-user-stories': {
const { prdId, cwd } = GetUserStoriesRequestSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
const prd = this.documentService.findPRD(this.solution, prdId)
if (!prd) {
logger.warn({ prdId }, 'PRD not found')
return this.createTextResponse(`No PRD found with ID ${prdId}`)
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(prd.userStories))
case 'get-tasks': {
const { prdId, userStoryId, cwd } = GetTasksRequestSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
const prd = this.documentService.findPRD(this.solution, prdId)
if (!prd) {
logger.warn({ prdId }, 'PRD not found')
return this.createTextResponse(`No PRD found with ID ${prdId}`)
const userStory = this.documentService.findUserStory(prd, userStoryId)
if (!userStory) {
logger.warn({ prdId, userStoryId }, 'User Story not found')
return this.createTextResponse(`No User Story found with ID ${userStoryId}`)
return this.createTextResponse(this.formatDocuments(userStory.tasks))
case 'get-task': {
const { prdId, userStoryId, taskId, cwd } = GetTaskRequestSchema.parse(args)
// Try to infer project path if provided
if (cwd) {
await this.loadSolutionByAutoInference(cwd)
if (!this.solution || !cwd) {
throw new Error(
'No project path set. Use set-project-path first or provide a valid cwd to auto-infer.'
const prd = this.documentService.findPRD(this.solution, prdId)
if (!prd) {
logger.warn({ prdId }, 'PRD not found')
return this.createTextResponse(`No PRD found with ID ${prdId}`)
const userStory = this.documentService.findUserStory(prd, userStoryId)
if (!userStory) {
logger.warn({ prdId, userStoryId }, 'User Story not found')
return this.createTextResponse(`No User Story found with ID ${userStoryId}`)
const task = this.documentService.findTask(userStory, taskId)
if (!task) {
logger.warn({ prdId, userStoryId, taskId }, 'Task not found')
return this.createTextResponse(`No Task found with ID ${taskId}`)
return this.createTextResponse(
[`ID: ${task.id}`, `Title: ${task.title}`, `Description: ${task.description}`].join(
logger.warn({ tool: name }, 'Unknown tool called')
throw new Error(`Unknown tool: ${name}`)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
const message = `Invalid arguments: ${error.errors
.map((e) => `${e.path.join('.')}: ${e.message}`)
.join(', ')}`
logger.error({ error: error.errors, tool: name }, message)
throw new Error(message)
logger.error({ error, tool: name }, 'Error handling tool call')
throw error
* Create a text response object
private createTextResponse(text: string) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
* Start the server
async start(): Promise<void> {
logger.info('Starting MCP server...')
const transport = new StdioServerTransport()
await this.server.connect(transport)
logger.info('MCP server started successfully')