
by spences10
import { google, calendar_v3 } from 'googleapis'; import { OAuth2Client } from 'google-auth-library'; import path from 'path'; import { getAccountManager } from '../accounts/index.js'; import { GetEventsParams, CreateEventParams, EventResponse, CreateEventResponse, CalendarError, CalendarModuleConfig, ManageEventParams, ManageEventResponse, CalendarAttachment } from './types.js'; import { AttachmentService } from '../attachments/service.js'; import { DriveService } from '../drive/service.js'; import { ATTACHMENT_FOLDERS, AttachmentSource, AttachmentMetadata } from '../attachments/types.js'; type CalendarEvent = calendar_v3.Schema$Event; type GoogleEventAttachment = calendar_v3.Schema$EventAttachment; // Convert Google Calendar attachment to our format function convertToCalendarAttachment(attachment: GoogleEventAttachment): CalendarAttachment { return { content: attachment.fileUrl || '', // Use fileUrl as content for now title: attachment.title || 'untitled', mimeType: attachment.mimeType || 'application/octet-stream', size: 0 // Size not available from Calendar API }; } // Convert our attachment format to Google Calendar format function convertToGoogleAttachment(attachment: CalendarAttachment): GoogleEventAttachment { return { title: attachment.title, mimeType: attachment.mimeType, fileUrl: attachment.content // Store content in fileUrl }; } /** * Google Calendar Service Implementation */ export class CalendarService { private oauth2Client!: OAuth2Client; private attachmentService?: AttachmentService; private driveService?: DriveService; private initialized = false; private config?: CalendarModuleConfig; constructor(config?: CalendarModuleConfig) { this.config = config; } /** * Initialize the Calendar service and all dependencies */ public async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { const accountManager = getAccountManager(); this.oauth2Client = await accountManager.getAuthClient(); this.driveService = new DriveService(); await this.driveService.ensureInitialized(); this.attachmentService = AttachmentService.getInstance({ maxSizeBytes: this.config?.maxAttachmentSize, allowedMimeTypes: this.config?.allowedAttachmentTypes }); this.initialized = true; } catch (error) { throw new CalendarError( 'Failed to initialize Calendar service', 'INIT_ERROR', error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' ); } } /** * Ensure the Calendar service is initialized */ public async ensureInitialized(): Promise<void> { if (!this.initialized) { await this.initialize(); } } /** * Check if the service is initialized */ private checkInitialized(): void { if (!this.initialized) { throw new CalendarError( 'Calendar service not initialized', 'INIT_ERROR', 'Please ensure the service is initialized before use' ); } } /** * Get an authenticated Google Calendar API client */ private async getCalendarClient(email: string) { if (!this.initialized) { await this.initialize(); } const accountManager = getAccountManager(); try { const tokenStatus = await accountManager.validateToken(email); if (!tokenStatus.valid || !tokenStatus.token) { throw new CalendarError( 'Calendar authentication required', 'AUTH_REQUIRED', 'Please authenticate to access calendar' ); } this.oauth2Client.setCredentials(tokenStatus.token); return google.calendar({ version: 'v3', auth: this.oauth2Client }); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof CalendarError) { throw error; } throw new CalendarError( 'Failed to initialize Calendar client', 'AUTH_ERROR', 'Please try again or contact support if the issue persists' ); } } /** * Handle Calendar operations with automatic token refresh on 401/403 */ private async handleCalendarOperation<T>(email: string, operation: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { try { return await operation(); } catch (error: any) { if (error.code === 401 || error.code === 403) { const accountManager = getAccountManager(); const tokenStatus = await accountManager.validateToken(email); if (tokenStatus.valid && tokenStatus.token) { this.oauth2Client.setCredentials(tokenStatus.token); return await operation(); } } throw error; } } /** * Process event