
from typing import Optional from redditwarp.ASYNC import Client from redditwarp.models.submission_ASYNC import LinkPost, TextPost, GalleryPost from fastmcp import FastMCP import logging mcp = FastMCP("Reddit MCP") client = Client() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) @mcp.tool() async def fetch_reddit_hot_threads(subreddit: str, limit: int = 10) -> str: """ Fetch hot threads from a subreddit Args: subreddit: Name of the subreddit limit: Number of posts to fetch (default: 10) Returns: Human readable string containing list of post information """ try: posts = [] async for submission in, limit): post_info = ( f"Title: {submission.title}\n" f"Score: {submission.score}\n" f"Comments: {submission.comment_count}\n" f"Author: {submission.author_display_name or '[deleted]'}\n" f"Type: {_get_post_type(submission)}\n" f"Content: {_get_content(submission)}\n" f"Link:{submission.permalink}\n" f"---" ) posts.append(post_info) return "\n\n".join(posts) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}" def _format_comment_tree(comment_node, depth: int = 0) -> str: """Helper method to recursively format comment tree with proper indentation""" comment = comment_node.value indent = "-- " * depth content = ( f"{indent}* Author: {comment.author_display_name or '[deleted]'}\n" f"{indent} Score: {comment.score}\n" f"{indent} {comment.body}\n" ) for child in comment_node.children: content += "\n" + _format_comment_tree(child, depth + 1) return content @mcp.tool() async def fetch_reddit_post_content(post_id: str, comment_limit: int = 20, comment_depth: int = 3) -> str: """ Fetch detailed content of a specific post Args: post_id: Reddit post ID comment_limit: Number of top level comments to fetch comment_depth: Maximum depth of comment tree to traverse Returns: Human readable string containing post content and comments tree """ try: submission = await client.p.submission.fetch(post_id) content = ( f"Title: {submission.title}\n" f"Score: {submission.score}\n" f"Author: {submission.author_display_name or '[deleted]'}\n" f"Type: {_get_post_type(submission)}\n" f"Content: {_get_content(submission)}\n" ) comments = await client.p.comment_tree.fetch(post_id, sort='top', limit=comment_limit, depth=comment_depth) if comments.children: content += "\nComments:\n" for comment in comments.children: content += "\n" + _format_comment_tree(comment) else: content += "\nNo comments found." return content except Exception as e: return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}" def _get_post_type(submission) -> str: """Helper method to determine post type""" if isinstance(submission, LinkPost): return 'link' elif isinstance(submission, TextPost): return 'text' elif isinstance(submission, GalleryPost): return 'gallery' return 'unknown' def _get_content(submission) -> Optional[str]: """Helper method to extract post content based on type""" if isinstance(submission, LinkPost): return submission.permalink elif isinstance(submission, TextPost): return submission.body elif isinstance(submission, GalleryPost): return str(submission.gallery_link) return None