
by spences10
/** * Gmail's allowed label colors * These are the only colors that Gmail's API accepts for label customization */ export const GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS = { default: { textColor: '#000000', backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }, red: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#dc3545' }, orange: { textColor: '#000000', backgroundColor: '#ffc107' }, yellow: { textColor: '#000000', backgroundColor: '#ffeb3b' }, green: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#28a745' }, teal: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#20c997' }, blue: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#007bff' }, purple: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#6f42c1' }, pink: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#e83e8c' }, gray: { textColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#6c757d' } } as const; export type GmailLabelColor = keyof typeof GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS; /** * Validates if a color combination is allowed by Gmail * @param textColor - Hex color code for text * @param backgroundColor - Hex color code for background * @returns true if the color combination is valid, false otherwise */ export function isValidGmailLabelColor(textColor: string, backgroundColor: string): boolean { return Object.values(GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS).some( color => color.textColor.toLowerCase() === textColor.toLowerCase() && color.backgroundColor.toLowerCase() === backgroundColor.toLowerCase() ); } /** * Gets the closest valid Gmail label color based on a hex code * @param backgroundColor - Hex color code to match * @returns The closest matching valid Gmail label color combination */ export function getNearestGmailLabelColor(backgroundColor: string): typeof GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS[GmailLabelColor] { // Remove # if present and convert to lowercase const targetColor = backgroundColor.replace('#', '').toLowerCase(); // Convert hex to RGB const targetRGB = { r: parseInt(targetColor.substr(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(targetColor.substr(2, 2), 16), b: parseInt(targetColor.substr(4, 2), 16) }; // Calculate distance to each valid color let closestColor = 'default' as GmailLabelColor; let minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; Object.entries(GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS).forEach(([name, color]) => { const validColor = color.backgroundColor.replace('#', '').toLowerCase(); const validRGB = { r: parseInt(validColor.substr(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(validColor.substr(2, 2), 16), b: parseInt(validColor.substr(4, 2), 16) }; // Calculate Euclidean distance in RGB space const distance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(validRGB.r - targetRGB.r, 2) + Math.pow(validRGB.g - targetRGB.g, 2) + Math.pow(validRGB.b - targetRGB.b, 2) ); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closestColor = name as GmailLabelColor; } }); return GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS[closestColor]; } /** * Error messages for label operations */ export const LABEL_ERROR_MESSAGES = { INVALID_COLOR: 'Invalid label color. Please use one of the predefined Gmail label colors.', INVALID_COLOR_COMBINATION: 'Invalid text and background color combination.', COLOR_SUGGESTION: (original: string, suggested: typeof GMAIL_LABEL_COLORS[GmailLabelColor]) => `The color "${original}" is not supported. Consider using the suggested color: Background: ${suggested.backgroundColor}, Text: ${suggested.textColor}` } as const;