attachments directly like Gmail */ private async processEventAttachments( email: string, attachments: GoogleEventAttachment[] ): Promise<AttachmentMetadata[]> { if (!this.attachmentService) { throw new CalendarError( 'Calendar service not initialized', 'SERVICE_ERROR', 'Please ensure the service is initialized before processing attachments' ); } const processedAttachments: AttachmentMetadata[] = []; for (const googleAttachment of attachments) { // Convert Google attachment to our format const attachment = convertToCalendarAttachment(googleAttachment); const result = await this.attachmentService.processAttachment( email, { content: attachment.content, metadata: { name: attachment.title, mimeType: attachment.mimeType, size: attachment.size } }, ATTACHMENT_FOLDERS.EVENT_FILES ); if (result.success && result.attachment) { processedAttachments.push(result.attachment); } } return processedAttachments; } /** * Map Calendar event to EventResponse */ private async mapEventResponse(email: string, event: CalendarEvent): Promise<EventResponse> { // Process attachments if present let attachments: { name: string }[] | undefined; if (event.attachments && event.attachments.length > 0) { // First process and store full metadata const processedAttachments = await this.processEventAttachments(email, event.attachments); // Then return simplified format for AI attachments = => ({ name: })); } return { id:!, summary: event.summary || '', description: event.description || undefined, start: { dateTime: event.start?.dateTime || event.start?.date || '', timeZone: event.start?.timeZone || 'UTC' }, end: { dateTime: event.end?.dateTime || event.end?.date || '', timeZone: event.end?.timeZone || 'UTC' }, attendees: event.attendees?.map(attendee => ({ email:!, responseStatus: attendee.responseStatus || undefined })), organizer: event.organizer ? { email:!, self: event.organizer.self || false } : undefined, attachments: attachments?.length ? attachments : undefined }; } /** * Retrieve calendar events with optional filtering */ async getEvents({ email, query, maxResults = 10, timeMin, timeMax }: GetEventsParams): Promise<EventResponse[]> { const calendar = await this.getCalendarClient(email); return this.handleCalendarOperation(email, async () => { const params: calendar_v3.Params$Resource$Events$List = { calendarId: 'primary', maxResults, singleEvents: true, orderBy: 'startTime' }; if (query) { params.q = query; } if (timeMin) { try { const date = new Date(timeMin); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { throw new Error('Invalid date'); } params.timeMin = date.toISOString(); } catch (error) { throw new CalendarError( 'Invalid date format', 'INVALID_DATE', 'Please provide dates in ISO format or YYYY-MM-DD format' ); } } if (timeMax) { try { const date = new Date(timeMax); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { throw new Error('Invalid date'); } params.timeMax = date.toISOString(); } catch (error) { throw new CalendarError( 'Invalid date format', 'INVALID_DATE', 'Please provide dates in ISO format or YYYY-MM-DD format' ); } } const { data } = await; if (!data.items || data.items.length === 0) { return []; } return Promise.all( => this.mapEventResponse(email, event))); }); } /** * Retrieve a single calendar event by ID */ async getEvent(email: string, eventId: string): Promise<EventResponse> { const calendar = await this.getCalendarClient(email); return this.handleCalendarOperation(email, async () => { const { data: event } = await{ calendarId: 'primary', eventId }); if (!event) { throw new CalendarError( 'Event not found', 'NOT_FOUND', `No event found with ID: ${eventId}` ); } return this.mapEventResponse(email, event); }); } /** * Create a new calendar event */ async createEvent({ email, summary, description, start, end, attendees, attachments = [] }: CreateEventParams): Promise<CreateEventResponse> { const calendar = await this.getCalendarClient(email); return this.handleCalendarOperation(email, async () => { // Process attachments first const processedAttachments: GoogleEventAttachment[] = []; for (const attachment of attachments) { const source: AttachmentSource = { content: