Remote-MCP Server

by ssut
import { EventEmitter, on } from 'node:events'; import { ConsoleLogger, LogLevel, type Logger } from './logger.js'; import { type BlobResourceContents, CallToolRequestSchema, type CallToolResult, CallToolResultSchema, GetPromptRequestSchema, GetPromptResultSchema, type Implementation, type InitializeRequest, InitializeRequestSchema, type InitializeResult, InitializeResultSchema, LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ListPromptsRequestSchema, ListPromptsResultSchema, ListResourcesRequestSchema, ListResourcesResultSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, ListToolsResultSchema, type Prompt, type PromptMessage, ReadResourceRequestSchema, ReadResourceResultSchema, type Resource, type ServerCapabilities, type ServerNotification, SubscribeRequestSchema, type Tool, UnsubscribeRequestSchema, } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'; import { ZodError, type z } from 'zod'; import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema'; export type ToolHandler<T> = (args: T) => Promise<CallToolResult>; export type ResourceHandler = () => Promise<Resource[]>; export type ResourceContentHandler = () => Promise<BlobResourceContents[]>; export type PromptHandler = ( args: Record<string, string>, ) => Promise<PromptMessage[]>; export interface ToolDefinition<T> { description: string; schema: z.ZodType<T>; middlewares?: Middleware[]; } export interface ResourceDefinition { name: string; description?: string; mimeType?: string; subscribe?: boolean; listHandler: ResourceHandler; readHandler: ResourceContentHandler; middlewares?: Middleware[]; } export interface PromptDefinition { description?: string; arguments?: { name: string; description?: string; required?: boolean; }[]; middlewares?: Middleware[]; } export interface MCPRouterOptions { name: string; version: string; capabilities?: Partial<ServerCapabilities>; logger?: Logger; logLevel?: LogLevel; } export type Middleware = ( request: unknown, next: (modifiedRequest: unknown) => Promise<unknown>, ) => Promise<unknown>; interface Events { notification: (notification: ServerNotification) => void; resourceListChanged: () => void; resourceUpdated: (uri: string) => void; toolListChanged: () => void; promptListChanged: () => void; rootsListChanged: () => void; } export class MCPRouter { private logger: Logger; private tools = new Map< string, { // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation> definition: ToolDefinition<any>; // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation> handler: ToolHandler<any>; } >(); private resources = new Map<string, ResourceDefinition>(); private prompts = new Map< string, { definition: PromptDefinition; handler: PromptHandler; } >(); private subscriptions = new Map<string, Set<string>>(); private implementation: Implementation; private capabilities: ServerCapabilities; private events = new EventEmitter(); constructor(options: MCPRouterOptions) { this.logger = options.logger || new ConsoleLogger({ level: options.logLevel || LogLevel.INFO, prefix:, }); this.implementation = { name:, version: options.version, }; this.capabilities = { tools: options.capabilities?.tools ?? { listChanged: false, }, resources: options.capabilities?.resources ?? { subscribe: false, listChanged: false, }, prompts: options.capabilities?.prompts ?? { listChanged: false, }, logging: options.capabilities?.logging, experimental: options.capabilities?.experimental, }; this.logger.debug('MCPRouter initialized', { name:, version: options.version, capabilities: this.capabilities, }); } private emit<T extends keyof Events>( event: T, ...args: Parameters<Events[T]> ): void {, ...args); } private _emitNotification(notification: ServerNotification) { this.emit('notification', notification); } private _emitResourceListChanged() { this._emitNotification({ method: 'notifications/resources/list_changed', params: {}, }); } private _emitResourceUpdated(uri: string) { this._emitNotification({ method: 'notifications/resources/updated', params: { uri }, }); } private _emitToolListChanged() { this._emitNotification({ method: 'notifications/tools/list_changed', params: {}, }); } private _emitPromptListChanged() { this._emitNotification({ method: 'notifications/prompts/list_changed', params: {}, }); } addTool<T>( name: string, definition: ToolDefinition<T>, handler: ToolHandler<T>, ) { this.logger.debug('Adding tool', { name, definition });, { definition, handler }); this._emitToolListChanged(); return this; } async listTools(): Promise<Tool[]> { this.logger.debug('Listing resources'); const tools = Array.from( ([name, { definition }]) => { const schema = { ...zodToJsonSchema(definition.schema), $schema: undefined, }; return { name, description: definition.description, inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: schema, }, } satisfies Tool; }, ); return tools; } async callTool(name: string, args: unknown): Promise<CallToolResult> { this.logger.debug('Calling tool', { name, args }); const tool =; if (!tool) { throw new Error(`Tool not found: ${name}`); } const { definition, handler } = tool; const validatedArgs = definition.schema.parse(args); this.logger.debug('Tool args validated', { validatedArgs }); let result = validatedArgs; if (definition.middlewares) { for (const middleware of definition.middlewares) { result = await middleware(result, async (modified) => modified); } } return handler(result); } addResource(uri: string, definition: ResourceDefinition) { this.resources.set(uri, definition); this._emitResourceListChanged(); return this; } async listResources(): Promise<Resource[]> { const resources: Resource[] = []; for (const [uri, def] of this.resources) { const