
by spences10
/** * Standard response format for all MCP tools * @property content - Array of content blocks to return to the client * @property isError - Whether this response represents an error condition * @property _meta - Optional metadata about the response */ export interface McpToolResponse { content: { type: 'text'; text: string; }[]; isError?: boolean; _meta?: Record<string, unknown>; } /** * Base interface for all tool arguments * Provides type safety for unknown properties */ export interface ToolArguments { [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Common arguments required by all workspace tools * @property email - The Google Workspace account email address */ export interface BaseToolArguments extends Record<string, unknown> { email: string; } /** * Parameters for authenticating a workspace account * @property email - Email address to authenticate * @property category - Optional account category (e.g., 'work', 'personal') * @property description - Optional account description * @property auth_code - OAuth2 authorization code (required for completing auth) */ export interface AuthenticateAccountArgs extends BaseToolArguments { category?: string; description?: string; auth_code?: string; } // Gmail Types /** * Parameters for searching Gmail messages * @property email - The Gmail account to search * @property search - Search criteria for filtering emails * @property options - Search options including pagination and format */ export interface GmailSearchParams { email: string; search?: { from?: string | string[]; to?: string | string[]; subject?: string; content?: string; after?: string; // YYYY-MM-DD before?: string; // YYYY-MM-DD hasAttachment?: boolean; labels?: string[]; // e.g., ["INBOX", "IMPORTANT"] excludeLabels?: string[]; includeSpam?: boolean; isUnread?: boolean; }; options?: { maxResults?: number; pageToken?: string; includeHeaders?: boolean; format?: 'full' | 'metadata' | 'minimal'; threadedView?: boolean; sortOrder?: 'asc' | 'desc'; }; } /** * Content for sending or creating draft emails * @property to - Array of recipient email addresses * @property subject - Email subject line * @property body - Email body content (supports HTML) * @property cc - Optional CC recipients * @property bcc - Optional BCC recipients */ export interface EmailContent { to: string[]; subject: string; body: string; cc?: string[]; bcc?: string[]; } /** * Parameters for sending emails */ export interface SendEmailArgs extends BaseToolArguments, EmailContent {} // Calendar Types /** * Parameters for listing calendar events * @property email - Calendar owner's email * @property query - Optional text search within events * @property maxResults - Maximum events to return * @property timeMin - Start of time range (ISO-8601) * @property timeMax - End of time range (ISO-8601) */ export interface CalendarEventParams extends BaseToolArguments { query?: string; maxResults?: number; // Default: 10 timeMin?: string; // ISO-8601 format timeMax?: string; // ISO-8601 format } /** * Time specification for calendar events * @property dateTime - Event time in ISO-8601 format * @property timeZone - IANA timezone identifier */ export interface CalendarEventTime { dateTime: string; // e.g., "2024-02-18T15:30:00-06:00" timeZone?: string; // e.g., "America/Chicago" } /** * Calendar event attendee information * @property email - Attendee's email address */ export interface CalendarEventAttendee { email: string; } // Drive Types /** * Parameters for listing Drive files */ export interface DriveFileListArgs extends BaseToolArguments { options?: { folderId?: string; query?: string; pageSize?: number; orderBy?: string[]; fields?: string[]; }; } /** * Parameters for searching Drive files */ export interface DriveSearchArgs extends BaseToolArguments { options: { fullText?: string; mimeType?: string; folderId?: string; trashed?: boolean; query?: string; pageSize?: number; }; } /** * Parameters for uploading files to Drive */ export interface DriveUploadArgs extends BaseToolArguments { options: { name: string; content: string; mimeType?: string; parents?: string[]; }; } /** * Parameters for downloading files from Drive */ export interface DriveDownloadArgs extends BaseToolArguments { fileId: string; mimeType?: string; } /** * Parameters for creating Drive folders */ export interface DriveFolderArgs extends BaseToolArguments { name: string; parentId?: string; } /** * Parameters for updating Drive permissions */ export interface DrivePermissionArgs extends BaseToolArguments { options: { fileId: string; role: 'owner' | 'organizer' | 'fileOrganizer' | 'writer' | 'commenter' | 'reader'; type: 'user' | 'group' | 'domain' | 'anyone'; emailAddress?: string; domain?: string; allowFileDiscovery?: boolean; }; } /** * Parameters for deleting Drive files */ export interface DriveDeleteArgs extends BaseToolArguments { fileId: string; } // Label Types /** * Color settings for Gmail labels * @property textColor - Hex color code for label text * @property backgroundColor - Hex color code for label background */ export interface LabelColor { textColor: string; // e.g., "#000000" backgroundColor: string; // e.g., "#FFFFFF" } /** * Parameters for creating labels */ export interface CreateLabelArgs extends BaseToolArguments { name: string; messageListVisibility?: 'show' | 'hide'; labelListVisibility?: 'labelShow' | 'labelHide' | 'labelShowIfUnread'; color?: LabelColor; } /** * Parameters for updating labels */ export interface UpdateLabelArgs extends CreateLabelArgs { labelId: string; } /** * Parameters for deleting labels */ export interface DeleteLabelArgs extends BaseToolArguments { labelId: string; } /** * Parameters for modifying message labels */ export interface ModifyLabelsArgs extends BaseToolArguments { messageId: string; addLabelIds?: string[]; removeLabelIds?: string[]; } // Label Filter Types /** * Filter criteria for matching emails */ export interface LabelFilterCriteria { from?: string[]; to?: string[]; subject?: string; hasWords?: string[]; doesNotHaveWords?: string[]; hasAttachment?: boolean; size?: { operator: 'larger' | 'smaller'; size: number; }; } /** * Actions to take when filter matches */ export interface LabelFilterActions { addLabel: boolean; markImportant?: boolean; markRead?: boolean; archive?: boolean; } /** * Parameters for creating label filters */ export interface CreateLabelFilterArgs extends BaseToolArguments { labelId: string; criteria: LabelFilterCriteria; actions: LabelFilterActions; } /** * Parameters for getting label filters */ export interface GetLabelFiltersArgs extends BaseToolArguments { labelId?: string; // Optional: get filters for specific label } /** * Parameters for updating label filters */ export interface UpdateLabelFilterArgs extends BaseToolArguments { filterId: string; criteria?: LabelFilterCriteria; actions?: LabelFilterActions; } /** * Parameters for deleting label filters */ export interface DeleteLabelFilterArgs extends BaseToolArguments { filterId: string; } // Attachment Management Types export interface ManageAttachmentParams extends BaseToolArguments { action: 'download' | 'upload' | 'delete'; source: 'email' | 'calendar'; messageId: string; filename: string; content?: string; // Required for upload action } // Re-export consolidated management types export { ManageLabelParams, ManageLabelAssignmentParams, ManageLabelFilterParams } from '../modules/gmail/services/label.js'; export { ManageDraftParams, DraftAction } from '../modules/gmail/services/draft.js';