MCP BatchIt

  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js" import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js" import { StdioClientTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js" import { Client } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js" import { WebSocketClientTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/websocket.js" import { z } from "zod" import { McpError, ErrorCode } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { ChildProcess } from "child_process" import { existsSync } from "fs" import { isAbsolute } from "path" // Array of patterns that indicate self-referential usage const SELF_REFERENCE_PATTERNS = [ // Direct file path references "mcp-batchit/build/index.js", "mcp-batchit/dist/index.js", "mcp-batchit/lib/index.js", // NPM package references "@modelcontextprotocol/batchit", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-batchit", // Common variations "mcp-batchit", "batchit", "server-batchit", ] // Transport error handling enum TransportErrorType { CommandNotFound = "CommandNotFound", ConnectionFailed = "ConnectionFailed", ValidationFailed = "ValidationFailed", ConfigurationInvalid = "ConfigurationInvalid", } class TransportError extends Error { constructor( public type: TransportErrorType, message: string, public cause?: Error ) { super(message) = "TransportError" Error.captureStackTrace(this, TransportError) } } // Server Type Definitions interface FilesystemServerConfig { rootDirectory?: string permissions?: string watchMode?: boolean } interface DatabaseServerConfig { database: string readOnly?: boolean poolSize?: number } interface GenericServerConfig { [key: string]: unknown } type ServerType = | { type: "filesystem"; config: FilesystemServerConfig } | { type: "database"; config: DatabaseServerConfig } | { type: "generic"; config: GenericServerConfig } // Transport Configuration type TransportConfig = | { type: "stdio" command: string args?: string[] env?: Record<string, string> } | { type: "websocket" url: string options?: Record<string, unknown> } interface ServerIdentity { name: string serverType: ServerType transport: TransportConfig maxIdleTimeMs?: number } interface ServerConnection { client: Client transport: WebSocketClientTransport | StdioClientTransport childProcess?: ChildProcess lastUsed: number identity: ServerIdentity } interface HPCContentItem { type: string text?: string } interface HPCErrorResponse { isError: true error?: string message?: string content?: HPCContentItem[] } function isHPCErrorResponse(value: unknown): value is HPCErrorResponse { return ( value !== null && typeof value === "object" && "isError" in value && value.isError === true ) } // Type guard for StdioClientTransport function isStdioTransport(transport: any): transport is StdioClientTransport { return "start" in transport } // Schema Definitions const ServerTypeSchema = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [ z.object({ type: z.literal("filesystem"), config: z.object({ rootDirectory: z.string().optional(), permissions: z.string().optional(), watchMode: z.boolean().optional(), }), }), z.object({ type: z.literal("database"), config: z.object({ database: z.string(), readOnly: z.boolean().optional(), poolSize: z.number().optional(), }), }), z.object({ type: z.literal("generic"), config: z.record(z.unknown()), }), ]) const TransportConfigSchema = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [ z.object({ type: z.literal("stdio"), command: z.string(), args: z.array(z.string()).optional(), env: z.record(z.string()).optional(), }), z.object({ type: z.literal("websocket"), url: z.string(), options: z.record(z.unknown()).optional(), }), ]) const BatchArgsSchema = z.object({ targetServer: z.object({ name: z.string(), serverType: ServerTypeSchema, transport: TransportConfigSchema, maxIdleTimeMs: z.number().optional(), }), operations: z.array( z.object({ tool: z.string(), arguments: z.record(z.unknown()).default({}), }) ), options: z .object({ maxConcurrent: z.number().default(10), timeoutMs: z.number().default(30000), stopOnError: z.boolean().default(false), keepAlive: z.boolean().default(false), }) .default({ maxConcurrent: 10, timeoutMs: 30000, stopOnError: false, keepAlive: false, }), }) // Connection Management class ConnectionManager { private connections = new Map<string, ServerConnection>() private cleanupIntervals = new Map<string, NodeJS.Timeout>() createKeyForIdentity(identity: ServerIdentity): string { return JSON.stringify({ name:, serverType: identity.serverType, transport: identity.transport, }) } private validateStdioConfig( config: Extract<TransportConfig, { type: "stdio" }> ) { if (!config.command) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ConfigurationInvalid, "Command is required for stdio transport" ) } if (!config.args?.length) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ConfigurationInvalid, "At least one argument (server file path) is required" ) } // For node commands, validate the file exists if (config.command === "node") { const serverFile = config.args[0] if (!isAbsolute(serverFile)) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ConfigurationInvalid, "Server file path must be absolute when using node command" ) } if (!existsSync(serverFile)) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ValidationFailed, `Server file not found: ${serverFile}` ) } // Prevent the BatchIt aggregator from spawning itself const fullCommand = [config.command, ...