items = await def.listHandler(); resources.push( => ({ ...item, uri, name:, description: def.description, mimeType: def.mimeType, })), ); } return resources; } async readResource(uri: string): Promise<BlobResourceContents[]> { const resource = this.resources.get(uri); if (!resource) { throw new Error(`Resource not found: ${uri}`); } let result = { uri }; if (resource.middlewares) { for (const middleware of resource.middlewares) { result = (await middleware(result, async (modified) => modified)) as { uri: string; }; } } return resource.readHandler(); } async subscribeToResource(uri: string): Promise<void> { if (!this.capabilities.resources?.subscribe) { throw new Error('Resource subscription not supported'); } const resource = this.resources.get(uri); if (!resource) { throw new Error(`Resource not found: ${uri}`); } if (!resource.subscribe) { throw new Error(`Resource ${uri} does not support subscriptions`); } if (!this.subscriptions.has(uri)) { this.subscriptions.set(uri, new Set()); } // biome-ignore lint/style/noNonNullAssertion: <explanation> this.subscriptions.get(uri)!.add(uri); } async unsubscribeFromResource(uri: string): Promise<void> { const subscribers = this.subscriptions.get(uri); if (subscribers) { subscribers.delete(uri); if (subscribers.size === 0) { this.subscriptions.delete(uri); } } } // Prompt methods addPrompt( name: string, definition: PromptDefinition, handler: PromptHandler, ) { this.prompts.set(name, { definition, handler }); this._emitPromptListChanged(); return this; } async listPrompts(): Promise<Prompt[]> { return Array.from(this.prompts.entries()).map(([name, { definition }]) => ({ name, description: definition.description, arguments: definition.arguments, })); } async getPrompt( name: string, args: Record<string, string> = {}, ): Promise<PromptMessage[]> { this.logger.debug('Getting prompt', { name, args }); const prompt = this.prompts.get(name); if (!prompt) { const error = `Prompt not found: ${name}`; this.logger.error(error); throw new Error(error); } const { definition, handler } = prompt; // Validate required arguments if (definition.arguments) { for (const arg of definition.arguments) { if (arg.required && !( in args)) { const error = `Missing required argument: ${}`; this.logger.error(error, { name, args }); throw new Error(error); } } } // Apply middlewares let modifiedArgs = args; if (definition.middlewares) { for (const middleware of definition.middlewares) { modifiedArgs = (await middleware( modifiedArgs, async (modified) => modified, )) as Record<string, string>; } this.logger.debug('Prompt middleware applied', { modifiedArgs }); } const messages = await handler(modifiedArgs); this.logger.debug('Prompt executed successfully', { name, messageCount: messages.length, }); return messages; } // Initialize handler async initialize(request: InitializeRequest): Promise<InitializeResult> { this.logger.debug('Initializing', { request }); return { id: 'RemoteMCP', protocolVersion: LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION, capabilities: this.capabilities, serverInfo: this.implementation, }; } // Create tRPC router createTRPCRouter() { const t = initTRPC.create({ errorFormatter({ type, path, input, shape, error }) { return { ...shape, data: {, zodError: error.code === 'BAD_REQUEST' && error.cause instanceof ZodError ? error.cause.flatten() : null, }, }; }, }); const router = t.router; const publicProcedure = t.procedure; const events =; const appRouter = router({ ping: publicProcedure.query(() => 'pong'), initialize: publicProcedure .input(InitializeRequestSchema) .output(InitializeResultSchema) .mutation(async ({ input }) => { const { params } = { params: input }; return this.initialize(params); }), 'tools/list': publicProcedure .input(ListToolsRequestSchema) .output(ListToolsResultSchema) .query(async ({ input }) => ({ tools: await this.listTools(), // ...(input.params?.cursor && { nextCursor: input.params?.cursor }), })), 'tools/call': publicProcedure .input(CallToolRequestSchema) .output(CallToolResultSchema) .mutation(async ({ input }) => this.callTool(, input.params.arguments), ), // Resources endpoints 'resources/list': publicProcedure .input(ListResourcesRequestSchema) .output(ListResourcesResultSchema) .query(async ({ input }) => ({ resources: await this.listResources(), })), 'resources/read': publicProcedure .input(ReadResourceRequestSchema) .output(ReadResourceResultSchema) .query(async ({ input }) => ({ contents: await this.readResource(input.params.uri), })), 'resources/subscribe': publicProcedure .input(SubscribeRequestSchema) .mutation(async ({ input }) => { await this.subscribeToResource(input.params.uri); return {}; }), 'resources/unsubscribe': publicProcedure .input(UnsubscribeRequestSchema) .mutation(async ({ input }) => { await this.unsubscribeFromResource(input.params.uri); return {}; }), // Prompts endpoints 'prompts/list': publicProcedure .input(ListPromptsRequestSchema) .output(ListPromptsResultSchema) .query(async ({ input }) => ({ prompts: await this.listPrompts(), // ...(input?.cursor && { nextCursor: input.cursor }), })), 'prompts/get': publicProcedure .input(GetPromptRequestSchema) .output(GetPromptResultSchema) .query(async ({ input }) => ({ messages: await this.getPrompt(, input.params.arguments, ), })), 'notifications/stream': publicProcedure.subscription(async function* () { try { for await (const event of on(events, 'notification', { signal: undefined, })) { yield* event; } } finally { } }), }); return appRouter; } } interface Events { resourceListChanged: () => void; resourceUpdated: (uri: string) => void; toolListChanged: () => void; promptListChanged: () => void; rootsListChanged: () => void; }