MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Connects to Box to ingest documents from the platform. Supports creating and managing connections to Box, and ingesting content via authenticated sessions.

  • Enables document ingestion from Dropbox accounts. Provides tools for authenticating with Dropbox, creating connections, and ingesting selected documents into the knowledge base.

  • Allows ingesting documents from Google Drive. Supports authenticating with Google Drive, selecting documents for ingestion, and maintaining connections to retrieve content. MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation for the API. This server allows AI models to interact with's knowledge management platform through a standardized interface.


  • Manage namespaces for organizing knowledge
  • Ingest content from various sources (text, URLs, websites, external services)
  • Retrieve, update, and manage documents stored in your knowledge base
  • Perform semantic and hybrid searches against your knowledge base
  • Access document content directly from parsed text URLs
  • Manage connections to external services
  • Default configuration support for seamless AI integration


Running with npx

# Install and run with your API key and tenant ID env SOURCESYNC_API_KEY=your_api_key npx -y sourcesyncai-mcp

Installing via Smithery

To install sourcesyncai-mcp for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @pbteja1998/sourcesyncai-mcp --client claude

Manual Installation

# Clone the repository git clone cd sourcesyncai-mcp # Install dependencies npm install # Build the project npm run build # Run the server node dist/index.js

Running on Cursor

To configure MCP in Cursor:

  1. Open Cursor Settings
  2. Go to Features > MCP Servers
  3. Click + Add New MCP Server
  4. Enter the following:
    • Name: sourcesyncai-mcp (or your preferred name)
    • Type: command
    • Command: env SOURCESYNCAI_API_KEY=your-api-key npx -y sourcesyncai-mcp

After adding, you can use tools with Cursor's AI features by describing your knowledge management needs.

Running on Windsurf

Add this to your ./codeium/windsurf/model_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "sourcesyncai-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "soucesyncai-mcp"], "env": { "SOURCESYNC_API_KEY": "your_api_key", "SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID": "your_namespace_id", "SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID": "your_tenant_id" } } } }

Running on Claude Desktop

To use this MCP server with Claude Desktop:

  1. Locate the Claude Desktop configuration file:
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
    • Linux: ~/.config/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Edit the configuration file to add the MCP server:
{ "mcpServers": { "sourcesyncai-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "sourcesyncai-mcp"], "env": { "SOURCESYNC_API_KEY": "your_api_key", "SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID": "your_namespace_id", "SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID": "your_tenant_id" } } } }
  1. Save the configuration file and restart Claude Desktop


Environment Variables


  • SOURCESYNC_API_KEY: Your API key (required)


  • SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID: Default namespace ID to use for operations
  • SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID: Your tenant ID (optional)

Configuration Examples

Basic configuration with default values:

export SOURCESYNC_API_KEY=your_api_key export SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID=your_tenant_id export SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID=your_namespace_id

Available Tools


  • validate_api_key: Validate a API key
{ "name": "validate_api_key", "arguments": {} }


  • create_namespace: Create a new namespace
  • list_namespaces: List all namespaces
  • get_namespace: Get details of a specific namespace
  • update_namespace: Update a namespace
  • delete_namespace: Delete a namespace
{ "name": "create_namespace", "arguments": { "name": "my-namespace", "fileStorageConfig": { "provider": "S3_COMPATIBLE", "config": { "endpoint": "", "accessKey": "your_access_key", "secretKey": "your_secret_key", "bucket": "your_bucket", "region": "us-east-1" } }, "vectorStorageConfig": { "provider": "PINECONE", "config": { "apiKey": "your_pinecone_api_key", "environment": "your_environment", "index": "your_index" } }, "embeddingModelConfig": { "provider": "OPENAI", "config": { "apiKey": "your_openai_api_key", "model": "text-embedding-3-small" } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "list_namespaces", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "get_namespace", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "update_namespace", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "name": "updated-namespace-name" } }
{ "name": "delete_namespace", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }

Data Ingestion

  • ingest_text: Ingest text content
  • ingest_urls: Ingest content from URLs
  • ingest_sitemap: Ingest content from a sitemap
  • ingest_website: Ingest content from a website
  • ingest_notion: Ingest content from Notion
  • ingest_google_drive: Ingest content from Google Drive
  • ingest_dropbox: Ingest content from Dropbox
  • ingest_onedrive: Ingest content from OneDrive
  • ingest_box: Ingest content from Box
  • get_ingest_job_run_status: Get the status of an ingestion job run
{ "name": "ingest_text", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "TEXT", "config": { "name": "example-document", "text": "This is an example document for ingestion.", "metadata": { "category": "example", "author": "AI Assistant" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_urls", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "URLS", "config": { "urls": ["", ""], "metadata": { "source": "web", "category": "documentation" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_sitemap", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "SITEMAP", "config": { "url": "", "metadata": { "source": "sitemap", "website": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_website", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "WEBSITE", "config": { "url": "", "maxDepth": 3, "maxPages": 100, "metadata": { "source": "website", "domain": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_notion", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "NOTION", "config": { "connectionId": "your_notion_connection_id", "metadata": { "source": "notion", "workspace": "My Workspace" } } }, "tenantId": "your_tenant_id" } }
{ "name": "ingest_google_drive", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "GOOGLE_DRIVE", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "google_drive", "owner": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_dropbox", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "DROPBOX", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "dropbox", "account": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_onedrive", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "ONEDRIVE", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "onedrive", "account": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_box", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "BOX", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "box", "owner": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "get_ingest_job_run_status", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestJobRunId": "ingest_job_run_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }


  • getDocuments: Retrieve documents with optional filters
  • updateDocuments: Update document metadata
  • deleteDocuments: Delete documents
  • resyncDocuments: Resync documents
  • fetchUrlContent: Fetch text content from document URLs
{ "name": "getDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "filterConfig": { "documentTypes": ["PDF"] }, "includeConfig": { "parsedTextFileUrl": true } } }
{ "name": "updateDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"], "filterConfig": { "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"] }, "data": { "metadata": { "status": "reviewed", "category": "technical" } } } }
{ "name": "deleteDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"], "filterConfig": { "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"] } } }
{ "name": "resyncDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"], "filterConfig": { "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"] } } }
{ "name": "fetchUrlContent", "arguments": { "url": "", "apiKey": "your_api_key", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
  • semantic_search: Perform semantic search
  • hybrid_search: Perform hybrid search (semantic + keyword)
{ "name": "semantic_search", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "query": "example document", "topK": 5, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "hybrid_search", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "query": "example document", "topK": 5, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "hybridConfig": { "semanticWeight": 0.7, "keywordWeight": 0.3 } } }


  • create_connection: Create a new connection to an external service
  • list_connections: List all connections
  • get_connection: Get details of a specific connection
  • update_connection: Update a connection
  • revoke_connection: Revoke a connection
{ "name": "create_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "name": "My Connection", "connector": "GOOGLE_DRIVE", "clientRedirectUrl": "" } }
{ "name": "list_connections", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX" } }
{ "name": "get_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "connectionId": "connection_XXX" } }
{ "name": "update_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "name": "Updated Connection Name", "clientRedirectUrl": "" } }
{ "name": "revoke_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "connectionId": "connection_XXX" } }

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts you can use with Claude or Cursor after configuring the MCP server:

  • "Search my SourceSync knowledge base for information about machine learning."
  • "Ingest this article into my SourceSync knowledge base: [URL]"
  • "Create a new namespace in SourceSync for my project documentation."
  • "List all the documents in my SourceSync namespace."
  • "Get the text content of document [document_id] from my SourceSync namespace."


Connection Issues

If you encounter issues connecting the MCP server:

  1. Verify Paths: Ensure all paths in your configuration are absolute paths, not relative.
  2. Check Permissions: Ensure the server file has execution permissions (chmod +x dist/index.js).
  3. Enable Developer Mode: In Claude Desktop, enable Developer Mode and check the MCP Log File.
  4. Test the Server: Run the server directly from the command line:
    node /path/to/sourcesyncai-mcp/dist/index.js
  5. Restart AI Client: After making changes, completely restart Claude Desktop or Cursor.
  6. Check Environment Variables: Ensure all required environment variables are correctly set.

Debug Logging

For detailed logging, add the DEBUG environment variable:


Project Structure

  • src/index.ts: Main entry point and server setup
  • src/schemas.ts: Schema definitions for all tools
  • src/sourcesync.ts: Client for interacting with API
  • src/sourcesync.types.ts: TypeScript type definitions

Building and Testing

# Build the project npm run build # Run tests npm test



Document content retrieval workflow:

  1. First, use getDocuments with includeConfig.parsedTextFileUrl: true to get documents with their content URLs
  2. Extract the URL from the document response
  3. Use fetchUrlContent to retrieve the actual content:
{ "name": "fetchUrlContent", "arguments": { "url": "" } }

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

A Model Context Protocol server that enables AI models to interact with's knowledge management platform for managing documents, ingesting content from various sources, and performing semantic searches.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Running with npx
        1. Installing via Smithery
          1. Manual Installation
            1. Running on Cursor
              1. Running on Windsurf
                1. Running on Claude Desktop
                2. Configuration
                  1. Environment Variables
                    1. Required
                      1. Optional
                      2. Configuration Examples
                      3. Available Tools
                        1. Authentication
                          1. Namespaces
                            1. Data Ingestion
                              1. Documents
                                1. Search
                                  1. Connections
                                  2. Example Prompts
                                    1. Troubleshooting
                                      1. Connection Issues
                                        1. Debug Logging
                                        2. Development
                                          1. Project Structure
                                            1. Building and Testing
                                            2. License
                                              1. Links