
by spences10
import { google } from 'googleapis'; import { BaseGoogleService } from '../../../services/base/BaseGoogleService.js'; import { GetEmailsParams, SendEmailParams, SendEmailResponse, GetGmailSettingsParams, GetGmailSettingsResponse, GmailError, GmailModuleConfig, GetEmailsResponse, DraftResponse, GetDraftsResponse, Label, GetLabelsResponse, GetLabelFiltersResponse, LabelFilter } from '../types.js'; import { AttachmentIndexService } from '../../attachments/index-service.js'; import { ManageLabelParams, ManageLabelAssignmentParams, ManageLabelFilterParams } from './label.js'; import { ManageDraftParams } from './draft.js'; import { EmailService } from './email.js'; import { SearchService } from './search.js'; import { DraftService } from './draft.js'; import { SettingsService } from './settings.js'; import { LabelService } from './label.js'; import { GmailAttachmentService } from './attachment.js'; /** * Gmail service implementation extending BaseGoogleService for common auth handling. */ export class GmailService extends BaseGoogleService<ReturnType<typeof>> { private emailService: EmailService; private searchService: SearchService; private draftService: DraftService; private settingsService: SettingsService; private labelService: LabelService; private attachmentService: GmailAttachmentService; private initialized = false; constructor(config?: GmailModuleConfig) { super({ serviceName: 'Gmail', version: 'v1' }); this.searchService = new SearchService(); this.attachmentService = GmailAttachmentService.getInstance(); this.emailService = new EmailService(this.searchService, this.attachmentService); this.draftService = new DraftService(this.attachmentService); this.settingsService = new SettingsService(); this.labelService = new LabelService(); } private async ensureInitialized(email: string) { if (!this.initialized) { await this.initialize(); } await this.getGmailClient(email); } /** * Initialize the Gmail service */ public async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { await super.initialize(); this.initialized = true; } catch (error) { throw new GmailError( 'Failed to initialize Gmail service', 'INIT_ERROR', error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' ); } } /** * Ensures all services are properly initialized */ private checkInitialized() { if (!this.initialized) { throw new GmailError( 'Gmail service not initialized', 'INIT_ERROR', 'Please call init() before using the service' ); } } /** * Gets an authenticated Gmail client for the specified account. */ private async getGmailClient(email: string) { if (!this.initialized) { await this.initialize(); } return this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) => { const client ={ version: 'v1', auth }); // Update service instances with new client this.emailService.updateClient(client); this.draftService.updateClient(client); this.settingsService.updateClient(client); this.labelService.updateClient(client); this.attachmentService.updateClient(client); return client; } ); } async getEmails(params: GetEmailsParams): Promise<GetEmailsResponse> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.emailService.getEmails(params); } async sendEmail(params: SendEmailParams): Promise<SendEmailResponse> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.emailService.sendEmail(params); } async manageDraft(params: ManageDraftParams): Promise<DraftResponse | GetDraftsResponse | SendEmailResponse | void> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.draftService.manageDraft(params); } async getWorkspaceGmailSettings(params: GetGmailSettingsParams): Promise<GetGmailSettingsResponse> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.settingsService.getWorkspaceGmailSettings(params); } // Consolidated Label Management Methods async manageLabel(params: ManageLabelParams): Promise<Label | GetLabelsResponse | void> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.labelService.manageLabel(params); } async manageLabelAssignment(params: ManageLabelAssignmentParams): Promise<void> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.labelService.manageLabelAssignment(params); } async manageLabelFilter(params: ManageLabelFilterParams): Promise<LabelFilter | GetLabelFiltersResponse | void> { await this.getGmailClient(; return this.labelService.manageLabelFilter(params); } async getAttachment(email: string, messageId: string, filename: string) { await this.ensureInitialized(email); return this.attachmentService.getAttachment(email, messageId, filename); } }