Specif-ai MCP Server
by vj-presidio
- docs
- dev
# Development Setup Guide
## Prerequisites
- Node.js >= 16.0.0
- Bun >= 1.0.0
- Git
## Initial Setup
1. **Clone the Repository**
git clone https://github.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server.git
cd specif-ai-mcp-server
2. **Install Dependencies**
# Using npm
npm install
# Using bun
bun install
## Development Scripts
- **Build the Project**
npm run build # Regular build
npm run build:npm # Build for npm publishing
- **Run Tests**
npm test # Run tests with coverage
npm run test:watch # Run tests in watch mode
- **Code Formatting**
npm run format # Format code
npm run format:check # Check formatting
- **Release Process**
npm run release # Create a release
npm run release:ci # CI release
npm run release:dry-run # Test release process
## Development Workflow
1. **Git Hooks**
- The project uses Husky for git hooks
- Commit messages are validated using commitlint
- Code is automatically formatted on commit
2. **Commit Message Format**
Follow the [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/) specification:
type(scope): description
[optional body]
[optional footer]
Types: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, test, chore
3. **Testing**
- Write tests for new features
- Maintain test coverage
- Tests are in `__tests__` directories
- Use Jest's snapshot testing when appropriate
4. **Code Style**
- Follow TypeScript best practices
- Use ESM imports/exports
- Document public APIs with JSDoc
- Follow the existing project structure
## IDE Setup
### VSCode
Recommended extensions:
- ESLint
- Prettier
- TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features
- Jest Runner
Recommended settings (`settings.json`):
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "relative"
## Debugging
1. **Local Development**
- Use the `debug` configuration in VSCode
- Set breakpoints in TypeScript files
- Console logs are formatted with pino-pretty
2. **Testing**
- Use `test:watch` for development
- Debug tests using Jest VSCode extension
- Check coverage reports in `coverage/` directory
## Common Issues
1. **Module Resolution**
- Ensure TypeScript version matches peer dependency
- Check tsconfig.json module settings
- Verify import/export syntax (use ESM)
2. **Build Issues**
- Clear build cache if needed
- Verify Node.js and Bun versions
- Check for TypeScript errors
3. **Test Issues**
- Ensure Jest configuration matches ESM setup
- Check test environment setup
- Verify mock implementations