Chain of Draft (CoD) MCP Server

""" Reasoning selector module for the Chain of Draft MCP server. Handles choosing between CoD and CoT approaches. """ from complexity import ComplexityEstimator class ReasoningSelector: """ Selects the most appropriate reasoning approach (CoD or CoT) based on problem characteristics and historical performance. """ def __init__(self, analytics_service): """Initialize with analytics service for performance data.""" = analytics_service # Preferences for when to use which approach self.default_preferences = { # Format: domain -> criteria "math": { "complexity_threshold": 7, # Use CoT for problems with complexity above this "accuracy_threshold": 0.85 # Use CoT if CoD accuracy falls below this }, "code": { "complexity_threshold": 8, "accuracy_threshold": 0.9 }, "physics": { "complexity_threshold": 7, "accuracy_threshold": 0.85 }, "chemistry": { "complexity_threshold": 7, "accuracy_threshold": 0.85 }, "biology": { "complexity_threshold": 6, "accuracy_threshold": 0.85 }, "logic": { "complexity_threshold": 6, "accuracy_threshold": 0.9 }, "puzzle": { "complexity_threshold": 7, "accuracy_threshold": 0.85 }, # Default for any domain "default": { "complexity_threshold": 6, "accuracy_threshold": 0.8 } } async def select_approach(self, problem, domain, complexity_score=None): """ Select whether to use CoD or CoT for this problem. Args: problem: The problem text domain: Problem domain (math, code, logic, etc.) complexity_score: Pre-computed complexity score (optional) Returns: Tuple of (approach, reason) where approach is "CoD" or "CoT" """ # Get domain-specific preferences prefs = self.default_preferences.get(domain.lower(), self.default_preferences["default"]) # If complexity score not provided, estimate it if complexity_score is None: estimator = ComplexityEstimator() complexity_score = await estimator.estimate_complexity(problem, domain) # Check if complexity exceeds threshold if complexity_score > prefs["complexity_threshold"]: return "CoT", f"Problem complexity ({complexity_score}) exceeds threshold ({prefs['complexity_threshold']})" # Check historical accuracy for this domain with CoD domain_performance = await cod_accuracy = next((p["accuracy"] for p in domain_performance if p["approach"] == "CoD"), None) if cod_accuracy is not None and cod_accuracy < prefs["accuracy_threshold"]: return "CoT", f"Historical accuracy with CoD ({cod_accuracy:.2f}) below threshold ({prefs['accuracy_threshold']})" # Default to CoD for efficiency return "CoD", "Default to Chain-of-Draft for efficiency" def update_preferences(self, domain, complexity_threshold=None, accuracy_threshold=None): """Update preferences for a specific domain.""" if domain not in self.default_preferences: self.default_preferences[domain] = self.default_preferences["default"].copy() if complexity_threshold is not None: self.default_preferences[domain]["complexity_threshold"] = complexity_threshold if accuracy_threshold is not None: self.default_preferences[domain]["accuracy_threshold"] = accuracy_threshold def get_preferences(self, domain=None): """Get current preferences for all domains or a specific domain.""" if domain: return self.default_preferences.get(domain, self.default_preferences["default"]) return self.default_preferences def create_cod_prompt(problem, domain, max_words_per_step, examples=None): """ Create a Chain of Draft prompt for the LLM. Args: problem: The problem to solve domain: Domain for context (math, logic, common-sense, etc.) max_words_per_step: Maximum words per reasoning step examples: Optional list of few-shot examples Returns: Dictionary with system and user prompts """ system_prompt = f""" You are an expert problem solver using Chain of Draft reasoning. Think step by step, but only keep a minimum draft for each thinking step, with {max_words_per_step} words at most per step. Return the answer at the end after '####'. """ # Add domain-specific context if domain.lower() == "math": system_prompt += "\nUse mathematical notation to keep steps concise." elif domain.lower() == "code": system_prompt += "\nUse pseudocode or short code snippets when appropriate." elif domain.lower() == "physics": system_prompt += "\nUse equations and physical quantities with units." # Add examples if provided example_text = "" if examples: for example in examples: example_text += f"\nProblem: {example['problem']}\nSolution:\n{example['reasoning']}\n####\n{example['answer']}\n" user_prompt = f"Problem: {problem}" return { "system": system_prompt, "user": example_text + "\n" + user_prompt if example_text else user_prompt } def create_cot_prompt(problem, domain, examples=None): """ Create a Chain of Thought prompt for the LLM. Args: problem: The problem to solve domain: Domain for context (math, logic, common-sense, etc.) examples: Optional list of few-shot examples Returns: Dictionary with system and user prompts """ system_prompt = """ Think step by step to answer the following question. Return the answer at the end of the response after a separator ####. """ # Add domain-specific context if domain.lower() == "math": system_prompt += "\nMake sure to show all mathematical operations clearly." elif domain.lower() == "code": system_prompt += "\nBe detailed about algorithms and implementation steps." elif domain.lower() == "physics": system_prompt += "\nExplain physical principles and equations in detail." # Add examples if provided example_text = "" if examples: for example in examples: example_text += f"\nProblem: {example['problem']}\nSolution:\n{example['reasoning']}\n####\n{example['answer']}\n" user_prompt = f"Problem: {problem}" return { "system": system_prompt, "user": example_text + "\n" + user_prompt if example_text else user_prompt }