MCP File Preview Server

by seanivore
import { BaseTool } from "../tools/BaseTool.js"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { dirname, join } from "path"; import { promises as fs } from "fs"; async function findToolsPath(): Promise<string> { const currentFilePath = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const currentDir = dirname(currentFilePath); const possiblePaths = [ join(currentDir, "..", "tools"), join(currentDir, "..", "..", "build", "tools"), join(dirname(dirname(currentDir)), "tools"), join(dirname(dirname(dirname(currentDir))), "build", "tools"), join(process.cwd(), "build", "tools"), ]; for (const path of possiblePaths) { try { const stats = await fs.stat(path); if (stats.isDirectory()) { const files = await fs.readdir(path); if ( files.some( (file) => file.endsWith(".js") && !file.includes("BaseTool") ) ) { return path; } } } catch { continue; } } throw new Error("Could not find tools directory"); } const isToolFile = (file: string): boolean => { return ( file.endsWith(".js") && !file.includes("BaseTool") && !file.includes("index") && !file.endsWith(".test.js") && !file.endsWith(".spec.js") && !file.endsWith(".d.js") ); }; export async function loadTools(): Promise<BaseTool[]> { try { const toolsPath = await findToolsPath(); const files = await fs.readdir(toolsPath); const tools: BaseTool[] = []; for (const file of files) { if (!isToolFile(file)) { continue; } try { const modulePath = `file://${join(toolsPath, file)}`; const { default: ToolClass } = await import(modulePath); if (!ToolClass) { continue; } const tool = new ToolClass(); if ( && tool.toolDefinition && typeof tool.toolCall === "function" ) { tools.push(tool); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error loading tool from ${file}:`, error); } } return tools; } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to load tools:`, error); return []; } } export function createToolsMap(tools: BaseTool[]): Map<string, BaseTool> { return new Map( => [, tool])); }