Canvas MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides access to Canvas Learning Management System API, allowing users to list and manage courses, access assignments and submissions, view announcements, retrieve course syllabi and modules, manage users and enrollments, and generate course summaries

Canvas MCP Server

This repository contains a Message Control Protocol (MCP) server implementation for interacting with the Canvas Learning Management System API. The server is designed to work with Claude Desktop and potentially other MCP clients.


The Canvas MCP Server provides a local interface to Canvas LMS API, allowing you to:

  • List and manage courses
  • Access assignments and submissions
  • View announcements
  • Retrieve course syllabi and modules
  • Manage users and enrollments
  • Generate course summaries



  1. Clone this repository:
git clone cd canvas-mcp
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv canvas-mcp source canvas-mcp/bin/activate # On Unix/macOS
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Create Environment File

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:

CANVAS_API_TOKEN=your_canvas_api_token_here CANVAS_API_URL=

Replace the values with:

2. Configure Start Script

The script is already configured to:

  • Load environment variables from the .env file
  • Activate the virtual environment
  • Run the cached server implementation

Make the start script executable:

chmod +x

3. Claude Desktop Configuration

  1. Install Claude Desktop if you haven't already.
  2. Create or edit the Claude Desktop configuration file:
vim ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  1. Add the Canvas MCP server configuration:
{ "mcpServers": [ { "name": "canvas-api", "command": "/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/path/to/canvas-mcp/" } ] }

Replace /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/path/to/canvas-mcp with the absolute path to where you cloned this repository.

  1. Restart Claude Desktop to load the new configuration.

Available Tools

The server provides the following tools for Canvas LMS interaction:

Course Management

  • list_courses: List all courses for the authenticated user
  • get_course_details: Get detailed information about a specific course
  • summarize_course: Generate a comprehensive summary of a course


  • list_assignments: List all assignments for a course
  • get_assignment_details: Get detailed information about a specific assignment
  • get_assignment_description: Get the full description of an assignment


  • list_submissions: List all submissions for a specific assignment


  • list_users: List all users enrolled in a course


  • list_announcements: List all announcements for a course
  • get_course_syllabus: Get the syllabus for a course
  • get_course_modules: Get all modules for a course

Usage with Claude Desktop

This MCP server is designed to work seamlessly with Claude Desktop:

  1. Claude Desktop will automatically start the server when needed
  2. You'll see the Canvas API tools in the Claude Desktop interface (hammer icon 🔨)
  3. You can ask Claude to perform Canvas operations like "Show me my courses" or "Get the syllabus for my Biology course"

For manual testing, you can start the server directly:


Technical Details

Server Implementation

The server uses:

  • fastmcp: A Python library for building MCP servers
  • httpx: For asynchronous HTTP requests to the Canvas API
  • Caching mechanisms to improve performance for course lookups

The main implementation file is, which provides:

  • Efficient caching of course information
  • Pagination handling for Canvas API requests
  • Error handling and reporting
  • Support for both course IDs and course codes


The server requires the following Python packages:

  • httpx: For HTTP requests
  • fastmcp: For MCP server implementation
  • requests: For some HTTP operations
  • Other standard libraries for encoding and networking


If you encounter issues:

  1. Server Won't Start
    • Check that your .env file exists and contains valid credentials
    • Verify the virtual environment path in
    • Ensure all dependencies are installed
  2. Authentication Errors
    • Verify your Canvas API token is valid and not expired
    • Check that you have the necessary permissions in Canvas
  3. Connection Issues
    • Ensure your Canvas API URL is correct
    • Check your internet connection
    • Verify your institution hasn't restricted API access
  4. Debugging
    • Check the server logs in the Claude Desktop console
    • Try running the server manually to see error output

Security Considerations

  • Your Canvas API token grants access to your Canvas account
  • Never commit your .env file to version control
  • Consider using a token with limited permissions if possible
  • The server runs locally on your machine and doesn't expose your credentials externally


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to:

  • Submit issues for bugs or feature requests
  • Create pull requests with improvements
  • Share your use cases and feedback


This project is available for use under standard open-source terms.

Created by Vishal Sachdev

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A local server that enables interaction with Canvas Learning Management System API through Claude Desktop, allowing users to manage courses, access assignments, view announcements, and retrieve course materials.

  1. Overview
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. Configuration
          1. 1. Create Environment File
            1. 2. Configure Start Script
              1. 3. Claude Desktop Configuration
              2. Available Tools
                1. Course Management
                  1. Assignments
                    1. Submissions
                      1. Users
                        1. Resources
                        2. Usage with Claude Desktop
                          1. Technical Details
                            1. Server Implementation
                              1. Dependencies
                              2. Troubleshooting
                                1. Security Considerations
                                  1. Contributing
                                    1. License