
by spences10
import { google } from 'googleapis'; import { BaseGoogleService } from '../base/BaseGoogleService.js'; import { GetEmailsParams, SendEmailParams, EmailResponse, SendEmailResponse, GetGmailSettingsParams, GetGmailSettingsResponse, SearchCriteria, GetEmailsResponse, ThreadInfo } from '../../modules/gmail/types.js'; /** * Gmail service implementation extending BaseGoogleService. * Handles Gmail-specific operations while leveraging common Google API functionality. */ export class GmailService extends BaseGoogleService<ReturnType<typeof>> { constructor() { super({ serviceName: 'gmail', version: 'v1' }); } /** * Gets an authenticated Gmail client */ private async getGmailClient(email: string) { return this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v1', auth }) ); } /** * Extracts all headers into a key-value map */ private extractHeaders(headers: { name: string; value: string }[]): { [key: string]: string } { return headers.reduce((acc, header) => { acc[] = header.value; return acc; }, {} as { [key: string]: string }); } /** * Groups emails by thread ID and extracts thread information */ private groupEmailsByThread(emails: EmailResponse[]): { [threadId: string]: ThreadInfo } { return emails.reduce((threads, email) => { if (!threads[email.threadId]) { threads[email.threadId] = { messages: [], participants: [], subject: email.subject, lastUpdated: }; } const thread = threads[email.threadId]; thread.messages.push(; if (!thread.participants.includes(email.from)) { thread.participants.push(email.from); } if ( && !thread.participants.includes( { thread.participants.push(; } const emailDate = new Date(; const threadDate = new Date(thread.lastUpdated); if (emailDate > threadDate) { thread.lastUpdated =; } return threads; }, {} as { [threadId: string]: ThreadInfo }); } /** * Builds a Gmail search query string from SearchCriteria */ private buildSearchQuery(criteria: SearchCriteria = {}): string { const queryParts: string[] = []; if (criteria.from) { const fromAddresses = Array.isArray(criteria.from) ? criteria.from : [criteria.from]; if (fromAddresses.length === 1) { queryParts.push(`from:${fromAddresses[0]}`); } else { queryParts.push(`{${ => `from:${f}`).join(' OR ')}}`); } } if ( { const toAddresses = Array.isArray( ? : []; if (toAddresses.length === 1) { queryParts.push(`to:${toAddresses[0]}`); } else { queryParts.push(`{${ => `to:${t}`).join(' OR ')}}`); } } if (criteria.subject) { const escapedSubject = criteria.subject.replace(/["\\]/g, '\\$&'); queryParts.push(`subject:"${escapedSubject}"`); } if (criteria.content) { const escapedContent = criteria.content.replace(/["\\]/g, '\\$&'); queryParts.push(`"${escapedContent}"`); } if (criteria.after) { const afterDate = new Date(criteria.after); const afterStr = `${afterDate.getFullYear()}/${(afterDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}/${afterDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; queryParts.push(`after:${afterStr}`); } if (criteria.before) { const beforeDate = new Date(criteria.before); const beforeStr = `${beforeDate.getFullYear()}/${(beforeDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}/${beforeDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; queryParts.push(`before:${beforeStr}`); } if (criteria.hasAttachment) { queryParts.push('has:attachment'); } if (criteria.labels && criteria.labels.length > 0) { criteria.labels.forEach(label => { queryParts.push(`label:${label}`); }); } if (criteria.excludeLabels && criteria.excludeLabels.length > 0) { criteria.excludeLabels.forEach(label => { queryParts.push(`-label:${label}`); }); } if (criteria.includeSpam) { queryParts.push('in:anywhere'); } if (criteria.isUnread !== undefined) { queryParts.push(criteria.isUnread ? 'is:unread' : 'is:read'); } return queryParts.join(' '); } /** * Gets emails with proper scope handling for search and content access. */ async getEmails({ email, search = {}, options = {}, messageIds }: GetEmailsParams): Promise<GetEmailsResponse> { try { const gmail = await this.getGmailClient(email); const maxResults = options.maxResults || 10; let messages; let nextPageToken: string | undefined; if (messageIds && messageIds.length > 0) { messages = { messages: => ({ id })) }; } else { const query = this.buildSearchQuery(search); const { data } = await gmail.users.messages.list({ userId: 'me', q: query, maxResults, pageToken: options.pageToken, }); messages = data; nextPageToken = data.nextPageToken || undefined; } if (!messages.messages || messages.messages.length === 0) { return { emails: [], resultSummary: { total: 0, returned: 0, hasMore: false, searchCriteria: search } }; } const emails = await Promise.all( (message) => { const { data: email } = await gmail.users.messages.get({ userId: 'me', id:!, format: options.format || 'full', }); const headers = (email.payload?.headers || []).map(h => ({ name: || '', value: h.value || '' })); const subject = headers.find(h => === 'Subject')?.value || ''; const from = headers.find(h => === 'From')?.value || ''; const to = headers.find(h => === 'To')?.value || ''; const date = headers.find(h => === 'Date')?.value || ''; let body = ''; if (email.payload?.body?.data) { body = Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString(); } else if (email.payload?.parts) { const textPart = => part.mimeType === 'text/plain'); if (textPart?.body?.data) { body = Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString(); } } const response: EmailResponse = { id:!, threadId: email.threadId!, labelIds: email.labelIds || undefined, snippet: email.snippet || undefined, subject, from, to, date, body, headers: options.includeHeaders ? this.extractHeaders(headers) : undefined, isUnread: email.labelIds?.includes('UNREAD') || false, hasAttachment: email.payload?.parts?.some(part => part.filename && part.filename.length > 0) || false }; return response; }) ); const threads = options.threadedView ? this.groupEmailsByThread(emails) : undefined; if (options.sortOrder) { emails.sort((a, b) => { const dateA = new Date(; const dateB = new Date(; return options.sortOrder === 'asc' ? dateA - dateB : dateB - dateA; }); } return { emails, nextPageToken, resultSummary: { total: messages.resultSizeEstimate || emails.length, returned: emails.length, hasMore: Boolean(nextPageToken), searchCriteria: search }, threads }; } catch (error) { throw this.handleError(error, 'Failed to get emails'); } } /** * Sends an email from the specified account */ async sendEmail({ email, to, subject, body, cc = [], bcc = [] }: SendEmailParams): Promise<SendEmailResponse> { try { const gmail = await this.getGmailClient(email); const message = [ 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"\n', 'MIME-Version: 1.0\n', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n', `To: ${to.join(', ')}\n`, cc.length > 0 ? `Cc: ${cc.join(', ')}\n` : '', bcc.length > 0 ? `Bcc: ${bcc.join(', ')}\n` : '', `Subject: ${subject}\n\n`, body, ].join(''); const encodedMessage = Buffer.from(message) .toString('base64') .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=+$/, ''); const { data } = await gmail.users.messages.send({ userId: 'me', requestBody: { raw: encodedMessage, }, }); return { messageId:!, threadId: data.threadId!, labelIds: data.labelIds || undefined, }; } catch (error) { throw this.handleError(error, 'Failed to send email'); } } /** * Gets Gmail settings and profile information */ async getWorkspaceGmailSettings({ email }: GetGmailSettingsParams): Promise<GetGmailSettingsResponse> { try { const gmail = await this.getGmailClient(email); const { data: profile } = await gmail.users.getProfile({ userId: 'me' }); const [ { data: autoForwarding }, { data: imap }, { data: language }, { data: pop }, { data: vacation } ] = await Promise.all([ gmail.users.settings.getAutoForwarding({ userId: 'me' }), gmail.users.settings.getImap({ userId: 'me' }), gmail.users.settings.getLanguage({ userId: 'me' }), gmail.users.settings.getPop({ userId: 'me' }), gmail.users.settings.getVacation({ userId: 'me' }) ]); const nullSafeString = (value: string | null | undefined): string | undefined => value === null ? undefined : value; return { profile: { emailAddress: profile.emailAddress ?? '', messagesTotal: typeof profile.messagesTotal === 'number' ? profile.messagesTotal : 0, threadsTotal: typeof profile.threadsTotal === 'number' ? profile.threadsTotal : 0, historyId: profile.historyId ?? '' }, settings: { ...(language?.displayLanguage && { language: { displayLanguage: language.displayLanguage } }), ...(autoForwarding && { autoForwarding: { enabled: Boolean(autoForwarding.enabled), ...(autoForwarding.emailAddress && { emailAddress: autoForwarding.emailAddress }) } }), ...(imap && { imap: { enabled: Boolean(imap.enabled), ...(typeof imap.autoExpunge === 'boolean' && { autoExpunge: imap.autoExpunge }), ...(imap.expungeBehavior && { expungeBehavior: imap.expungeBehavior }) } }), ...(pop && { pop: { enabled: Boolean(pop.accessWindow), ...(pop.accessWindow && { accessWindow: pop.accessWindow }) } }), ...(vacation && { vacationResponder: { enabled: Boolean(vacation.enableAutoReply), ...(vacation.startTime && { startTime: vacation.startTime }), ...(vacation.endTime && { endTime: vacation.endTime }), ...(vacation.responseSubject && { responseSubject: vacation.responseSubject }), ...((vacation.responseBodyHtml || vacation.responseBodyPlainText) && { message: vacation.responseBodyHtml ?? vacation.responseBodyPlainText ?? '' }) } }) } } as GetGmailSettingsResponse; } catch (error) { throw this.handleError(error, 'Failed to get Gmail settings'); } } }