attachment.content || '', metadata: { name:, mimeType: attachment.mimeType, size: attachment.size } }; if (!this.attachmentService) { throw new CalendarError( 'Calendar service not initialized', 'SERVICE_ERROR', 'Please ensure the service is initialized before processing attachments' ); } const result = await this.attachmentService.processAttachment( email, source, ATTACHMENT_FOLDERS.EVENT_FILES ); if (result.success && result.attachment) { // Convert back to Google format processedAttachments.push(convertToGoogleAttachment({ content:, // Use ID as content title:, mimeType: result.attachment.mimeType, size: result.attachment.size })); } } const eventData: calendar_v3.Schema$Event = { summary, description, start, end, attendees: attendees?.map(attendee => ({ email: })), attachments: processedAttachments.length > 0 ? processedAttachments : undefined }; const { data: event } = await{ calendarId: 'primary', requestBody: eventData, sendUpdates: 'all' }); if (! || !event.summary) { throw new CalendarError( 'Failed to create event', 'CREATE_ERROR', 'Event creation response was incomplete' ); } // Convert processed attachments to AttachmentMetadata format const attachmentMetadata = processedAttachments.length > 0 ? => ({ id: a.fileId!, name: a.title!, mimeType: a.mimeType!, size: 0, // Size not available from Calendar API path: path.join(this.attachmentService!.getAttachmentPath(ATTACHMENT_FOLDERS.EVENT_FILES), `${a.fileId}_${a.title}`) })) : undefined; return { id:, summary: event.summary, htmlLink: event.htmlLink || '', attachments: attachmentMetadata }; }); } /** * Manage calendar event responses and updates */ async manageEvent({ email, eventId, action, comment, newTimes }: ManageEventParams): Promise<ManageEventResponse> { const calendar = await this.getCalendarClient(email); return this.handleCalendarOperation(email, async () => { const event = await{ calendarId: 'primary', eventId }); if (! { throw new CalendarError( 'Event not found', 'NOT_FOUND', `No event found with ID: ${eventId}` ); } switch (action) { case 'accept': case 'decline': case 'tentative': { const responseStatus = action === 'accept' ? 'accepted' : action === 'decline' ? 'declined' : 'tentative'; const { data: updatedEvent } = await{ calendarId: 'primary', eventId, sendUpdates: 'all', requestBody: { attendees: [ { email, responseStatus } ] } }); return { success: true, eventId, action, status: 'completed', htmlLink: updatedEvent.htmlLink || undefined }; } case 'propose_new_time': { if (!newTimes || newTimes.length === 0) { throw new CalendarError( 'No proposed times provided', 'INVALID_REQUEST', 'Please provide at least one proposed time' ); } const counterProposal = await{ calendarId: 'primary', requestBody: { summary: `Counter-proposal: ${}`, description: `Counter-proposal for original event.\n\nComment: ${comment || 'No comment provided'}\n\nOriginal event: ${}`, start: newTimes[0].start, end: newTimes[0].end, attendees: } }); return { success: true, eventId, action, status: 'proposed', htmlLink: || undefined, proposedTimes: => ({ start: { dateTime: time.start.dateTime, timeZone: time.start.timeZone || 'UTC' }, end: { dateTime: time.end.dateTime, timeZone: time.end.timeZone || 'UTC' } })) }; } case 'update_time': { if (!newTimes || newTimes.length === 0) { throw new CalendarError( 'No new time provided', 'INVALID_REQUEST', 'Please provide the new time for the event' ); } const { data: updatedEvent } = await{ calendarId: 'primary', eventId, requestBody: { start: newTimes[0].start, end: newTimes[0].end }, sendUpdates: 'all' }); return { success: true, eventId, action, status: 'updated', htmlLink: updatedEvent.htmlLink || undefined }; } default: throw new CalendarError( 'Supported actions are: accept, decline, tentative, propose_new_time, update_time', 'INVALID_ACTION', 'Invalid action' ); } }); } /** * Delete a calendar event */ async deleteEvent(email: string, eventId: string, sendUpdates: 'all' | 'externalOnly' | 'none' = 'all'): Promise<void> { const calendar = await this.getCalendarClient(email); return this.handleCalendarOperation(email, async () => { await{ calendarId: 'primary', eventId, sendUpdates }); }); } }