Telegram MCP Server

  • src
  • mcp_telegram
import asyncio from typing import Annotated from typer import Context, Option, Typer app = Typer() @app.callback(invoke_without_command=True) def _run(ctx: Context) -> None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: # This will run if no subcommand is specified run() @app.command() def sign_in( api_id: Annotated[str, Option(help="Telegram API id")], api_hash: Annotated[str, Option(help="Telegram API hash")], phone_number: Annotated[str, Option(help="Phone number with country code")], ) -> None: """Connect to Telegram API.""" from .telegram import connect_to_telegram, api_hash, phone_number)) @app.command() def run() -> None: """Run the mcp-telegram server.""" from .server import run_mcp_server @app.command() def logout() -> None: """Logout from Telegram API.""" from .telegram import logout_from_telegram