
by spences10
import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { TokenData, GoogleApiError, Account } from '../types.js'; const ENV_PREFIX = 'GOOGLE_TOKEN_'; export class TokenManager { private readonly credentialsDir: string; private readonly envTokens: Map<string, TokenData>; constructor() { this.credentialsDir = process.env.CREDENTIALS_DIR || path.resolve('config', 'credentials'); this.envTokens = new Map(); this.loadEnvTokens(); } private loadEnvTokens(): void { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(process.env)) { if (key.startsWith(ENV_PREFIX) && value) { try { const email = key .slice(ENV_PREFIX.length) .toLowerCase() .replace(/_/g, '.'); const tokenData = JSON.parse( Buffer.from(value, 'base64').toString() ) as TokenData; this.envTokens.set(email, tokenData); } catch (error) { console.warn(`Failed to parse token from env var ${key}:`, error); } } } } private getTokenPath(email: string): string { const sanitizedEmail = email.replace(/[@.]/g, '-'); return path.join(this.credentialsDir, `${sanitizedEmail}.token.json`); } private updateEnvToken(email: string, tokenData: TokenData): void { const safeEmail = email.replace(/[@.]/g, '_').toUpperCase(); process.env[`${ENV_PREFIX}${safeEmail}`] = Buffer.from( JSON.stringify(tokenData) ).toString('base64'); this.envTokens.set(email, tokenData); } async saveToken(email: string, tokenData: TokenData): Promise<void> { try { // Save to file system const tokenPath = this.getTokenPath(email); await fs.writeFile(tokenPath, JSON.stringify(tokenData, null, 2)); // Update environment variable this.updateEnvToken(email, tokenData); } catch (error) { throw new GoogleApiError( 'Failed to save token', 'TOKEN_SAVE_ERROR', 'Please ensure the directory specified by CREDENTIALS_DIR is writable' ); } } async loadToken(email: string): Promise<TokenData | null> { // First try to load from environment variables const envToken = this.envTokens.get(email); if (envToken) { return envToken; } // Fall back to file system try { const tokenPath = this.getTokenPath(email); const data = await fs.readFile(tokenPath, 'utf-8'); const token = JSON.parse(data) as TokenData; // Update environment variable for future use this.updateEnvToken(email, token); return token; } catch (error) { if ((error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code === 'ENOENT') { return null; } throw new GoogleApiError( 'Failed to load token', 'TOKEN_LOAD_ERROR', 'Token file may be corrupted or inaccessible' ); } } async deleteToken(email: string): Promise<void> { try { // Remove from file system const tokenPath = this.getTokenPath(email); await fs.unlink(tokenPath); // Remove from environment const safeEmail = email.replace(/[@.]/g, '_').toUpperCase(); delete process.env[`${ENV_PREFIX}${safeEmail}`]; this.envTokens.delete(email); } catch (error) { if ((error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code !== 'ENOENT') { throw new GoogleApiError( 'Failed to delete token', 'TOKEN_DELETE_ERROR', 'Please ensure you have permission to delete the token file in CREDENTIALS_DIR' ); } } } isTokenExpired(tokenData: TokenData): boolean { // Consider token expired 5 minutes before actual expiry const expiryBuffer = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes in milliseconds return >= tokenData.expiry_date - expiryBuffer; } hasRequiredScopes(tokenData: TokenData, requiredScopes: string[]): boolean { const tokenScopes = new Set(tokenData.scope.split(' ')); return requiredScopes.every(scope => tokenScopes.has(scope)); } async getTokenStatus(email: string): Promise<Account['auth_status']> { const token = await this.loadToken(email); if (!token) { return { has_token: false }; } return { has_token: true, scopes: token.scope.split(' '), expires: token.expiry_date }; } async validateToken(email: string, requiredScopes: string[]): Promise<{ valid: boolean; token?: TokenData; reason?: string; }> { const token = await this.loadToken(email); if (!token) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Token not found' }; } if (this.isTokenExpired(token)) { return { valid: false, token, reason: 'Token expired' }; } if (!this.hasRequiredScopes(token, requiredScopes)) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Insufficient scopes' }; } return { valid: true, token }; } }