by jurasofish
- mcpunk
import logging
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from string import ascii_lowercase
from typing import ParamSpec, TypeVar, assert_never
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
def log_inputs_outputs(
log_level: int | str = logging.INFO,
) -> Callable[[Callable[P, R]], Callable[P, R]]:
"""Decorator to wrap a tool function and log its inputs and outputs.
mcp = FastMCP()
def get_a_joke(): ...
log_level: The log level to use for the log messages, like `logging.INFO`
or "INFO", matching those in the `logging` module.
if isinstance(log_level, str):
level = logging.getLevelNamesMapping()[log_level]
level = log_level
def decorator(func: Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, R]:
def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
lines = [
" " * 2 + "./" + "-" * 116 + "\\.",
" " * 1 + "./" + " " * 118 + "\\.",
" " * 0 + "./" + " " * 120 + "\\.",
f"Calling tool {func.__name__} with inputs:",
for i, v in enumerate(args):
lines.append(f" Arg_{i}={v!r}")
for k, v in kwargs.items():
lines.append(f" {k}={v!r}")
logger.log(level, "\n".join(lines))
resp = func(*args, **kwargs)
lines = [
f" resp={resp!r}",
" " * 0 + ".\\" + " " * 120 + "/.",
" " * 1 + ".\\" + " " * 118 + "/.",
" " * 2 + ".\\" + "-" * 116 + "/.",
logger.log(level, "\n".join(lines))
return resp
return wrapper
return decorator
def create_file_tree(
project_root: Path,
paths: set[Path],
limit_depth_from_root: int | None = None,
filter_: None | list[str] | str = None,
) -> str | None:
"""Create a compact text representation of files in a directory structure.
Outputs files grouped by their parent directory, with each directory and its
files on a single line. Only includes files, not directories.
dir1: file1.txt
dir2/dir3: file2.txt; file3.txt
project_root: The root directory of the project.
paths: Set of paths to potentially include in the output.
limit_depth_from_root: If provided, exclude files deeper than this many
levels from the root directory.
filter_: If provided, only include paths containing any of these strings.
None matches all paths.
None if no files match the criteria, otherwise a string where each line is:
"{relative_directory_path}: file1.txt; file2.txt; file3.txt"
paths = deepcopy(paths) # Avoid mutation shenanigans
project_root = project_root.absolute()
filtered_paths = {
for x in paths
if matches_filter(filter_, str(x))
and x.is_file()
and (
limit_depth_from_root is None
or _get_depth_from_root(project_root, x) <= limit_depth_from_root
if len(filtered_paths) == 0:
return None
response = ""
files_by_parent_dir: dict[Path, list[Path]] = defaultdict(list)
for p in sorted(filtered_paths):
for parent_dir in sorted(files_by_parent_dir.keys()):
response += f"{parent_dir.relative_to(project_root)}: "
response += "; ".join( for x in files_by_parent_dir[parent_dir])
response += "\n"
return response
def _get_depth_from_root(root: Path, file: Path) -> int:
return len(file.relative_to(root).parts)
def rand_str(n: int = 10, chars: str = ascii_lowercase) -> str:
return "".join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(n))
def matches_filter(filter_: None | list[str] | str, data: str | None) -> bool:
"""Return True if the data matches the given filter.
filter_ can be:
- None matches all data
- str matches if the data contains the string. Empty string matches all.
- list[str] matches if the data contains any of the strings in the list. Empty list matches all.
I find the LLM likes to use an empty list to mean "all" even though it should probably
use None so 🤷
if data is None it never matches (unless filter_ is None)
if filter_ is None:
return True
if len(filter_) == 0:
return True
if data is None:
return False
if isinstance(filter_, str):
return filter_ in data
if isinstance(filter_, list):
return any(x in data for x in filter_)