(config.args || [])].join(" ") if ( SELF_REFERENCE_PATTERNS.some((pattern) => fullCommand.toLowerCase().includes(pattern.toLowerCase()) ) ) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ConfigurationInvalid, "Cannot spawn the BatchIt aggregator itself. Provide a valid MCP server file instead." ) } } } private validateWebSocketConfig( config: Extract<TransportConfig, { type: "websocket" }> ) { try { const url = new URL(config.url) if (url.protocol !== "ws:" && url.protocol !== "wss:") { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ConfigurationInvalid, "WebSocket URL must use ws:// or wss:// protocol" ) } } catch (error) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.ConfigurationInvalid, "Invalid WebSocket URL", error instanceof Error ? error : undefined ) } } async getOrCreateConnection( identity: ServerIdentity ): Promise<ServerConnection> { const serverKey = this.createKeyForIdentity(identity) if (this.connections.has(serverKey)) { const conn = this.connections.get(serverKey)! conn.lastUsed = return conn } const transport = await this.createTransport(identity.transport) const client = new Client( { name: "mcp-batchit", version: "1.0.0" }, { capabilities: {} } ) await client.connect(transport) const connection: ServerConnection = { client, transport, lastUsed:, identity, } this.connections.set(serverKey, connection) this.setupMonitoring(serverKey, connection) this.setupCleanupInterval(serverKey) return connection } private async createTransport( config: TransportConfig ): Promise<WebSocketClientTransport | StdioClientTransport> { switch (config.type) { case "stdio": { try { this.validateStdioConfig(config) try { const transport = new StdioClientTransport({ command: config.command, args: config.args, env: config.env, stderr: "pipe", }) // Test the transport return transport } catch (error) { if ( error && typeof error === "object" && "code" in error && error.code === "ENOENT" ) { throw new TransportError( TransportErrorType.CommandNotFound, `Command '${config.command}' not found in PATH. If using 'npx', ensure it's installed globally. Consider using 'node' with direct path to server JS file instead.` ) } throw error } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof TransportError) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, error.message) } else { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to create stdio transport: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }` ) } } } case "websocket": { try { this.validateWebSocketConfig(config) const wsUrl = config.url.startsWith("ws://") || config.url.startsWith("wss://") ? config.url : `ws://${config.url}` const transport = new WebSocketClientTransport(new URL(wsUrl)) return transport } catch (error) { if (error instanceof TransportError) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, error.message) } else { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to create WebSocket transport: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }` ) } } } } } private setupMonitoring( serverKey: string, connection: ServerConnection ): void { if (isStdioTransport(connection.transport)) { // For stdio transports, we can monitor stderr const stderr = connection.transport.stderr if (stderr) { stderr.on("data", (data: Buffer) => { console.error(`[${}] ${data.toString()}`) }) } } // Monitor transport errors connection.transport.onerror = (error: Error) => { console.error(`Transport error:`, error) this.closeConnection(serverKey) } } private setupCleanupInterval(serverKey: string): void { const interval = setInterval(() => { const conn = this.connections.get(serverKey) if (!conn) return const idleTime = - conn.lastUsed if (idleTime > (conn.identity.maxIdleTimeMs ?? 300000)) { // 5min default this.closeConnection(serverKey) } }, 60000) // Check every minute this.cleanupIntervals.set(serverKey, interval) } async closeConnection(serverKey: string): Promise<void> { const conn = this.connections.get(serverKey) if (!conn) return try { await conn.client.close() await conn.transport.close() } catch (error) { console.error(`Error closing connection for ${serverKey}:`, error) } this.connections.delete(serverKey) const interval = this.cleanupIntervals.get(serverKey) if (interval) { clearInterval(interval) this.cleanupIntervals.delete(serverKey) } } async closeAll(): Promise<void> { for (const serverKey of this.connections.keys()) { await this.closeConnection(serverKey) } } } // Batch Execution interface Operation { tool: string arguments: Record<string, unknown> } interface OperationResult { tool: string success: boolean result?: unknown error?: string durationMs: number } class BatchExecutor { constructor(private connectionManager: ConnectionManager) {} async executeBatch( identity: ServerIdentity, operations: Operation[], options: { maxConcurrent: number timeoutMs: number stopOnError: boolean keepAlive?: boolean } ): Promise<OperationResult[]> { const connection = await this.connectionManager.getOrCreateConnection( identity ) const results: OperationResult[] = [] const pending = [...operations] const running = new Set<Promise<OperationResult>>() try { while (pending.length > 0 || running.size > 0) { while (pending.length > 0 && running.size < options.maxConcurrent) { const op = pending.shift()! const promise = this.executeOperation( connection, op, options.timeoutMs ) running.add(promise) promise.then((res) => { running.delete(promise) results.push(res) if (!res.success && options.stopOnError) { pending.length = 0 } }) } if (running.size > 0) { await Promise.race(running) } } } finally { if (!options.keepAlive) { await this.connectionManager.closeConnection( this.connectionManager.createKeyForIdentity(identity) ) } } return results } private getErrorMessage(result: HPCErrorResponse): string { // Direct error/message properties if (result.error || result.message) { return result.error ?? result.message ?? "Unknown HPC error" } // Look for error in content array if (result.content?.length) { const textContent = result.content .filter((item) => item.type === "text" && item.text) .map((item) => item.text) .filter((text): text is string => text !== undefined) .join(" ") if (textContent) { return textContent } } return "Unknown HPC error" } private async executeOperation( connection: ServerConnection, operation: Operation, timeoutMs: number ): Promise<OperationResult> { const start = try { const result = await Promise.race([ connection.client.callTool({ name: operation.tool, arguments: operation.arguments, }), new Promise<never>((_, reject) => setTimeout( () => reject( new McpError(ErrorCode.RequestTimeout, "Operation timed out") ), timeoutMs ) ), ]) if (isHPCErrorResponse(result)) { return { tool: operation.tool, success: false, error: this.getErrorMessage(result), durationMs: - start, } } return { tool: operation.tool, success: true, result, durationMs: - start, } } catch (error) { return { tool: operation.tool, success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), durationMs: - start, } } } } // Server Setup const connectionManager = new ConnectionManager() const batchExecutor = new BatchExecutor(connectionManager) const server = new McpServer({ name: "mcp-batchit", version: "1.0.0", }) // Define the tool's schema shape (required properties for tool registration) const toolSchema = { targetServer: BatchArgsSchema.shape.targetServer, operations: BatchArgsSchema.shape.operations, options: BatchArgsSchema.shape.options, } server.tool( "batch_execute", ` Execute multiple operations in batch on a specified MCP server. You must provide a real MCP server (like @modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem). The aggregator will reject any attempt to spawn itself. Transport Configuration: 1. For stdio transport (recommended for local servers): Using node with direct file path (preferred): { "transport": { "type": "stdio", "command": "node", "args": ["C:/path/to/server.js"] } } Using npx (requires global npx installation): { "transport": { "type": "stdio", "command": "npx", "args": ["@modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem"] } } 2. For WebSocket transport (for connecting to running servers): { "transport": { "type": "websocket", "url": "ws://localhost:3000" } } Usage: - Provide "targetServer" configuration with: - name: Unique identifier for the server - serverType: Type and configuration of the server (filesystem, database, or generic) - transport: Connection method (stdio or websocket) and its configuration - Provide "operations" as an array of objects with: - tool: The tool name on the target server - arguments: The JSON arguments to pass - Options: - maxConcurrent: Maximum concurrent operations (default: 10) - timeoutMs: Timeout per operation in milliseconds (default: 30000) - stopOnError: Whether to stop on first error (default: false) - keepAlive: Keep connection after batch completion (default: false) Complete Example: { "targetServer": { "name": "local-fs", "serverType": { "type": "filesystem", "config": { "rootDirectory": "C:/data", "watchMode": true } }, "transport": { "type": "stdio", "command": "node", "args": ["C:/path/to/filesystem-server.js"] } }, "operations": [ { "tool": "createFile", "arguments": { "path": "test1.txt", "content": "Hello" } }, { "tool": "createFile", "arguments": { "path": "test2.txt", "content": "World" } } ], "options": { "maxConcurrent": 3, "stopOnError": true } }`, toolSchema, async (args) => { const parsed = BatchArgsSchema.safeParse(args) if (!parsed.success) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, parsed.error.message) } const { targetServer, operations, options } = const results = await batchExecutor.executeBatch( targetServer, operations, options ) return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { targetServer:, summary: { successCount: results.filter((r) => r.success).length, failCount: results.filter((r) => !r.success).length, totalDurationMs: results.reduce( (sum, r) => sum + r.durationMs, 0 ), }, operations: results, }, null, 2 ), }, ], } } ) // Startup ;(async function main() { const transport = new StdioServerTransport() await server.connect(transport) console.error("mcp-batchit is running on stdio. Ready to batch-execute!") process.on("SIGINT", cleanup) process.on("SIGTERM", cleanup) })().catch((err) => { console.error("Fatal error in aggregator server:", err) process.exit(1) }) async function cleanup() { console.error("Shutting down, closing all connections...") await connectionManager.closeAll() await server.close() process.exit(0) }