
by spences10
import { google } from 'googleapis'; import { BaseGoogleService } from '../../services/base/BaseGoogleService.js'; import { DriveOperationResult, FileDownloadOptions, FileListOptions, FileSearchOptions, FileUploadOptions, PermissionOptions } from './types.js'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { DRIVE_SCOPES } from './scopes.js'; import { workspaceManager } from '../../utils/workspace.js'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import { GaxiosResponse } from 'gaxios'; export class DriveService extends BaseGoogleService<ReturnType<typeof>> { private initialized = false; constructor() { super({ serviceName: 'Google Drive', version: 'v3' }); } /** * Initialize the Drive service and all dependencies */ public async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { await super.initialize(); this.initialized = true; } catch (error) { throw this.handleError(error, 'Failed to initialize Drive service'); } } /** * Ensure the Drive service is initialized */ public async ensureInitialized(): Promise<void> { if (!this.initialized) { await this.initialize(); } } /** * Check if the service is initialized */ private checkInitialized(): void { if (!this.initialized) { throw this.handleError( new Error('Drive service not initialized'), 'Please ensure the service is initialized before use' ); } } async listFiles(email: string, options: FileListOptions = {}): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); this.checkInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); const query = []; if (options.folderId) { query.push(`'${options.folderId}' in parents`); } if (options.query) { query.push(options.query); } const response = await client.files.list({ q: query.join(' and ') || undefined, pageSize: options.pageSize, orderBy: options.orderBy?.join(','), fields: options.fields?.join(',') || 'files(id, name, mimeType, modifiedTime, size)', }); return { success: true, data:, }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } async uploadFile(email: string, options: FileUploadOptions): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); // Save content to workspace first const uploadPath = await workspaceManager.getUploadPath(email,; await fs.writeFile(uploadPath, options.content); const fileContent = await fs.readFile(uploadPath); const media = { mimeType: options.mimeType || 'application/octet-stream', body: Readable.from([fileContent]), }; const response = await client.files.create({ requestBody: { name:, mimeType: options.mimeType, parents: options.parents, }, media, fields: 'id, name, mimeType, webViewLink', }); return { success: true, data:, }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } async downloadFile(email: string, options: FileDownloadOptions): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); // First get file metadata to check mime type and name const file = await client.files.get({ fileId: options.fileId, fields: 'name,mimeType', }); const fileName = || options.fileId; // Handle Google Workspace files differently if ('application/')) { let exportMimeType = options.mimeType || 'text/plain'; // Default export formats if not specified if (!options.mimeType) { switch ( { case 'application/': exportMimeType = 'text/markdown'; break; case 'application/': exportMimeType = 'text/csv'; break; case 'application/': exportMimeType = 'text/plain'; break; case 'application/': exportMimeType = 'image/png'; break; } } const response = await client.files.export({ fileId: options.fileId, mimeType: exportMimeType }, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }) as unknown as GaxiosResponse<Uint8Array>; const downloadPath = await workspaceManager.getDownloadPath(email, fileName); await fs.writeFile(downloadPath, Buffer.from(; return { success: true, data:, mimeType: exportMimeType, filePath: downloadPath }; } // For regular files const response = await client.files.get({ fileId: options.fileId, alt: 'media' }, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }) as unknown as GaxiosResponse<Uint8Array>; const downloadPath = await workspaceManager.getDownloadPath(email, fileName); await fs.writeFile(downloadPath, Buffer.from(; return { success: true, data:, filePath: downloadPath }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } async createFolder(email: string, name: string, parentId?: string): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); const response = await client.files.create({ requestBody: { name, mimeType: 'application/', parents: parentId ? [parentId] : undefined, }, fields: 'id, name, mimeType, webViewLink', }); return { success: true, data:, }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } async searchFiles(email: string, options: FileSearchOptions): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); const query = []; if (options.fullText) { const escapedQuery = options.fullText.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, "\\'"); query.push(`fullText contains '${escapedQuery}'`); } if (options.mimeType) { query.push(`mimeType = '${options.mimeType}'`); } if (options.folderId) { query.push(`'${options.folderId}' in parents`); } if (options.trashed !== undefined) { query.push(`trashed = ${options.trashed}`); } if (options.query) { query.push(options.query); } const response = await client.files.list({ q: query.join(' and ') || undefined, pageSize: options.pageSize, orderBy: options.orderBy?.join(','), fields: options.fields?.join(',') || 'files(id, name, mimeType, modifiedTime, size)', }); return { success: true, data:, }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } async updatePermissions(email: string, options: PermissionOptions): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); const response = await client.permissions.create({ fileId: options.fileId, requestBody: { role: options.role, type: options.type, emailAddress: options.emailAddress, domain: options.domain, allowFileDiscovery: options.allowFileDiscovery, }, }); return { success: true, data:, }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } async deleteFile(email: string, fileId: string): Promise<DriveOperationResult> { try { await this.ensureInitialized(); await this.validateScopes(email, [DRIVE_SCOPES.FILE]); const client = await this.getAuthenticatedClient( email, (auth) =>{ version: 'v3', auth }) ); await client.files.delete({ fileId, }); return { success: true, }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred', }; } } }