A VMware ESXi/vCenter management server
by bright8192
# ESXi MCP Server
A VMware ESXi/vCenter management server based on MCP (Model Control Protocol), providing simple REST API interfaces for virtual machine management.
## Features
- Support for ESXi and vCenter Server connections
- Real-time communication based on SSE (Server-Sent Events)
- RESTful API interface with JSON-RPC support
- API key authentication
- Complete virtual machine lifecycle management
- Real-time performance monitoring
- SSL/TLS secure connection support
- Flexible configuration options (YAML/JSON/Environment Variables)
## Core Functions
- Virtual Machine Management
- Create VM
- Clone VM
- Delete VM
- Power On/Off operations
- List all VMs
- Performance Monitoring
- CPU usage
- Memory usage
- Storage usage
- Network traffic statistics
## Requirements
- Python 3.7+
- pyVmomi
- uvicorn
- mcp-core (Machine Control Protocol core library)
## Quick Start
1. Install dependencies:
pip install pyvmomi pyyaml uvicorn mcp-core
2. Create configuration file `config.yaml`:
vcenter_host: "your-vcenter-ip"
vcenter_user: "administrator@vsphere.local"
vcenter_password: "your-password"
datacenter: "your-datacenter" # Optional
cluster: "your-cluster" # Optional
datastore: "your-datastore" # Optional
network: "VM Network" # Optional
insecure: true # Skip SSL certificate verification
api_key: "your-api-key" # API access key
log_file: "./logs/vmware_mcp.log" # Log file path
log_level: "INFO" # Log level
3. Run the server:
python server.py -c config.yaml
## API Interface
### Authentication
All privileged operations require authentication first:
POST /sse/messages
Authorization: Bearer your-api-key
### Main Tool Interfaces
1. Create VM
"name": "vm-name",
"cpu": 2,
"memory": 4096,
"datastore": "datastore-name",
"network": "network-name"
2. Clone VM
"template_name": "source-vm",
"new_name": "new-vm-name"
3. Delete VM
"name": "vm-name"
4. Power Operations
"name": "vm-name"
### Resource Monitoring Interface
Get VM performance data:
GET vmstats://{vm_name}
## Configuration
| Parameter | Description | Required | Default |
| vcenter_host | vCenter/ESXi server address | Yes | - |
| vcenter_user | Login username | Yes | - |
| vcenter_password | Login password | Yes | - |
| datacenter | Datacenter name | No | Auto-select first |
| cluster | Cluster name | No | Auto-select first |
| datastore | Storage name | No | Auto-select largest available |
| network | Network name | No | VM Network |
| insecure | Skip SSL verification | No | false |
| api_key | API access key | No | - |
| log_file | Log file path | No | Console output |
| log_level | Log level | No | INFO |
## Environment Variables
All configuration items support environment variable settings, following these naming rules:
## Security Recommendations
1. Production Environment:
- Use valid SSL certificates
- Enable API key authentication
- Set appropriate log levels
- Restrict API access scope
2. Testing Environment:
- Set insecure: true to skip SSL verification
- Use more detailed log level (DEBUG)
## License
MIT License
## Contributing
Issues and Pull Requests are welcome!
## Changelog
### v0.0.1
- Initial release
- Basic VM management functionality
- SSE communication support
- API key authentication
- Performance monitoring
## Author
## Acknowledgments
- VMware pyvmomi team
- MCP Protocol development team